Walt Disney World Monorail gets an upgraded sign at TTC, including undercarriage lighting effect

Jul 05, 2023 in "Walt Disney World Monorail System"

Repaired Monorail entry signage at TTC - July 1 2023
Posted: Wednesday July 5, 2023 8:19am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Walt Disney World's Transportation and Ticket Center has new monorail signage to replace the existing sign that was damaged.


The updated sign includes a new undercarriage lighting effect, which mirrors the effect installed on the monorails for Walt Disney World's 50th anniversary. Watch the video below to see the sign lit up at night with the undercarriage lighting.

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    rljacksonJul 09, 2023

    Love this effect on the trains and a nice effect at the TTC. Well done Disney World!

    PREMiERdrumJul 08, 2023

    A great little improvement, but a HUGE missed opportunity to refont both the Magic Kingdom and EPCOT panels into their established brand identities. The "Epcot" instead of "EPCOT" is especially egregious.

    Disstevefan1Jul 07, 2023

    OK now this is NICE! GOOD SHOW DISNEY! It takes so little to make me happy! :)

    StarshipDisneyJul 07, 2023

    Well, these days I think Disney deserves negativity. Let's see them do something significant like fix GenieCrap, return of package delivery from parks to your resort, or return of daily room service to all resorts. Now something like those examples would be worthy of praise. Fixing a sign...not so much.

    CntrlFlPeteJul 07, 2023

    I believe the movie studio paid them for the wraps out of a movie's advertising budget. So, in the example of Tron, the studio was paying Disney for the monorail wrap -- that would be different than Disney using wraps to introduce a ride. Just pointing out that the Tron wrap was not an expense to WDW but rather an income source.

    solidyneJul 06, 2023

    The Contemporary Resort was better in 1979. Fact! The Poly actually had a view in 1979. Memory does play tricks, as demonstrated when I play an old Atari game for ten minutes and wonder "what was I thinking???" However this is not one of those cases. Actual shops all along Main Street USA? That's not just nostalgia talking. Well, I'll grant you things like smoking areas and some room decor. The whole thing was a smoking area, LOL!

    monorail81Jul 06, 2023

    I find it interesting…Everyone's talking about the “little detail” of the lighting. But no one has mentioned the smaller detail of them adding the deltas to the monorail on the sign.

    GoofyernmostJul 06, 2023

    Ain't that truth! The funny part is if they were transported back, they would discover how delusional they are as to what was like then and the overall added sophistication and technological excellence that has followed that year. They would notice how the memory plays tricks on one as to what they recall as the past. Not to mention the shear added volume, like 4 parks instead of one. It was nice then but also primitive in many ways compared to now. It was new and different but nothing like it is today. I'm not saying that there aren't things that I enjoyed more back then, but anyone that thinks that it was better has either a faulty memory or never actually went in 1979 or in that era. The four major attractions plus others are still there. (PoTC, Small World, Space Mountain and Jungle Cruise)

    GoofyernmostJul 06, 2023

    What they spent on the lighting wouldn't have purchased more then a dozen rivets on a new train. I doubt that expense is why they aren't replacing the trains.

    GoofyernmostJul 06, 2023

    Me too! And worth the wait, I might add!

    HauntedPirateJul 06, 2023

    I may not like that they spent money on the undercarriage lighting instead of putting it towards new trains, but I give them credit for adding this small detail.

    some other guyJul 06, 2023

    it's a nice improvement, but TTC needs to go hard in the 80s future Macross style or something a hundred miles from what it is now

    AVeryDifferentDisneyDadJul 06, 2023

    If you live in a neighborhood with an HOA, then you know there will ALWAYS be people with negative comments no matter WHAT is done. 😁

    eliza61nycJul 06, 2023

    Lol not picking on you but this made me laugh because in a previous thread on this I was told how supremely important this "small" detail was and how this would have never had happened in the past. Now that it's fixed, we're still kvetching and how the fix is of no importance. 😏 Nothing done will ever be enough, unless they can find a way to transport folks here back to 1979

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