Full POV Ride-Through Video of Walt Disney World's Tiana's Bayou Adventure

Jun 01, 2024 in "Tiana's Bayou Adventure"

Posted: Saturday June 1, 2024 9:23am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Disney has released a near-full POV video ride-through of Tiana's Bayou Adventure from Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom.

Tiana’s Bayou Adventure will officially open to all guests at Magic Kingdom on June 28, 2024. At a Glance Guide: All the Preview Dates for Tiana's Bayou Adventure at Disney World

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    EagleScout61018 hours ago

    Exactly. They had the bones of a great E Ticket, and instead of building off it they slaughtered it and left the corpse on display.

    surfsupdon21 hours ago

    Exactly this. Way back in the day, on this site, we used to do Attraction Battles until only one was left. Splash Mountain and Haunted Mansion were constant winners. TBA would be an early loss now if such an activity still existed.

    Epcot82Guy21 hours ago

    That may actually make more sense than you think. Disney's lower level internships are few and far between these days compared to the College Program of yore. And, those tend to pay the normal $15-20. Those upper level internships tend to be specialized in things like software development, legal, marketing, operations, etc. (You'll see them as "Professional Internships".) Those often carry higher salaries nationally. So, it's not as shocking as it might appear. Still a heck of a lot more than I got paid on my Professional Internship (what we used to call Advanced Interns) back in 2002... haha EDIT: And I should say, food and housing in Orlando is significantly more expensive now as well.

    Mireille22 hours ago

    Not to ruin the joke, but I was just looking on the Disney jobs site last week and they had a notice up for a 2025 summer intern and it said the pay was $40/hr. I was shocked.

    Agent H1 day ago

    First of all wow what a fresh and original opinion I’m sure you’ve never posted before! second of all it will not be replaced for a very long time if ever.

    EricsBiscuit1 day ago

    I love Tiana the film. Beautiful, classic Disney animation, great story, great characters, etc. That being said, this ride does not hold a candle to what Splash Mountain was. It needs to be replaced and soon.

    GenChi1 day ago

    Yeah the ride and characters are gone permanently and we're stuck with a disappointing ride that didn't hold up to its potential for the next 25 years, but listen my eternal rival the fictional characters that I'm going to blame for the executive's decisions and all wars is getting a different format of animated continuation instead now! We so heckin won Brerbros

    Animaniac93-981 day ago

    I feel like this special was announced because they didn't want to admit it was cancelled outright.

    Agent H1 day ago

    I didn’t say it would resonate though the ages. merely that I was looking forward to it and I’m glad it’s not cancelled entirely.

    Casper Gutman1 day ago

    A SPECIAL! Surely that will resonate through the ages!!

    Agent H1 day ago

    If you’re talking about the tv show I would disagree. But it doesn’t matter anyway because it’s being retooled into a special.

    Jedi141 day ago

    So nothing.

    Joel1 day ago

    Win at predicting what a cluster this whole project would turn out to be.

    Streetway Again1 day ago

    Agreed. I don’t even think it’s the worst thing ever, but the ride is inferior in at least SOME aspects.