Walt Disney Imagineering move Scott Trowbridge to a new dedicated Star Wars Studio at WDI

Apr 25, 2014 in "The Walt Disney Company"

Posted: Friday April 25, 2014 3:46pm EDT by WDWMAGIC Staff

Walt Disney Imagineering is moving the very well regarded Scott Trowbridge to a new dedicated project studio solely dedicated to the Star Wars franchise.

This is obviously a significant development, with Disney now looking to begin to make use of the huge Star Wars property that they acquired from George Lucas. Disney has not yet announced any plans for any theme park attractions based on Star Wars.

In addition, Scott will also take on the role of portfolio leader at Disneyland Resort. He was previously leading WDI Research and Development and various Blue Sky work. Trowbridge joined WDI after being a key member of the team that designed much of Islands of Adventure at Universal Studios.

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    ford91exploderJun 24, 2016

    No just realistic on how Disney spends money on the US parks.

    Gabe1Jun 24, 2016

    Yep. Annoying that Museum will not happen. Maybe Lucas will find friendlier friends in California where the press release says today it is going to be built.

    HauntedMansionFLADec 14, 2015

    Hopefully so - time will tell. You will have to keep us informed :)

    disney4life2008Dec 14, 2015

    The best food is on the southeast side of Chicago! But that is im no way a tourist destination. I grew up there

    RSoxNo1Dec 14, 2015

    I wouldn't be surprised if the land is setup in such a way to allow for expansion.

    Matt_BlackDec 13, 2015

    Not even the movies. Star Wars Rebels has been a big hit for Disney XD, just recently being renewed for a third season. Granted, it helps that this year XD lost both Phineas & Ferb and Gravity Falls, so they need to keep around as much of the popular shows that are left.

    tokengatorDec 13, 2015

    I'm right there with you

    HauntedMansionFLADec 13, 2015

    Just an assumption. Star Wars is a money making machine and you would think they would want to make the land big enough to capitalize on their investment. And there are quite a few movies coming our way. The first movie will set the tone for the franchise. JJ knows he has to do everything right for this first movie but he has a lot of the right people involved. Just me being selfish wanting a bigger land.

    tokengatorDec 13, 2015

    is this an assumption or are they really considering increasing the size of star wars land if the movie is a blockbuster? Because the movie will be a blockbuster...really the only question is whether it breaks all time sales records or not even if the critics bash the movie it will still do monster numbers.

    Matt_BlackDec 13, 2015

    I think it was the Fourth of July.

    EPCOTCenterLoverDec 12, 2015

    Does anybody real care?

    Skibum1970Dec 12, 2015

    Yes but he was kicked out because no one really knew what time it was or if it was 25 or 6 to 4.

    HauntedMansionFLADec 12, 2015

    Hopefully there will be more reports coming out from WDI regarding the SWL project throughout 2016 when they start to prep the land. Plus, the land might get some additional money / land if the movie is a blockbuster. Time will tell.

    Matt_BlackAug 28, 2015

    He used to be in their horn section.