Anaheim Approves DisneylandForward, Paving Way for Resort Expansion

24 days ago in "Disneyland Resort"

Posted: Wednesday May 8, 2024 8:50am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

The Anaheim city council has approved the ambitious DisneylandForward project, signaling a new era for Disneyland Resort.

This project, which has been in development over the past three years in collaboration with city staff and local communities, is set to transform Disneyland Resort and bolster Anaheim's economy. The initiative will introduce new entertainment experiences, create approximately 13,500 jobs, and generate significant new revenue streams for the city.

DisneylandForward will see Disneyland Resort investing at least $1.9 billion in the first decade. According to an economic impact study by Cal State Fullerton, every $1 billion invested by the resort is expected to increase Anaheim's revenues by about $15 million annually. This funding will support vital community services such as fire and police departments, parks, and libraries.

During yesterday's earnings call, Disney CEO Bob Iger said, "We're incredibly excited for the many potential new stories our guests could experience at Walt's original theme park, including the much-anticipated opportunity to bring Avatar to Disneyland."

The project will also enhance local infrastructure and community services, with Disneyland committing $30 million for affordable housing, $8 million for parks, $85 million for traffic improvements and pedestrian safety, and ongoing investment in workforce development programs. This development not only promises to enrich Disneyland's legacy of innovation and creativity but also aims to make a profound impact on the local community and economy.

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TheRealSkull2 days ago

Maybe give this video a try! It might answer some of our questions pertaining to this topic:

Nirya2 days ago

I'm still of the opinion that a future third gate, if it ever happens, actually takes place on the "expansion pads" that Disney is proposing for DL and DCA. I'm more willing to believe the Toy Story Lot is where they completely rebuild the Disneyland Hotel, with the new third gate having a hotel built into it similar to the Grand Californian. It would give you similar size to DCA as far as acreage while also allowing them to share backstage space, whereas the TSL would require its own specific backstage space due to being unconnected to the other parks. But I also think that is decades away if anything. As I repeatedly said, DisneylandForward was simply a marketing pitch to get the approval for a Western Gateway through, which coincidentally gives them the room to put an Avatar expansion pad in DCA.

mickEblu2 days ago

Haha yes I considered full proofing my statement with “a while.”

Disney Irish2 days ago

I assume you mean Disneyland proper, and if so, I would put the qualifier "for awhile" on there. I'm sure there are proposals for every land to be "tinkered" with in the future. Sorry but just being realistic here.

mickEblu2 days ago

So after Haunted Mansion, Magnolia Park, TBA and Critter Country open i think they are finally done tinkering with the park for the most part excluding Tomorrowland and maybe the Motorboat Cruise area. By tinkering I mean reconfiguring walkways, shaving down curbs, shrinking planters, retheming attractions, replacing real grass with astroturf, breaking my heart etc.

mickEblu2 days ago

I think rumor at the time was DCA was also going to get it. But yeah its been Blue Sky for a while.

𝕴𝖒𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖊𝖗972 days ago

For a long time, there was talk of Coco replacing the Gran Fiesta Tour at Mexico in Epcot...maybe they're dusting off those plans?

mickEblu3 days ago

It’s also part of the reason I’ve been championing a coaster so hard. It’s much harder for a thrill ride to be disappointing or not match expectations.

Disney Irish3 days ago

I agree, and I say this even while being part of it, I think this is the biggest issue with the fandom. I've said it before that we in the fandom are spoiled by how much information there is out there now. In the old days you'd get some concept art, maybe some TV special (think the HM with the Osmond's special), but very little in the way of rumors or other tidbits of information before a new attraction would be announced and then opened. You just went and experienced it cold without any real preconceived expectation of it. I think we really do a disservice to ourselves and set ourselves up for disappointment because of all that we've built up in our minds. I put it akin to a book fandom that goes and sees the latest movie adaptation. They built up the visuals of the story in their mind that the movie can never fully live up to it. Its why I never really base my enjoyment of something based on what is said here. I remove the expectation from the equation and just accept whatever comes, whether I discussed something at great length or not. Its why I can like something that others have written off as "lesser" or "bad", because in the end I don't have that same expectation as others do.

mickEblu3 days ago

It is exciting but I have to wonder. Is it ever possible to match or exceed the expectations for people like us who are on this site everyday hearing every rumor, seeing every construction photo, continuously postulating (and for some even watching the ride through prior to riding) for years? Especially when these people are spoiled with Disneyland and all of its classic attractions?

Disney Irish3 days ago

Well D23 is looking to potentially be exciting this year.....

Disney Irish3 days ago

Hence why I said some basic approvals, the rest was covered under the ARSP I believe. And again it didn't cover mixed use, it does now. Also under the original plan Gene Autry was to continue right through the middle of the TSL, something that always prevent the full future use of TSL. And it now doesn't, allowing them to fully plan out a future use of TSL.

PiratesMansion3 days ago

Once again, with the coaching about the 100% correct way to interpret your posts, convinced that any error must be with the post reader and could not possibly lie with the post writer. Fine, I own it. That was not nice. Now, please own your tone in turn. Again presumes that you are the only one operating in good faith. Neglects the fact that even if he did try to gatekeep (he didn't), you tried to gatekeep right back, much more blatantly. And that's the thing, no one is actually disagreeing with you, just stating that it's unlikely for some time due to variables you seem eager to dismiss. But you got so focused on clapping back at people that you didn't even notice that most people's views aren't that different from your own. So what I said was condescending and rude, and this isn't? I'm just saying. You don't have to agree with me, and I'm sure you don't. But if I'm not the only person saying so, perhaps there's some truth to it.

MistaDee3 days ago

My understanding was the original plan only covered 25 acres of the site: I may be wrong on that