Tiana's Bayou Adventure construction progresses at Walt Disney World

Oct 27, 2023 in "Tiana's Bayou Adventure"

Tiana's Bayou Adventure construction - October 27 2023
Posted: Friday October 27, 2023 10:05am Et by WDWMAGIC Staff

Today, we have the latest look at the construction progress for Tiana's Bayou Adventure at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom.

Three large tree trunks have arrived this week, taking up position on the right side of the mountain. There are connectors throughout the trunks to attach branches.

Scaffolding has been removed in some areas, giving a clearer look at the new greenery and paintwork.

At the main entrance, work is underway on new walkways and a small elevated structure. We also get a clear view of the new Malaika Favorite mural.

Magic Kiingdom's Tiana's Bayou Adventure was said initially by Disney to open in late 2024, but recent wording from Disney has dropped the "late." There may be hope for a slightly earlier-than-anticipated opening.

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Disgruntled Walt7 hours ago

Can't you take a joke? Do I have to put a winky face? Of course we're allowed to have different opinions. I remember saying the exact same thing to people on this board when things about TBA looked "more promising" to some. People said I would be proven wrong about the ride, and I was proven right.

Tha Realest7 hours ago

Lots of high profile projects underway, but haven’t seen any of the principals involved with this one attached to any of them.

Chi847 hours ago

I brought it up because you said the theming was mindless and boring. A lot of people disagree with that and enjoy the attraction.

Trauma7 hours ago

You’re the one who keeps bringing up your grandkids enjoyment of the attraction as if that is somehow relevant to the discussion.

Chi847 hours ago

What an odd reply.

Trauma7 hours ago

Well that really great news I’m sure Disney is relived to hear that. Maybe they can design the entire park for your grandkids and then you will be the only ones there.

Trauma7 hours ago

You forgot to add in the fact that the mediocre attraction is rarely working at 100% or even close.

Chi848 hours ago

Maybe it was designed for young kids. My grandkids really loved it.

Kiff8 hours ago

Just rode Tiana for the first time and the ride video disney released before opening truly didn't do it justice. This ride needs sone serious help. I know Disney has cheaped out on attractions as of late but this is ridiculous. Huge portions of the ride with nothing to see. Mediocre effects throughout when there is something to see. Soundtrack really needs something else. Usually I don't like to see movie tunes reused but maybe they should think about it this case. I thought I could at least accept the change no matter the theme just based on the great ride system but this is just a disaster.

Trauma8 hours ago

The only thing that is fun about this ride is the drop. Not much to think about really since the theming is mindless and boring.

donaldtoo8 hours ago

I would answer this, but I don’t wanna’ be banned, yet again…!!!!! :hilarious:;)

Brer Panther8 hours ago

Why bother? Disney is never going to close down the most inclusive attraction they've ever built.

andre8514 hours ago

I mean, it's hard not to compare when what existed before was so great. It's clear this ride didn't have nearly as much thought or care put into it as its predecessor.

Disstevefan114 hours ago

I will tell you that if the rise of LL will force Disney to correct mistakes THEN I LOVE LL !!!!!!