Magic Kingdom's Carousel of Progress Gets a Retro-Inspired Seating Makeover

Aug 07, 2024 in "Carousel of Progress"

New Seating at Carousel of Progress - Summer 2024
Posted: Wednesday August 7, 2024 10:00am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress at Magic Kingdom is in the process of receiving some new upgrades aimed at improving the experience for the guests.

Some of the sections of the rotating theater have now been equipped with all-new seating, featuring a colorful and vibrant design. The seats are upholstered in a patterned vinyl with a star-like motif, arranged in different colors that alternate between rows. The seat colors include shades of orange, purple, yellow, and blue, giving the theater an updated retro appearance.

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    Epcot82GuyAug 09, 2024

    Booking their LL+ times for their upcoming trip, using their newly-acquired DVC points... discussing how great it is knowing they have planned their magical time with Moana. Sponsored by Universal.

    RhinocerousAug 09, 2024


    NickEAug 09, 2024

    I agree with those that think the better option would be to set the last scene back to the original, in 1964's future. My moonshot request is to also bring back the amazing colored neon domed roof from when it was the GE pavilion at the NY World's Fair.

    JoelAug 09, 2024

    The last scene should be set in the present day, with the entire family sitting around in silence on their phones while a random Netflix show plays on the TV.

    BocabearAug 08, 2024

    I like the fabric... I think in the 70s it was teaal to match the draperies in the first scene.... but nice to see anything with a little thought happening. Now if they can get rid of Grandma's mid 90s video game......

    RhinocerousAug 08, 2024

    👏👏👏The bare minimum!👏👏👏

    BocabearAug 08, 2024

    Let's applaud maintenance!!

    HauntedPirateAug 08, 2024

    Happy to see this being done. The previous upholstery was definitely in need of replacement in the theaters.

    ppete1975Aug 08, 2024

    Im just waiting for them to figure out how to increase the speed and turn this into a thrill ride..... All jokes aside... nice to see it get some love.

    BocabearAug 08, 2024

    I really wish the last scene was set in the late 60s, early 70s.... Maybe some new event like the first steps on the moon being watched by the family... a new innovation, a change in the world.... Not that dismal 1980s re-skinned New Years skit. The original Worlds Fair ending wuld be great... or even the 1970 WDW original complete with it's original song (Now is the Time). I agree the last scene really needs to be less of a leap and let the entire show be the time capsule that it is showcasing the innovation and hope for the future that was the 20th Century. Sadly we don't have the additional scene with staircase leading to Progress City....Which would be amazing to see.

    Biff215Aug 08, 2024

    I completely agree on all points. No need to have the final scene in today’s future. I’d actually prefer they go back to the original final scene to avoid a time warp that makes no sense. As you said, it has historical significance and deserves to stick around.

    MrPromeyAug 07, 2024

    A part of me agrees with you about that last scene but I also feel like with the current state of things in the company and imagineering, it might be better to let sleeping dogs lie for now. Some day, though, I'd like to see them come back around and update it with a "retro" scene that caps off the 20th century and ends with an optimistic look to the future - making it evergreen... or updating it to something that seems near-future by current standards of the time. The more time that passes, though, the greater the leap when going to that final scene if they plan to keep trying to make it the day beyond tomorrow so I think making the whole thing more of a time capsule with a fun modern outro narration might be the better approach. I really hope if Disney ever decides to replace this, it can find a home at the Smithsonian rather than have the animatronics reskinned to background characters in another attraction somewhere and the on-set props sold at auction. If Archie's chair from All In The Family has a place, I think both the message and the attraction itself have a place in our country's preserved history.

    SageOfTimeAug 07, 2024

    I think embracing the vintage side of Tomorrowland helps them avoid it seeming dated, allowing it to become a stylized version of the nostalgic future of the past rather than trying to keep it on the cutting edge of everything.

    mf1972Aug 07, 2024

    as long as the new seats are comfortable & my wife can take a nap, she won’t care

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