PHOTOS - Planet Hollywood Observatory construction at Disney Springs

Dec 13, 2016 in "Planet Hollywood Observatory"

Planet Hollywood Observatory construction
Posted: Tuesday December 13, 2016 3:19pm EST by WDWMAGIC Staff

Construction continues at the Planet Hollywood Observatory in Disney Springs.

Despite crews working seven days a week, it appears the new restaurant will not meet its previously expected late 2016 opening, and will instead open early in the new year.

When it opens, Planet Hollywood Observatory will feature an all new interior design, complete with water

Click the gallery for more Planet Hollywood Observatory construction photos.

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    raymusiccityJul 27, 2018

    Here's a few more that they should use!

    StevekJul 27, 2018

    There is only one reason to eat at PH, captain Crunch chicken.

    Biff215Jul 26, 2018

    Looks like you nailed it!

    BartattackJul 19, 2018

    Have they announced an opening yet? Any updates on construction? I will be there at the end of August and would've liked to try it... but that ain't happening I guess... and will this be the '"Chicken Guy' QS restaurant I've been reading about? it seems they have been interviewing/hiring staff since the end of June...

    dreamfinderMay 14, 2018

    There will always be people who gravitate towards the known and familiar. When my parents go with us to WDW, each trip I make them try one or two new restaurants. Otherwise they settle into the same ADR's each time. Some people could have the choice between a five star restaurant and a McDonalds and pick the Happy Meal.

    matt2394May 14, 2018

    How many chain restaurants does Disney Springs need anyway? They were fine earlier now but now that Disney's upped their game culinary-wise, it seems odd that there's still these holdouts restaurants.

    raymusiccityMay 14, 2018

    THREE, if you go around back! :hungover:

    DisoneMay 11, 2018

    While not a huge fan of PH, I do like their Burger from Guy. They are superior to D-Luxe. I have notice there is a bunch of unused space on the first floor exterior as you walk towards the covered area of Town Center. I wonder if this will be where the new quick service will be incorporated into? Edit: Just saw the construction. yes, this is exactly the area I was thinking. Good. It always looked like a vacated strip mall spot.

    MrPromeyMay 11, 2018

    Wonder if this was something that had always been planned as a phase two after they got the major referb well out of the way or if they're responding to the obvious demand for more options in the area and finding use for the existing space they already have for that.

    KBLovedDisneyMay 11, 2018

    "It would help if you read the title of the picture article KB..." Sorry! I had a blonde moment. They happen once in a while.

    BaconMay 11, 2018

    I don't care as long as it has my captain crunch chicken. :hungry:

    KBLovedDisneyMay 11, 2018

    Wait. What does this mean exactly? I'm kind of confused. "Although Planet Hollywood has yet to make a formal announcement, plans were filed late February 2018 for an "Interior alteration for a new restaurant within an existing restaurant." Is this going to be another bar?

    Jambo JoeMay 11, 2018

    Now you can get their crappy food TWO ways! 🙂

    KBLovedDisneyApr 12, 2018