Space Mountain's exterior refurbishment continues in Tomorrowland at Magic Kingdom

Feb 03, 2023 in "Space Mountain"

Space Mountain exterior refurbishment - February 2023
Posted: Friday February 3, 2023 10:02am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Space Mountain's exterior refurbishment is continuing this week at Magic Kingdom.

The exterior cleaning began in January, and crews continue to work on the iconic Magic Kingdom mountain.

While we don't expect any dramatic new look, a cleaning and repaint will be a welcome update to the classic Tomorrowland attraction, which stands next to the brand-new TRON Lightcycle Run, set to open on April 4, 2023.

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    Animaniac93-98Mar 23, 2023

    They already have a ball pit, lol

    JoeCamelMar 23, 2023

    Yeah, maybe they could gut it and put in a Play! place.........

    Animaniac93-98Mar 23, 2023

    I'm sure the mountain itself is pretty solid, I just don't know how long any coaster track can last with routine maintenance alone

    JoeCamelMar 23, 2023

    Nothing like it exists so judging by similar structures it may be a baby cue @lazyboy97o to let me know it is a standard structure with theming elements, what would I know? Looks like longer than a residential house built in the '70s

    Animaniac93-98Mar 23, 2023

    It's close to 50 years old as is, what is the actual lifespan of such a structure?

    yensidtlaw1969Mar 22, 2023

    About the same as them taking Peter Pan's Flight offline for upgrades after Mermaid opened, or Expedition: Everest going offline after the opening of Pandora. Admittedly, I wouldn't be shocked if it happened within the next decade just given the lifespan of the existing track. But if history is any indication they won't do it sooner than they have to.

    BrianMar 22, 2023


    JoeCamelMar 22, 2023

    Good for another 100 years!

    MisterPenguinMar 22, 2023

    Uh oh. They painted themselves in and have to wait for the paint to dry to get out!

    Jambo DadMar 22, 2023

    With Tron open, what are the chances of taking Space offline to upgrade the track system?

    James AlucobondMar 22, 2023

    Shadow. It's white.

    CntrlFlPeteMar 22, 2023

    is it grey down the flat parts between the white beams? I cannot tell if that is shadowing of if SM is two toned?

    ToTBellHopMar 22, 2023

    It’s so bright!

    note2001Mar 22, 2023

    Ugh. Not my thing. That looks like it stepped off the pages of Strange World: like a pustule ready to blow. I'll keep the classic SM look thank you. 👍