Magic Kingdom to celebrate Mickey Mouse's birthday Saturday November 18

Nov 17, 2017 in "Magic Kingdom"

Posted: Friday November 17, 2017 12:55pm EDT by WDWMAGIC Staff

The Magic Kingdom will be celebrating Mickey Mouse's birthday on Saturday November 18 with special entertainment, merchandise and desserts.

The day will kick off with a special Welcome Show birthday moment and rope-drop, followed by a Tomorrowland birthday-themed dance party, birthday celebration during Move it! Shake it! Dance & Play It! Street Party, and finally a Happily Ever After pre-show birthday moment.

Guests arriving at any of the Walt Disney World theme parks will also receive a birthday button.

Steamboat Willie Cookies ‘n Cream Cheesecake
Cheesecake with chocolate glaze, whipped Oreo panna cotta and a Steamboat Willie Mickey Chocolate accent.
Available at the Main Street Bakery, Cosmic Ray’s Starlight Café, Pecos Bill Tall Tale Inn & Café and Pinocchio Village Haus.

Sorcerer Mickey themed Caramel Mousse Dome dessert
Layers of caramel mousse and flourless chocolate cake, with a red glaze, chocolate Mickey and merengue sorcerers hat.
Available at select Table Service Restaurants.

Special merchandise will also be on offer throughout the parks,

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    brb1006Nov 19, 2017

    Meanwhile in 1988

    Cmdr_CrimsonNov 19, 2017

    In other words...It was just this...

    GlacierGlacierNov 19, 2017

    Yup! Today was dapper day for MK, with yestday being for springs and tomorrow being for epcot (I think)

    HauntedMansionFLANov 19, 2017

    I just assumed they were dressed up for the Bday lol :) Dapper Day makes sense.

    IanDLBZFNov 19, 2017

    Oh and did I forget that today was Dapper Day too?!

    HauntedMansionFLANov 19, 2017

    We were there today. It was fun to see all of the people (young and old) in their 1950’s outfits. It made it very festive.

    GlacierGlacierNov 19, 2017

    I was there tonight. Nothing special other than a vocal dedication.

    MTBaymaxNov 19, 2017

    Apologies for the vertical orientation.

    jrhwdwNov 19, 2017

    According to Twitter and Periscope, HEA was dedicated to Mickey for his Birthday...I think that was it, No one's streaming HEA tonight. 1 did, but only up to Hunchback. Hopefully Mickey will get a tag next year!

    lazyboy97oNov 19, 2017

    There was Alice and Julius before Oswald.

    JoeCamelNov 19, 2017

    Did they close Mermaid? Had the best hidden Mickey that only showed on his b-day. Maybe next year?

    GlacierGlacierNov 18, 2017

    I'm gonna be able to wear two birthday buttons tomorrow. So glad to share my birthday with the McMouse.

    jrhwdwNov 17, 2017

    Exactly! If we don't see a improvement next year like an actual tag for HEA or something before or during MVMCP if its a party night, then we can be mad! Disney really doesn't go big with birthdays that doesn't end with 5 or 0. TDL used to go big every year for Mickey but I think that ended in 1993.

    HauntedPirateNov 17, 2017

    True, I'll give them that. Now, if next year they try this same thing, get out the pitchforks and torches. :D