PHOTOS - Germany Pavilion's model railroad reopens after refurbishment

Oct 21, 2015 in "Germany (Pavilion)"

Germany Model Railroad reopening
Posted: Wednesday October 21, 2015 9:15am EDT by WDWMAGIC Staff

The model railroad display at Epcot's Germany pavilion has reopened following an extensive refurbishment.

During the closure, all of the track was replaced, with the hope of being able to consistently run trains on the display.

Even miniature versions of the Food and Wine Festival kiosks have made an appearance in the display.

Click the gallery for more photos.

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    OliveMcFlyNov 21, 2017

    As tiny as it is the construction vehicles and workers are an amazing touch!

    muddyriversNov 21, 2017

    Granted these pictures don't show too much of the engines and more the entire area, here are pictures I took during my trip on October 25 when all was working smoothly:

    NearTheEarsNov 21, 2017

    It’s been nice to see multiple cars being pulled by the engines. It seemed like for a few years they just had single engines moving about.

    jbolen2Nov 21, 2017

    Glad to see they are all running in good shape. It’s been hit or miss the last few years. I’ve enjoyed seeing it on my trips for 25+ years now.

    ABQNov 20, 2017

    Thanks for posting that @Monorail_Red_77 it's so tough to find photo evidence of the condition of the railway.

    Monorail_Red_77Nov 20, 2017

    This still looks great as of Nov 11 & 12. Nice detail inside cars with passengers, etc. Oops, this car derailed while I was taking pics.

    hpyhnt 1000Apr 25, 2017

    This. You can tell the person(s) who oversees this display has a passion for it. It's been in excellent condition ever since the track refurb a few years ago. Would be pretty easy to phone it in or even cut it completely to save a few bucks, but thankfully the exact opposite has been the case as more details and trains have been added since 2015. Might be the best example at the Orlando parks right now of how a relatively small thing can make a big "Disney difference."

    muddyriversApr 25, 2017

    That's something we need to see throughout the parks. Thanks for the updates!

    MisterPenguinApr 25, 2017

    Does that train go to Brazil?

    NearTheEarsApr 25, 2017

    Wow I don't think I've ever seen an engine pulling passenger cars there before (I've only been going since 2010) just one single engine running about.

    Kman101Apr 25, 2017

    I love how they keep up with it like that, and for the festivals and holidays. Very well done. This is one of those "little things" that make the difference.

    BoltApr 25, 2017

    The people that maintain this have a pretty great knack for detail.

    Texas84Apr 25, 2017

    Texas84Apr 25, 2017

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