PHOTOS - A look at the recently refurbished entrance area at the Walt Disney World Dolphin Resort

Mar 31, 2020 in "Walt Disney World Dolphin Resort"

New look Walt Disney World Dolphin escalator and stairway
Posted: Tuesday March 31, 2020 10:14am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

The Walt Disney World Dolphin debuted its new escalator entrance last month, which features a new color scheme and lighting.

This is the main stairway and escalator for guests leaving the hotel for the parks or to visit the nearby Swan wing of the resort complex.

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    FlynnwriterApr 02, 2020

    Just depressing. This Michael Graves icon (love it or hate it) had a design sense and style. Ignoring that distinctive style, is like putting new Deco Interiors into Versailles. This “update” looks like a poor white trash makeover special on TLC.

    surfsupdonApr 02, 2020

    I was impressed with the new look lobby, and this area looks well done too. I can’t stand those red tile floors though. But oh well. Anybody running down to Picabu for some breakfast :-)

    wdwmagicApr 01, 2020

    Yeah I was surprised to see them remain. They have a lot of them, and they aren't cheap to put in or remove.

    Epcot82GuyApr 01, 2020

    I actually really love them. But, I loved the original. So, I enjoy that they are keeping some of the original character in tact. I was really sad when they took all the Michael Graves furniture out of the rooms. The new rooms are super generic. And I appreciated the whimsy - a lot. With that, I do wish they did a better job of telling the story and explaining the original design elements. I think that would add to the audience enjoying it more vs. it just looking dated.

    MisterPenguinMar 31, 2020

    Looks like they're trying to hide the beach cabana tent theme and go with more oceans and sailing theme. Which is fine with me. I originally thought the striped cabana tent theme was a circus theme!

    Epcot82GuyMar 31, 2020

    Great pics! This is honestly the only part of the refurb I don't think is a home run. (I wish there was a little more contract on the horizontal beam, and I don't love the ceiling tarps/sails.) But, the lobby redo overall is still a great success!

    CreathirMar 31, 2020

    The monorail could go right through those windows right? Looks great Steve!