More offsite hotels to offer Extra Magic Hours and extended FastPass+ booking window

Mar 01, 2019 in "Walt Disney World Resorts"

Posted: Friday March 1, 2019 9:21am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Disney will soon begin allowing more offsite hotels access to Extra Magic Hours and extended FastPass+ booking windows.

The 1000 room Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek and 500 room Waldorf Astoria hotels will both become part of the Official Walt Disney World Hotel program effective March 1 2019.

Guests staying at those hotels will be issued vouchers at check-in to give them access to Extra Magic Hours when used alongside their theme park admission.

Within the next two months, guests staying at either hotel with Disney theme Park tickets will also be eligible for the 60 days advanced FastPass+ selections.

These two Bonnet Creek hotels join the seven Disney Springs hotels that were recently added to the offsite 60 day FastPass+ and Extra Magic Hour eligibility.

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    scottieRossApr 05, 2019

    I just did a room quote on WDW website and for the Magic Your Way package staying at Port Orleans, vs either Wyndam Garden or Best Western, the MYW package at PO was 80.00 more than BW and 74 more than WG for 4 days, Sept 16-20. Standard room with 2 queens at all 3 hotels. Then did a comparison with Pop Century Room only vs BW was 1.24 per night less at Pop. (Pop 161.75 and BW was 162.98) Keep in mind that Pop includes Airport transfers (Mears service is 76.00 RT for two), Both include EMH and 60 day FP+, and Pop provides free shuttle every 15-20 minutes while BW offers free shuttle every 30 minutes from more distant bus terminals. Pop also offers refrigerators in the rooms. Note BW has slightly larger rooms. overall I say Pop Century wins for room only and PO wins for package pricing.

    MisterPenguinApr 04, 2019

    So, I guess the long rumored cut of EMH won't happen for at least another 20 months...

    drizgirlApr 04, 2019

    Whether it's a straight up cut or just a per person rental of the benefits, it's the only reason they would be doing this.

    winstongatorApr 04, 2019

    I also wonder if WDW is getting a cut (or how big a cut) of that ‘value of benefits’. I think WDW has a pretty good idea of the dollar value of emh and the 60 day fp window.

    Kman101Apr 04, 2019

    Very true!

    flynnibusApr 04, 2019

    It's simply because they can. They know they are being shopped against Disney hotels... no need to be bargain priced if people will pay it. Price sensitivity goes in the toilet when comparing against Disney's absurd prices.

    LensmanApr 04, 2019

    How long are the land leases for the Disney Springs hotels? Related, I wonder if the average room prices for onsite/offsite hotels had proven disappointing and so Disney is using these benefits to help "prop up" the room prices to help support future land lease pricing? I understand this line of thinking is a bit tenuous as it's more likely that Disney is only thinking of the short-term cashflow from these benefits plus the aforementioned makeup of temporary room inventory decline due to construction. Note: I also just thought of whether Disney is getting valuable information on the actual marginal value of these benefits. After all, these experiments have given them valuable datapoints on the value that customers place on these benefits vs the perceived value of being in the bubble or of having themed lodging.

    matt9112Apr 04, 2019

    the way i see it theres not much middle ground any more. either go off and stay at one of the el cheapo like red roof in etc that laughably cost over 100 sometimes or fork up... a good quality hotel IMHO should sit at 125ish max but than again obviously somebody is and demand. i too use but lately the deals are slim pickings in orlando.

    Kman101Apr 04, 2019

    Yeah. I've stayed at one near Disney Springs that never used to charge for parking. I imagine it was a problem with people parking there and hopping a bus to the parks ... it's crazy to see them so high now. Especially the Best Western which is actively under construction. Yet, there they are, charging $250+ for a night ... I don't know. I guess to some even $250 is "normal" now but I find it high when the same room is also sometimes under $100 (I guess to fill rooms?). The pricing method is interesting.

    Kman101Apr 04, 2019

    You're not wrong in this. It's interesting to think about. Maybe they need to re-think the offerings at the resorts and have different packages. I mean though, the Disney Springs hotels are literally within walking distance and it's like a 1 minute drive to the garage. It's very beneficial to stay "off-site" (but really, on-site). So it's a good point to bring up :) I have to imagine they wouldn't do it if it truly affected on-site booking, but that's just an assumption on my part. I can see how offering it there slightly diminishes it for the Disney owned hotels. I guess they don't see it the same way.

    matt9112Apr 04, 2019

    yeah i have stayed at BOTH sister hotels on western way for less than 100 and they have free parking. now there 140ish last i looked. i have also stayed at two seperate disney springs propertys for sub 100 plus fees on top within last year or so. hell only two years ago i did swan for 150 a night AFTER fees.

    Kman101Apr 04, 2019

    Yep. I've noticed that too. I used to easily score $78-$100 (I mostly use, but I do price compare) ... I've noticed they're becoming very overpriced, especially in the peak seasons. I literally paid $78 (plus 30 in taxes ...) for the same room (in January and February) I saw offered for $250 ...

    Missing20KApr 04, 2019

    At what point are we able to determine that Disney offering the perks to outside partner hotels does nothing to diminish on-site hotels and only increases the value (and hence property owners increasing rates accordingly) of the off-site properties? Transportation convenience is nearly a toss-up (save for those who like to walk to the MK from CR or EPCOT/MGM from that area). Perks are becoming a toss-up. Price is close to a toss-up (depending on one's personal level of comfort, amenities, service, etc.) Seemingly, the bubble is now the reason to stay on-site. Particularly at the Values and Moderates.

    matt9112Apr 04, 2019

    i was going to chime in they used to be sub 100 sometimes with deals (plus fees on top) but lately there no cheaper than pop etc. hell my moderate rate i locked in is maybe 20 bucks more ?

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