Disney introducing photo identification for guests that frequently fail biometric authentication at the turnstiles

Mar 03, 2015 in "MyMagic+"

Posted: Tuesday March 3, 2015 10:21am EST by WDWMAGIC Staff

We've had a number of reports from recent guests at the parks that Disney is in the process of introducing photo identification onto tickets that are frequently failing the biometric fingerprint authentication at the turnstiles.

Currently in testing at Disney's Animal Kingdom, the process involves those guests that are not able to successfully authenticate with the biometric fingerprint reader visiting guest relations to setup a photo ID. At guest relations, their identity is verified, and a photograph taken, which is then electronically associated with the My Disney Experience profile for that guest. 

Once setup, the additional enrollment allows the Cast Member at the turnstiles to see a digital photograph of the guest, and to then manually verify the identity of the guest based on that photograph without requiring a successful fingerprint read.

If the testing process successful, the new system should make for a more convenient entry process for those guests that frequently encounter problems with the fingerprint reader, and preventing the need to show ID.

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    RandomPrincessMar 11, 2015

    To the DL picture process we were there last May. The first 2 times we entered on a 4 day pass we were at rope drop and they did not take our pictures or anyone elses that I saw they were getting people in as quickly as possible. Later when we park hopped the 2nd day they did take our picture as there were very short lines. DL was very efficient.

    G00fyDadMar 06, 2015

    Read the thread and our previous posts and you'll understand. But thanks for trying to keep the topic focused even though it is already. ;)

    RasvarMar 05, 2015

    I'll go with Occam's razor approach here. This is really just the way to stop band/ticket trading/selling. Having to verify someones ID all the time at the readers only slows things down. When crowded at the gate, I've seen them just wave people in. It doesn't take long for some people to spot that weakness in the protocol. I'm guessing the photo may only pop up if the biometric fails. CM can then look, verify and approve without having to have the guest scan a second time. I wouldn't even mind if they did it for room charge reasons as a backup to the PIN.

    dreamfinderMar 05, 2015

    The poster asked about the potential repercussions of a breach that contains mostly information about your address and park habits. Putting it in context is very relevant.

    BernardandBiancaMar 05, 2015

    I believe that this information is being collected has been discussed numerous times in various forums throughout the Internet. This is a Walt Disney World forum, so I fail to understand why this would be relevant here.

    dreamfinderMar 05, 2015

    This. And more so. Were you aware that the major credit bureaus are also tracking your online information? (Read http://motherboard.vice.com/read/looking-up-symptoms-online-these-companies-are-collecting-your-data) So not only does Experian know all about your financial history, but they are also collecting information on the things you search for at WebMD for instance. So those guys have your social, your banking history, your medical history, and probably your shopping history as well. And no one has said a peep.

    G00fyDadMar 04, 2015

    Do you have any idea how many other institutions are just as vulnerable that have more of your personal information in Disney? Some of these institutions actually have your social security number. I'll admit that not all have your social security number, but they do have other personal information. The recent Target hack is a prime example of this. Yet people did not bat an eyelid second time at purchasing something with a credit card.

    lazyboy97oMar 04, 2015

    It's not really what adisney wI'll do with the information, but how much will be out there for others if (when?) there is a breach.

    No Time To Say Hello GoodbyeMar 04, 2015

    Maybe they could add pictures at Disney resorts during check-in. It would keep the picture uploading/linking to account in the hands of Disney to help reduce the fraud (family members switching photos) but would also keep you from wasting park time to add a picture or answer questions if entry fails. I am a lot more patient checking in the hotel than when I am at the park gate, and my kids are too. Guests could "opt-in" to linking a photo to their account so if their entry scan fails they already have a picture in place to check. And Disney could keep the photo on your account until you want to change it at any guest services spot.

    ToInfinityAndBeyondMar 04, 2015

    Oh, I know that. It's just the reason for the paranoia. Reasoning and sense go out the door when people are afraid.

    JillC LIMar 04, 2015

    My own scan fails about 8 out of 10 times. It's become a running gag in my family to see how mommy fails the scan at each park.

    LuvtheGoofMar 04, 2015

    I think that's what a lot of the 'tin foil hat" brigade seem to think. They are crazy scared that Disney is going to track just YOUR movements in the park. There are well over 100 points where the bands can ping your location at MK, and an average of 40,000 visitors per day. That translates to well over 4,000,000 entries in a database EVERY DAY! And that is just MK. More on weekends and holidays. Who the heck is going to sift through all of that to find YOU?!?!? No one. But some people seem to think that they are important enough that Disney is going to hire someone to track their movements throughout the day, so they will "hide" the MB in a container that blocks the signals. GET OVER IT!! Disney doesn't care about YOU! None of this was directed at you Norm! Just so you know.

    NormCMar 04, 2015

    Identity theft is scary but your identity is not stored in the bands. Some people think it is real time tracking but it is not. It is more like connect the dots tracking between use points and an occasional scan as you pass certain zones. They do not have gps tracking and Disney is not monitoring individual movement. They are monitoring crowds. The only individualized tracking is your spending habits and attraction usage.

    ToInfinityAndBeyondMar 04, 2015

    I think people are just paranoid that their location is being tracked. I've also seen people complain that CMs can see the name tied to the band. Personally, I think it is the coolest thing to come out of this technology (i.e. a character can address you by name without you introducing yourself), but that's just me. Identify theft is scary and in this day and age, the amount of information we share is scary, too.

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