Grab and Go breakfast now available at The Villas at Disney's Grand Floridan Resort

May 02, 2016 in "The Villas at Disney's Grand Floridian Resort"

Posted: Monday May 2, 2016 7:15am EDT by WDWMAGIC Staff

A Grab and Go breakfast is now available in The Villas at Disney's Grand Floridan Resort.

Located in the lobby of The Villas, breakfast is available for purchase from 7:30am to 10:30am daily.

Menu items include:


Nilla Wafers Cookies $2.99
Donut Holes $4.69
Cinnamon Roll $2.69
Blueberry Muffin $3.29
Coffee Cake $2.69
Bar $1.95
Cliff Bar $2.99
Fruit $1.69


Bottled Water $3
Strawberry or Chocolate Milk $2.79
Apple Juice $2.99
Orange Juice $4.19

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    JIMINYCRMay 03, 2016

    Well I enjoy sitting down and enjoying breakfast when I'm at Disney before heading off to theperks. But I can see guests that want to sleep in late and then rush to catch the bus to a park will like the option. I wonder how many will grab, go, and eat while waiting for the bus to arrive and how many will start eating after loading onto the bus. I'm sure we will be stepping onto donut holes that have been dropped on the ground now too. Well, maybe the lizards and birds will learn to like powdered donut holes.

    disney4life2008May 03, 2016

    Donot holes cost 99 cents at Walmart lol

    slappy magooMay 02, 2016

    Because people turn their brains off on vacation, they don't think to plan ahead and they'll need to eat. Or they oversleep and just want to get to the parks ASAP. But in a way you can make the "Why spend so much for so little" argument of most things they sell in a 7-11. You could buy any of that stuff in bigger quantities for less money in a supermarket, or go super bulk in a Costco or BJ's. The can of Coke I packed with my lunch cost me 32 cents because it was part of a 35-pack. If I opt for another can at the train station, it'll be at least a dollar, probably 1.50 or more. But hey at least I packed my lunch. That chicken parm with a side of vodka rigatoni and salad would have been at least 12 bucks if I bought it across the street. Of course, they are leftovers from a takeout dinner we got last night. How much would I have saved had I made it myself? And on and on...

    dan8302May 02, 2016

    Interesting. I am trying to think where they put this in the lobby. I can't think of any other DVC buildings that have this type of offering. Am I missing one? I'm not sure how popular this will be, with every unit having at least kitchenette, if not full kitchen. Why would you grab and go like that, when you can get larger portions of the same items for less price in the gift shop and keep it in your room?