Space Mountain scheduled to close for a short refurbishment in April

Mar 18, 2015 in "Space Mountain"

Posted: Wednesday March 18, 2015 2:40pm EST by WDWMAGIC Staff

Space Mountain in the Magic Kingdom will be closing for a 4 day refurbishment in April 2015.

The refurbishment begins on April 20 through to April 23, reopening to guests on April 24 2015.

View all current and upcoming refurbishments.

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    ford91exploderApr 21, 2015

    Enough complaints and it will get heard in the ivory and gold (solid not paint or leaf) halls of Glendale

    ChrisFLApr 21, 2015

    ....only if they lose attendance/income because of it

    wdwfan757Apr 21, 2015

    I actually prefer the 1x1x1 configuration of our space to DL's side-by-side. I dont know. DL's didn't blow my mind as much as I expected it to based off feedback. Yes, it's way better than ours, and it might be the best coaster at US Disney theme park. But that's about where it stops. If they're going to tear ours down, I'd hope for something unique again, not a DL clone or a DLP clone.

    RSoxNo1Apr 21, 2015

    It looks like this refurb was cancelled.

    Monoblanco13Apr 07, 2015

    I guess I'll have to use twitter ugh lol. Wouldn't I need to follow them as well? I actually would be hesitant to do so as I would like to work Animation for the company one day and wouldn't want to miss a chance due to "Bashing"

    ford91exploderApr 07, 2015

    There is Something you can do. Mail WDW and TWDC complaints about the conditions in the parks. When at WDW and you see something subpar tweet it. There is nothing TWDC hates more that having the warts exposed

    Monoblanco13Apr 07, 2015

    I wish there was something we could do, I actually sent Disney an email last year regarding WoL and UoE and received an email back from legal for an unsolicited idea and that they unfortunately cant use it. I understand why but I just wanted my voice to be heard.

    ford91exploderApr 07, 2015

    The Many of us have taken the Red Pill and are quite horrified with what is happening at our favorite vacation spot, Reality bites

    ford91exploderApr 07, 2015

    Its The process is called magnafluxing

    Monoblanco13Apr 07, 2015

    This discussion has opened my eyes, I have been wearing rose tinted glasses for a while.

    marni1971Apr 07, 2015

    Not really. DAK in particular seems to have a revolving door for its upper management. There again, it's easier to sit tight and not rock the boat knowing you'll be moving elsewhere in a year or so. You'd want to move up not sideways or down depending on what you do. Or don't do. The Everest debacle lies higher.

    Monoblanco13Apr 07, 2015

    Thanks! So we should blame Josh for the yeti? Any-hoo it seems like this refurb in April is gone as @jprieur said they were able to place fp+ on the requested dates

    ABQApr 07, 2015

    If Wikipedia is to be trusted, but this appears accurate from my memory: George Kalogridis – President- Walt Disney World Resort Senior Vice President of Operations and Next Generation Experiences, Walt Disney World Resort - Jim MacPhee Vice President, Magic Kingdom - Phil Holmes Vice President, Epcot - Samuel Lau Vice President, Disney's Hollywood Studios - Dan Cockerell Vice President, Disney's Animal Kingdom - Josh D'Amaro

    Monoblanco13Apr 07, 2015

    Doesn't corporate then give them less money to spend the following year as they didn't use up their budget? Also do the other parks have different VP's? I never knew there was a VP assigned to MK till yesterday.