Typhoon Lagoon closed Wednesday due to weather

Dec 12, 2017 in "Typhoon Lagoon"

Posted: Tuesday December 12, 2017 7:00am EDT by WDWMAGIC Staff

Typhoon Lagoon is back open today, but will close again on Wednesday December 13 2017 due to low temperatures.

The forecast calls for a low of 44F and a high of 61F.

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    jt04Dec 14, 2017

    It is cold now because it is winter. Oh wait.

    LAKid53Dec 14, 2017

    The people who complain about the 5-6 days of cold weather we get in January, I remind about July, August and September....

    disney4life2008Dec 13, 2017

    Lol Christmas seems to always be hot here. I'm enjoying the jacket weather but the heat will soon return.

    RumrunnerDec 13, 2017

    Of course it is global warming causing all of this cold weather.

    LAKid53Dec 13, 2017

    It's been pretty chilly this past week in Florida. We've had freeze warnings several nights in a row. Normally not this cold in November. Sure wish the cold showed up a fee weeks later. Don't want another Xmas Day where I have to turn on the A/C.

    jt04Dec 12, 2017

    Global cooling. :coldfeet::cold:

    EricsBiscuitDec 12, 2017

    For me 90~ is hot. It depends on where you're from. I'm a native Floridian.

    Walt dDec 12, 2017

    Really ? A sweater? 70 is hot” its 25 with a wind chil hear. I would be in shorts at mk. In 60s comfy..

    wdwmagicDec 12, 2017

    Typhoon Lagoon closed Wednesday due to weather

    JoeCamelDec 09, 2017


    GlacierGlacierDec 09, 2017

    Is volcano bay closed this weekend too?

    BobDec 08, 2017

    They should start a new up-charge event, the WDW Polar Bear Club.

    wdwmagicDec 08, 2017

    Typhoon Lagoon's cold weather closure extended into next week

    wdwmagicDec 07, 2017

    Typhoon Lagoon closed Saturday due to forecasted poor weather