Christmas religious services at Disney's Contemporary Resort expand to two days for 2019

Dec 11, 2019 in "Disney's Contemporary Resort"

Disney's Contemporary Resort Gingerbread House and Christmas Holiday decor 2019
Posted: Wednesday December 11, 2019 10:-00am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Disney's Contemporary Resort will be hosting religious services on both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day for 2019.

Taking place in the Fantasia Ballroom, the schedule is as follows:

  • Christmas Eve Catholic Mass at 9pm
  • Christmas Day Protestant Service at 9:15am
  • Christmas Day Catholic Mass at 10:30am

Parking at the Contemporary will be restricted, so if you are staying at a monorail resort, take the monorail or boat service. If you are staying at another resort you can take normal transportation to the Magic Kingdom and then take a bus, monorail, boat or walkway to the Contemporary. 

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    ToTBellHopDec 13, 2019

    Ever watch WDW guests try to load onto a ride? It’ll take awhile to load into and out of Contemporary. I’ll be loading onto Test Track...

    jpedenDec 13, 2019

    It's very rare in my experience in both growing up in the Southern Baptist and now attending the United Methodist church (both protestant) that services last more than one hour.

    Tom P.Dec 12, 2019

    For me, with a nice church nearby, I would rather go and attend Mass there than at the Contemporary. But I can understand why many people avail themselves of that option. And Mary, Queen of the Universe is offering a total of six Masses between Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, including the traditional Midnight Mass, so hopefully everyone will be able to find an option that works for them.

    larryzDec 12, 2019

    I'd love to see the "guidelines" they give the celebrant... still, the vigil is a great option for those who don't want to chance traffic getting to the Shrine of Mary Queen of the Universe.

    Tom P.Dec 11, 2019

    They have always allocated an hour for it. But in the past, it was sandwiched in between two Catholic Masses. I never understood how that was supposed to work logistically. Getting people out of Mass and into the Protestant service at the exact same time, with only a 15 minute window, seems to be pushing it. Not to mention, as a Catholic, I can tell you that Masses on major holy days like Christmas tend to take more than an hour. At least this time, the schedule is a little less tight with no Mass before the Protestant service, only after.

    MisterPenguinDec 11, 2019

    The Protestant Christmas Service only gets about an hour? Good luck with that!