PHOTOS - First look at Banana Cabana pool bar at Disney's Caribbean Beach Resort

Oct 08, 2018 in "Banana Cabana Pool Bar"

Banana Cabana overview
Posted: Monday October 8, 2018 8:31am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Located just alongside the new Sebastian's Bistro, the all new Banana Cabana bar offers Caribbean food and drink, with a pool-side view.

You'll find decor made of steel drums, and even an up-turned boat as part of the seating options.

Alongside a selection of small bites at the bar, you can also order from the full Sebastian's Bistro next door during regular hours.

Visit the gallery for more pictures of the new Banana Cabana.

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    halltdOct 05, 2019

    Thanks for the photos!! I think the fans look great! Are these the ones that used to be in the food court? They look like it.

    danlb_2000Oct 05, 2019

    Things are wrapping up... 10/4/2019 - Carribean Beach Resort - Pcl Construction Services Inc 1088 A, 1088 B, 1088 D, 1088 F, and 1090 Cayman Way - Dismantle and remove Construction Trailers

    Dr.GrantSeekerOct 02, 2019

    I just checked out. Thought I’d help! Edit: I guess the pictures didn’t want to upload via my phone. I’ll repost them later from my laptop Edit2: Pics

    peter11435Sep 30, 2019

    Sadly I was not able to get any photos

    halltdSep 30, 2019

    This is amazing!!!!! Any photos? @WDWtraveler :)

    peter11435Sep 30, 2019

    Just an update on this project. I know many had complained that the fans in the lobby seen in the original concept art were “cut” from the final project. The fans have finally been installed and are now operational.

    surfsupdonDec 22, 2018

    Hopefully we get the roadway to encircle the lake again, and therefore both Resorts. Busing at CBR is a pain now with the uturns and dead ends.

    peter11435Dec 21, 2018

    Lol In this case it’s more likely the security kiosk at the entrance to Riviera

    peter11435Dec 21, 2018

    These would seem to be more related to Riviera than CBR.

    danlb_2000Dec 21, 2018

    Couple recent permits... 12/10/2018 - Carribean Beach Resort - Pcl Construction Services Inc 1080A Sea Breeze Dr - Project 88-2 Kiosk 12/18/2018 - Carribean Beach Resort - Pcl Construction Services Inc 1114 Cayman Way - Area Development 12/19/2018 - Carribean Beach Resort - Pcl Construction Services Inc 1084 D Sea Breeze Dr - Project 88-2 Kiosk

    Ben_since_1971Dec 09, 2018

    Here now. Pros: Banana Cabana is very well done. I actually liked the smallness of the old one, but this new version is very nice. Cons: Everything else. The OPR makeover says nothing about the Caribbean. Bland, sterile. The former OPR, while no doubt not full-on Caribbean either, at least had a theme. You could sit in the food court and people watch from the gift shop to the concierge desk to the markets. Now? Can't see more than 20' in any direction, unless you sit right opposite the pick up windows. Food selection is terrible for people who just want 'normal' food. And what is served is cold. My wife ordered a grilled cheese. The cheese was so coagulated as to make it inedible. The old bounty platter was never piping hot, but at least it was warmer than the room temperature this morning's American Breakfast was. The Sebastian's/BC building is nice, but it totally takes away from what was a nice courtyard outside OPR. You could walk into the plaza from any direction and had great views of the architecture. Now - no view, and coming from Martinique you have the service entrance. Bland bland bland. Speaking of views, my wife captured a beautiful picture of sunset over Barefoot Bay towards Aruba. The Skyliner towers were captured beautifully in silhouette. My gawd are they hideous. Strike that, hideous for where they are positioned. TBH, I thought that they would be in the parking lot of Aruba and Jamaica and probably not too bad. Nope. There is one right where there used to be a bench bay-side outside the entrance to the Aruba pool, and another right at the bottom of the bridge in between Aruba and Jamaica. While on the subject of views, Riviera completely loses the old charm of the place, and not just because it is still under construction. The old village layout really gave you a feel like you were inside a nice resort, separate from the outside world. Now? This monstrosity of a DVC tower, and (at least for now), you can see the traffic from Victory Way. Needless to say, we are very disappointed. FWIW, will be sending the GM an email (received a welcome letter that included her email) providing the feedback. We've been staying here since 2004, except for last year when we chose POR during construction. Looks like we will be heading back to the bayou next year.

    RteetzDec 08, 2018

    surfsupdonDec 02, 2018

    Hoping they landscape and eliminate Martinique and Barbados bus stops...being their close proximity to Old Port Royale.

    NiarrNDisneyDec 01, 2018

    Is the plan to use this pad for parking now or to relandscape it?