Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin closing for refurbishment next week

Mar 03, 2016 in "Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin"

Posted: Thursday March 3, 2016 9:32am EST by WDWMAGIC Staff

Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin will be closing for a refurbishment next week.

The closure begins on March 6 through to March 10, reopening to guests on March 11 2016. The downtime is scheduled to complete some issues that arose during the recent refurbishment.

View all current and upcoming refurbishments.

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    Donaldfan1934Mar 03, 2016

    Exactly, that's the best way to use screens in a theme park. a screen background can have a lot more going on then a painted one. I forgot to mention that I dislike most screen centric attractions too. The only use of screen that I don't like in Shanghai's version of Buzz is him flying in the background at the end rather than being an actual animatronic like at WDW. But then again, who knows how the actual final product will end up since this is a simulation and there's still time for some changes.

    Chef KronkMar 03, 2016

    Maybe adding more bars to Zurg's jail?:rolleyes:

    wdwgreekMar 03, 2016

    Exactly what I meant by normally I don't like screens but this looks to be an execution to my preference. Very cool to look at and it is the proper utilization of screen, accents and adds depth but doesn't demand focus from the rest of the attraction.

    Dr.GrantSeekerMar 03, 2016

    I have rode the Buzz in DL Paris multiple times. It is definitely more exciting in my opinion. I love that the lazer cannons are not mounted to the ride vehicle! It totally changes the experience.

    BoarderPhreakMar 03, 2016

    Haha, "some issues." :D

    Donaldfan1934Mar 03, 2016

    Judging by this video, it looks like most of the screens will be a well integrated background effect which is not a bad thing in my eyes.

    wdwgreekMar 03, 2016

    How as much as a hate screens, the sets are so cool, they have integrated basic AA's with the screens and with targets interdispersed, and the ride seems so ominous I love it.

    Donaldfan1934Mar 03, 2016

    Look up concept art of the Shanghai version. That'll blow you away.

    wdwgreekMar 03, 2016

    I rode Buzz in DL Paris this summer and that attraction seemed so much more dynamic and robust. There were more targets, that didn't feel so plastic and carnival- eque. I don't know if this is just my memory playing tricks on me, but I left that attraction wishing ours was more like that.

    Donaldfan1934Mar 03, 2016

    So a month wasn't enough, huh? I guess it show them not to cheap out on refurbs.

    tissandtullyMar 03, 2016

    Unfortunately not sure how much they can do in 4 days, probably just fixing the leaky roof again.

    punkabellaMar 03, 2016

    I almost just cried my pregnant self into a puddle. This is one of my favorite low-key rides that I am able to ride right now and am super excited to go on it at least a few times every day. Thank goodness I don't go to the parks until March 11th, when it opens back up. Hopefully they fix some of those issues they were having with the targets/guns.. I want to be a space ace!

    wdwmagicMar 03, 2016

    Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin closing for refurbishment next week

    rct247Mar 01, 2016

    I just tried to make FastPasses on March 8th for Buzz but couldn't. It is listed as closed. ;);):rolleyes::rolleyes: ...there's your answer.