Disney extending Walt Disney World Annual Pass duration by an additional month

Jun 19, 2020 in "Ticket - Platinum Pass Annual Pass"

Posted: Friday June 19, 2020 3:44pm ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Disney is continuing to adjust the reopening policy for Walt Disney World Annual Passholders which now includes a 1 month extension.

Passes have already been extended to cover the closure period, and will now include an additional month. Disney has pointed out that passholders may experience difficulties visiting the parks when they wish due to the limited capacity and new reservation system.

If you are an Annual Passholder that has paid in full, your options include:

You will receive a one month extension to your pass (unless you choose one of the alternative options below). This additional month will automatically be processed and visible in your My Disney Experience account in October 2020.

Alternatively, and in lieu of the one month extension, Passholders who have paid in full may choose to cancel their annual pass and receive a partial refund.

If you are an Annual Passholder on the monthly payment plan, your options include:

You will receive an additional one month extension to your pass (unless you choose the alternative option below). This additional month will automatically be processed and visible in your My Disney Experience account in October 2020. Please note that monthly payments are scheduled to resume with park opening on July 11, 2020.

Alternatively, and in lieu of the additional month extension, Passholders on the monthly payment plan may choose to cancel their annual pass and waive their monthly payments due after August 11, 2020. Any payments made between July 11, 2020 and August 11, 2020 will be retroactively refunded for those that select this option and all future payments would be stopped.

We will send information in early July with details on how to take action on these options.

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    AmidalaSep 19, 2020

    Was told by a friend who purchased the $50/a day resident deal that she was asked if she wanted to upgrade to an AP. Wondering if she misunderstood somehow? I'll be at Yacht & Beach today and I'm tempted to ask if buying the $50/a day pass and upgrading is a potential loophole for FL residents but I doubt it. Anyone else hear anything similar?

    wishiwere@wdwSep 18, 2020

    Edit- never mind. See the discussion in the water park closure thread :). Am I missing a discussion somewhere else about the platinum plus being axed and refunds being issued for the water park amount for said AP’s? Basically, when your pass expires you can’t renew at the plus level any longer. Didn’t see the topic so figured I’d drop it here. Feel free to move/delete if I missed it!

    RememberWhenSep 18, 2020

    What I don’t get is letting people renew, but not letting people buy new ones. It’s definitely easier for them to just shut it down than to figure out who gets to buy passes, since I’m sure one of the reasons is limiting capacity. Maybe they could just sell the highest tiers. It would weed out a few people.

    matt9112Sep 18, 2020

    This is pretty sad. I feel like in forced to spend all my time at the competition. Granted Busch gardens has been surprising enjoyable.

    TouchdownSep 17, 2020

    I don’t think APs will be sold until Park Pass is d/ced.

    RememberWhenSep 16, 2020

    I’m making that same assumption. Maybe after the New Year? I think they don’t want to plan on a bunch of unhappy new pass holders who can’t get the park reservations they want for the holidays.

    UnbansheeSep 16, 2020

    A guess? 2021

    AmidalaSep 16, 2020

    Any guesses on when Disney might start selling new APs again? I know there's no saying for sure, but I'm really hoping they'll be available by the holidays ):

    mgfSep 15, 2020

    If you are willing, please post your experience in the AP Refund Watch thread.

    techgeekSep 14, 2020

    Yes. Our passes expire in October, and I have a renewal link on my ‘tickets’ page on the app. I think we had a postcard show up in the mail reminding us also.

    CreathirSep 14, 2020

    As of Friday, nope. Personally emailed the VP of DVC and she confirmed there are no short term plans to allow this. I have a trip coming up in October, and would love to come back in Feb, but we won’t be buying day tickets to do so. They’ll be missing out on our money if they don’t let us upgrade by mid October.

    doctornickSep 14, 2020

    I asking in another forum, but since this thread/forum gets a lot more traffic.... I'm wondering if Disney is allowing guests to upgrade existing tickets to APs at this time? I might make two trips next year and doing an AP would be cost effective for me if allowed. We already have existing tickets from a trip planned/postponed from this year. Is it means anything we are DVC (and I'd prefer Gold passes if possible).

    HcalvertSep 13, 2020

    Which type of AP did you have? From my calculations based on others' refunds months ago, I should be getting about $400 per AP back--a total of $1200. I have Platinum passes that expired on July 8. I have already renewed. Hopefully, Disney doesn't low ball me.

    TTA94Sep 13, 2020

    I’m sure this has been mentioned but what’s currently happening when APs expire? Are they allowing you to renew?