New character meet and greet locations at Disney's Hollywood Studios

Jul 21, 2016 in "Character Meet and Greets at Disney's Hollywood Studios"

Posted: Thursday July 21, 2016 12:08pm EDT by WDWMAGIC Staff

Chip & Dale, Goofy, Daisy and Donald are now meeting in new locations at Disney's Hollywood Studios.

Previously meeting guests in the Center Stage area, the characters are now spread throughout the park.

Daisy and Donald can now be found just inside the entrance near to Sid Cahuenga.

Goody, and Chip & Dale, are now on Commissary Lane, just across from the Writer's Stop.

With the extensive work taking place at the park, management has been rearranging the character meet and greet locations in recent times.  Mickey and Minnie moved to a new location, Red Carpet Dreams, and a brand new location, Celebrity Spotlight, opened earlier this spring with Olaf.

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    brb1006Jul 23, 2016

    Don't forget the rare characters.

    asianwayJul 22, 2016

    Epcot is the WORST when it comes to this - you have 11 countries and almost all the VIPs have thematically appropriate outfits available for each country, so what do they do? Build a sweatshop in Innoventions with the blah outfits.

    dreamfinderJul 22, 2016

    While I'm not a fan of having all the same characters in every park (although I do get it to a point), is it that hard for them to at least use thematically appropriate costumes? Otherwise just set up a green screen studio, and have Photopass swap out the backgrounds and be done with it. Or did I just give them an idea.....

    Jon81ukJul 22, 2016

    I would quite happily not be able to meet any of those characters at DHS, they are available at the other parks and have some more unique characters available. The Muppets, Mike & Sully, The Incredibles, Wreck-It Ralph, Nick & Judy, there are plenty of characters they could choose instead of the Fab Five.

    mm52200Jul 22, 2016

    Apparently the characters had to be relocated because the break area was becoming too crowded with all of the additional cast from the new Star Wars shows but it's ashame the hollywood costumes had to go as well.

    Ryan H. SerowinskiJul 22, 2016

    I Was thinking the same thing when Mickey left Soundstage 4, but didn't happen sadly :( All i saw in Soundstage 4 is nothing

    J. D.Jul 21, 2016

    I've heard rumors of Monsters making a return to the park and meeting in the old Jack Sparrow spot. I had previously heard that Darth Vader was to be going there, but now it seems he may be going in Launch Bay where the video game room currently is.

    HerbieJul 21, 2016

    I honesty can't believe that app... I want it, but seriously..

    HerbieJul 21, 2016

    Oh, I honestly thought it would be a 'no pants' issue... Thankfully it's not, silly me.

    asianwayJul 21, 2016

    That once they remodeled character spot at Epcot, there was no place in all of WDW to meet Donald on a daily basis in his traditional sailor suit.

    todd23Jul 21, 2016

    What was the "Sailor Donald" controversy?

    asianwayJul 21, 2016

    I didnt own it as bad as Corless did last week.

    WDWYankee15Jul 21, 2016

    That's Awesome! You win the internet today!

    asianwayJul 21, 2016

    More like 5 in the summer. Its always like 4 hours before Fant. You owe me $6.95