New-look for Walt Disney World's PhotoPass Cast Members

Jan 31, 2023 in "PhotoPass"

Posted: Tuesday January 31, 2023 12:04pm ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Disney World's PhotoPass photographers will be sporting a new costume from February 1 2023.


The fabric is made up of recycled material, which includes the Disney PhotoPass emblem stitched on the sleeve.

“Sustainability and environmental consciousness are major focuses of all design work for cast member costumes,” said costume designer Josh. “We’re always looking for new practices and technologies that go the extra mile towards reducing our environmental footprint.”

The fabric is designed to control moisture and protect against the sun’s rays. “My favorite part about designing costumes for our cast is ensuring they are comfortable and safe,” Josh said. “We help them to be at their best so they can make magic for our guests.”

The original PhotoPass costume, pictured below, is far more subtle than the new design.

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    todd23Feb 01, 2023

    I have a number of those shirts. It's so frustrating...they begin to stink before they wear out!

    NelleBelleFeb 01, 2023

    Hopefully they're not like some "cooling/moisture-wicking" apparel where it begins to stink! My son has some of that type of clothing despite using many cleaning and laundry products supposedly designed to eliminate sweat and odor, it just doesn't. Or perhaps he doesn't like the neon lime! 😱

    Indy_UKFeb 01, 2023

    Making them easier to spot is never a bad thing. They just need more of them and get rid of the awful photo boxes

    RememberWhenFeb 01, 2023

    Asked a photo pass CM in Epcot today what he thought about the new green shirts. He hesitated and I jumped in with “they’re definitely easy to see.” He replied “yes. They sure are. But it does seem like that might have been the only thing they were thinking about. They’re pretty thin and moisture wicking. So hopefully they’re good” I think I caught him off guard. He started to respond sort of negatively, but turned it around at the end.

    DisneyDebRobFeb 01, 2023

    You passed on making some money! Just say yes..and it’s an extra 10 bucks. With all the increases I’m sure 96% of the guests wouldn’t even question it. 😃

    JohnDFeb 01, 2023

    Look okay to me. You know who they are, that's for sure.

    castlecake2.0Feb 01, 2023

    Costumes debuted today, Main Street has gone back to the “newsboy” costume to stay in theme, Galaxy’s Edge will also keep their themed costumes.

    AylaFeb 01, 2023

    Those uniforms are definitely easier to see! Photopass CM's spend 95% of their working day outside, all year round. If those clothes are more comfortable for the CM's, I'm all for new uniforms. I have a Columbia long sleeve sun shirt for fishing and they make a big difference in comfort in heat and humidity. Mine is peach, not neon green, though! 😂

    PatchesleeFeb 01, 2023

    Pandora will be interesting at night, might want a photo with the photopass CMs lol

    PatchesleeFeb 01, 2023

    From far away, it will easier to spot them. Same as I use to dress my kid in neon so I could pick her out in a crowd easier if needed.

    CntrlFlPeteFeb 01, 2023

    geez, back in the day, you had to bring your own camera -- custodial would see you trying to take a picture -- they would come, take your camera, make you get in the shoot, then they would walk off w/ your camera.

    DreamalittleDisneyFeb 01, 2023

    Trying to put people from applying with these shirts so they can replace with the boxes

    Figment82Feb 01, 2023

    You joke, but I’ve been in the park before, dressed in a t-shirt and shorts (typical guest park attire) taking photos with my personal camera on a tripod, and I’ve had other guests approach me thinking I was PhotoPass. Some were confused, some a little huffy, when I explained I couldn’t help them. It’s happened on more than one occasion. I practically had a line forming behind my back once. They see a “nice camera” and don’t think much else beyond it.