Magic Kingdom character meet and greet shuffle

Jun 17, 2016 in "Character Meet and Greets at the Magic Kingdom"

Posted: Friday June 17, 2016 2:21pm EDT by WDWMAGIC Staff

Beginning today, several changes have been made to the  Magic Kingdom's character meet and greet line-up.

With Anna and Elsa moving to Epcot's Norway Pavilion, Princess Fairytale Hall is now home to Cinderella and Rapunzel (each with a separate line), joined by Princess Tiana and Princess Aurora.

Anna and Elsa can still be seen in both Festival of Fantasy Parade and Mickey's Royal Friendship Faire.

Daisy Duck is no longer appearing in Town Square, but can still be found at Pete's Silly Sideshow.

Finally, Snow White has moved to the Town Square Courtyard by City Hall.

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    MagicHappens1971Jul 10, 2016

    Ok. Thanks :) was just wondering if they had Storybook Circus themed costumes

    asianwayJul 10, 2016

    Nekkid at least for now

    MagicHappens1971Jul 10, 2016

    Do they have costumes that fit that area or are they just gonna walk around with no clothes?

    asianwayJul 10, 2016

    As of today chip n Dale move from Tomorrowland to Storybook Circus at the marquee. Why? I have a suspicion but on the surface seems odd after less than 2 months

    wdriveJun 21, 2016

    I don't really want it just saying it would be possible to have Daisy in Town Square.

    asianwayJun 20, 2016

    They could, but I really dont know why youd want the same character in the park two places. The labor TST consumes is enough. Nuke the circus tents, come up with something better.

    wdriveJun 20, 2016

    Could they not just have Daisy without a B2B?

    asianwayJun 20, 2016

    It was timed so shows coincided with breaks. Aurora was not B2B

    wdriveJun 20, 2016

    Was it? Aurora met in Town Square while DAWM was about.

    asianwayJun 20, 2016

    Technically, they staff things for call offs that permits them some juggling. Tiana for example will have a much narrower performer range, so should 1 or 2 call off, they may have to pull someone else. Cant be more specific without ruining magic

    DisneyDreamer08Jun 20, 2016

    Thanks! If the 2 princesses will always be the same, why not just say who they are like they do now?

    Chef KronkJun 20, 2016

    It will always be Cinderella and Aurora on one side and Rapunzel and Tiana on the other. They won't move one of the princesses to the other side. As for Tiana's old space, it could be possible meet space for Princess Elena this August.

    DisneyDreamer08Jun 20, 2016

    So according to the my disney experience page, in PFH, you can choose between Cinderella and a visiting princess, and Rapunzel and a visiting princess. Is there any way to know that day who the other princess will be? Will it always be the same? I would hate to queue up with my girls for Rapunzel and have the other princess be Aurora, then queue up again with Cinderella (hoping to meet Tiana) and have it be Aurora again. Also, what is going in Tiana's old meet and greet? That area was one of my favorites. So pretty and well done.

    Donaldfan1934Jun 20, 2016

    While its true that Snow White isn't new to Town Square, there was a time when they both met their. Yes, Daisy being in the castle show is and issue, but they should be adding more characters instead of trading them off.