Azalea Trail Maids along with Mr and Mrs Easter Bunny join the Easter pre-parade this weekend

Apr 18, 2014 in "Magic Kingdom"

Posted: Friday April 18, 2014 1:24pm EDT by WDWMAGIC Staff

The Magic Kingdom will host a special Easter pre-parade before Festival of Fantasy Parade this weekend.

The pre-parade will begin at 2:45pm on both Saturday and Sunday (April 19 and 20 2014), and will feature the Azalea Trail Maids and a host of Disney characters, joined by Mr and Mrs Easter Bunny.

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    Zummi GummiApr 20, 2014

    No Daisy in Festival of Fantasy yesterday afternoon...Donald was solo! Thumper, Rabbit, and Miss Bunny were the featured rabbits in the pre-parade. (Mr. and Mrs. Easter Bunny were in the classic car, too.).

    donsullivanApr 20, 2014

    Daisy did not appear in 3:30 Festival of Fantasy Parade yesterday, only the Easter pre-parade.

    MMDDGPCDCApr 20, 2014

    Saw a video and Daisy was in the Parade but the White Rabbit wasn't. Was Daisy in the Festival of Fantasy parade because if she was, she would have got dressed very quickly!

    MMDDGPCDCApr 20, 2014

    So sorry did not check what I had wrote. Does anyone have a video?

    crispyApr 20, 2014

    Yep! Mobile is my hometown and being an Azalea Trail Maid is a big deal to a lot of girls. It's always fun to see them on TV.

    unkadugApr 19, 2014

    They are not Aztec...they are "Official Ambassadors" for the city of Mobile, Alabama. Their dresses are representative of the Azalea flowers that are abundant in the Mobile area so much so that the city is nicknamed "The Azalea City"

    wdwmagicApr 19, 2014

    Thanks for the update. Sorry my original info was wrong, although better early than late!

    donsullivanApr 19, 2014

    I'm sitting in the hub right now and the pre- parade starts at 3:15 not 2:45.

    Kman101Apr 19, 2014

    I remember that when the old Cypress Gardens had a similar offering and the ladies walked around. That place was gorgeous. Amazing some things you can remember. I still remember some of their ski shows. Didn't they have a Baywatch themed one at one point? lol

    MinnieM123Apr 19, 2014

    Just a random thought here . . . I wonder if WDW ever invited them to make an appearance at the Flower & Garden Festival as well. (In a retro theme, the old Cypress Gardens attraction featured some of their staff members in somewhat similar, beautiful costumes, strolling throughout the park.)

    wdwmagicApr 18, 2014

    It is at 2:45 on both days.

    Zummi GummiApr 18, 2014

    Saturdays parade is apparently at 3:30, according to MDX. Does that mean the Saturday pre-paraded will be 3:15, or will they just do it a full 45 minutes before the actual parade?

    wdwmagicApr 18, 2014

    Both days, 2:45 parade only.

    donsullivanApr 18, 2014

    Any idea if Azalea Trail Maids will be in the Saturday parade(s) this year like the normally are, or just Sunday this time around? I was hoping to catch them tomorrow afternoon since I can't be there in Sunday.

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