Operating hours at Disney's Animal Kingdom extended Thursday and Friday

Mar 26, 2014 in "Disney's Animal Kingdom"

Posted: Wednesday March 26, 2014 12:26pm EST by WDWMAGIC Staff

The operating hours at Disney's Animal Kingdom have been extended for Thursday and Friday this week.

Thursday March 27 2014 has both the morning and evening hours extended by 1 hour, with the park now opening at 8am instead of 9am, and the closing is now pushed back from 7pm to 8pm.

Friday March 28 2014 has the evening hours extended from 7pm to 8pm.

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    cw1982Mar 29, 2014

    Just curious, but what ends up happening if they decide to extend hours on a night when they already have evening EMH... or does that ever happen? If so, would the EMH also get bumped back an extra hour, or would that be an hour less of EMH, so the park still closes at the same time for resort guests?

    JabbasMar 28, 2014

    Lol I wish I could do that but I don't have a choice. Money talks and I don't mind the extra income. If I had a small child it would be completely different but hopefully when the time comes ill have a better job.

    dstrawn9889Mar 28, 2014

    'expected to'... tell them your excuse is the contract you signed saying you work the schedule presented, and if they have a problem with that then to take it up with your states labor board. (best buy store management did not like me so much after that. they lock us inside with the key roaming the floor, and i told them to get the key up front to let me out at my assigned time, or i would make a door with the lift and let myself out)

    JabbasMar 28, 2014

    I don't work for Disney but at my job it's the same thing. Even when your closing your scheduled to leave at a certain time but if they need you to stay you are expected to unless you have a really good reason. My boyfriend has mandatary overtime for the next 6 months and is working 70 hours every week.

    Cesar R MMar 28, 2014

    Honestly, if I was a water park worker, I would be Captain Jack Sparrow as his boat sinks.. as I cant swim very well lol. so no life guarding for me.. XD also thx for the link!

    Mania4Mar 27, 2014

    Here's how it works for a day of park hours extension in the 12:00 or 13:00 hour the duty manager looks at current guest attendance versus the forecast. Based on certain metrics they make the decision to extend park hours. If you are a closing CM you are force-extended to close. Any CM union or not receives OT pay for any time worked over 8 hours in the same day. If you work six days in a row in the same week, the sixth day you work all hours are paid in OT. If you work all seven days (Sun-Sat) Fri all hours would be paid OT and Sat all hours would be paid 2OT. If you are salaried management, well you get your salary pay with the possibly of leaving an hour early on another shift.

    note2001Mar 27, 2014

    The term management has a double meaning so you can't go by that. Not all managers are salary employees, although chances are they are if the company expects them to put in a ton of hours (get the most for their money). Most white collar workers are salary, but not everyone is a manager. A decent link that explains the difference for you: http://biztaxlaw.about.com/od/employeelawandtaxes/f/Difference-Between-Salaried-And-Hourly-Employees.htm Most of Disney's employees are paid hourly and understand what is being asked of them going in. If they're asked to work longer shifts, they work it and keep a smile on their faces while doing so. College Programmers are probably the ones caught off guard the most by the requests to work longer shifts. Their goal in working Disney is to make a few bucks and have fun. :D Pssst: if you're considering applying to the CP, ask for a water park ... I've heard life guarding is the best position.

    VioliavMar 27, 2014

    If you've every worked retail- salary is management. If they work more than 40 hrs, they don't get paid more. The better ones usually work more than 40, regardless of their actual assigned shift. Hourly are your basic grunts, more than 40 means o/t.

    Cesar R MMar 27, 2014

    but arent the "on salary means on contract, on contract means certain hours".? also I hope you can rephrase the first part of your reply, because it is confusing for me o_o

    note2001Mar 27, 2014

    Most of the park workers are not salary so they would receive compensation and possibly overtime for the extra hours worked. Salary employees, like with any company, are expected to do their job to completion. The extra effort & time put forth would show up in their reviews and, if eligible, they may receive bonuses accordingly. Disney is also known for showing appreciation to employees that put forth extra effort.

    BoltMar 26, 2014

    It's in their union contract if the park stays open later like that they have to work.

    Cesar R MMar 26, 2014

    do they even get compensation for the extra hours?

    bethymouseMar 26, 2014

    Yikes! I feel for the CM's, especially the ones with families. But, I guess they're used to how it works.:(

    fbbMar 26, 2014

    Similarly, does the third shift simply have their hours cut day of?