Basin undergoing refurbishment at Disney Springs

Jul 13, 2018 in "Basin"

Posted: Friday July 13, 2018 8:20am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Basin will be beginning a refurbishment from this weekend, lasting through the summer.

As part of the refurbishment, the store will close on July 18 2018, but will then reopen on July 19 and remaining open throughout the remainder of the refurbishment.

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    WDWtravelerNov 17, 2018

    Photo update as of Friday, November 16, 2018. The new sign on the roof has been installed, but still needs some paint touch-up.

    WDWtravelerOct 28, 2018

    Photo update as of Sunday, October 28, 2018. The interior refurbishment of the Basin store is completed. The roof re-shingle is complete, however the temporary sign is still in place.

    WDWtravelerSep 28, 2018

    Photo update as of Friday, September 28, 2018. While a portion of the inside of Basin has been walled off for refurbishment, now the roof is being replaced, as well as the sign on top of the roof. The sign in this photo is temporary.

    Goofnut1980Jul 16, 2018

    This is one of our favorite stores to visit... Love the hair shampoo/conditioner bars. Also they are much more environmentally friendly. No packaging to be thrown away!

    LAKid53Jul 14, 2018

    True, but their selection is smaller.

    SabrielJul 14, 2018

    If for any reason it is closed, you can always go to Basin White at the Grand Floridian.

    LAKid53Jul 14, 2018

    Whew....we need a few tubes of bath bombs before departing on our cruise on the 23rd. My daughter would be :arghh: :cry: if Basin was closed next weekend.

    disneyC97Jul 14, 2018

    It seems like they redo this store as the other updates happen in the surrounding marketplace. I guess makes sense. I for one am glad to see this original section of the Springs return to a less 90s cartoony look to the more refined feel of the 70s and 80s.

    DisneyDreamerxyzJul 14, 2018

    This area is going to become much more high traffic when the Third Parking Garage opens

    HwdStudioJul 13, 2018

    Basin and Basin White Body Butter is amazing

    DisneyDebRobJul 13, 2018

    Always looks good in this store so I wonder what they are doing. We don’t purchase much here except for one kind of soap that is nice. Expansion maybe?