The Bay Lake DVC resort 'Reflections - A Disney Lakeside Lodge' may be the first major COVID-19 cancellation at Walt Disney World

Jun 15, 2020 in "Disney Lakeshore Lodge"

Posted: Monday June 15, 2020 10:14am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Evidence is mounting that the Bay Lake Disney Vacation Club resort 'Reflections - A Disney Lakeside Lodge' may be the first major Walt Disney World cancellation due to COVID-19.

According to various sources from the construction side of the project, delivery of material has been permanently cancelled, and the work that was done to begin the concrete pours has been removed and the land will likely be returned to its pre-construction state.

Project 89 as it was known, was somewhat controversial since it began, with the resort offering a design style that was not to everyone's liking on a prime piece of land around the former River Country.

The economic climate is obviously not conducive to build new resort hotels at this time, with both the company and guests looking to reduce spending over the coming years.

Despite the likely cancellation of Reflections, the land is a prized location, and it would be no surprise to see the project revived at a later time, or a new project moving in to take its place.

It should be noted that Disney is yet to make any official announcement of a cancellation.

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    MisterPenguin4 hours ago

    Yeah, there could be another pandemic!

    Disone7 hours ago

    Please see Epcot for reference of planned vs reality. 🙈

    Disstevefan115 hours ago

    Excellent point. We never know what we will end up with till after the "successful expansion" of WDW is completed, many, many years from now after all the cuts, cancellations, changes are made.

    HauntedPirate15 hours ago

    Whether or not attractions and rides are built in the parks is not pertinent to this thread.

    peter1143515 hours ago

    Nothing is ever set in stone until it actually opens. But currently there is no reason to doubt any of them.

    Bocabear15 hours ago

    How many of those 8 are actually set-in-stone absolutely happening?

    Disstevefan116 hours ago

    Looking forward to the 8 that increase capacity whatever they are.

    peter1143516 hours ago

    All 12 are new. 8 of them are capacity increases

    Disstevefan116 hours ago

    What are the 9 that we want to consider as new?

    peter1143516 hours ago

    There are currently 12 new attractions coming to WDW. While a couple are replacements and one basically a reopening, most are a net gain on attraction capacity.

    Disstevefan116 hours ago

    Totally agree, but by adding this resort they can falsely say they “added capacity” to the WDW resort, as in more rooms, not in attractions (the only thing that counts in my mind)

    peter1143516 hours ago

    Yes. To sell more DVC. But that does not translate to increase attendance. And even at full occupancy this resort doesn’t make a dent in park capacity

    Disstevefan117 hours ago

    The reason they are building this is to SELL MORE DVCs!!! But then they can also say they "expanded" WDW, 🤣

    peter1143517 hours ago

    New rooms don’t increase attendance.

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