Disney to begin providing Braille menus at select theme park restaurants

Feb 25, 2014 in "Magic Kingdom"

Posted: Tuesday February 25, 2014 1:06pm EST by WDWMAGIC Staff

Starting March 1 2014, Disney will begin providing Braille menus at some of their theme park restaurants at both Walt Disney World and Disneyland Resort.

The new Braille menus come in addition to all of Disney's other assistance for guests with vision disabilities, which includes a menu reading service, which is available at all Disney restaurants.

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    GhettoJetta5Feb 25, 2014

    I remember years ago some McDonald's had the statement "Braille & Picture Menues Available" on the drive-thru menu/window... I always found that odd...

    tissandtullyFeb 25, 2014

    It's actually just one piece of paper that has "No more seats available" in braille on it.

    jimbo mackFeb 25, 2014

    It might be late but still a great move nonetheless. They need to make it universal though and have them available for all restaurants across all disney parks.

    PBartonFeb 25, 2014

    Why only "Select" restaurants though??

    Captain NeoFeb 25, 2014

    Surprised they didn't have this in place already

    AndyS2992Feb 25, 2014

    42 years late but ok, a welcome addition.

    Figaro928Feb 25, 2014

    This kind of amazes me that they didn't have this in place already...like from Day One. I had to re-read it to make sure that they weren't cutting the menus instead of visa versa.