Disney Skyliner closed following collision at Disney Riviera station

Oct 06, 2019 in "Disney Skyliner"

Posted: Sunday October 6, 2019 8:210am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Disney Skyliner is now closed to guests following a minor collision of cabins on Saturday night.

The collision occurred at the Riviera Resort station, and resulted in the system requiring individual evacuation of each gondola by Reeedy Creek Emergency services using scissor lifts.

Guests taking to Twitter reported being stuck on the Skyliner for up to 3 hours awaiting evacuation.

In a statement Disney said, "One of the three Disney Skyliner routes experienced an unexpected downtime Saturday evening. As a result, the Skyliner will be closed while we look into the details surrounding this downtime. We apologize for this situation, and we are working with each guest individually regarding impacts to their visit with us."

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    HeppenheimerNov 03, 2019

    Nope, Xer.

    BaconPancakesNov 03, 2019

    Ok Boomer...

    ABQNov 03, 2019

    Perhaps not, but in the case of the Riveria station, unless WDW wants to keep bringing the line to a full stop, his point stands as just slowing way down may not be enough to accommodate not someone having to get up and out of a wheelchair, but still the entire loading process can be slow for any party traveling with a wheelchair.

    Rich BrownnNov 03, 2019

    Wasn't he aware of the wheelchair loading procedure? Seems like he wasn't.

    Phil12Nov 03, 2019

    It appears that Bob Gurr is not a big fan of the Skyliner:

    twilight mitsukOct 31, 2019

    New evacuation procedure

    GoofyernmostOct 30, 2019

    Yep, back in the sixties there was the ever popular, snicker inducing, hysterically funny question.. is that a boy or a girl? It is actually much more relevant today because back then it was just referring to the length of hair. Damn long haired hippy's! They all turned into bald hippy's.

    RustySporkOct 30, 2019

    Don't know why people have this mental condition that requires them to constantly attack newer generations, but I suppose generations before us said the same of us.

    HeppenheimerOct 30, 2019

    I was looking for the link that would reveal that to be an Onion article...no such luck. Oh well, yet another basic aspect of life that millenials need someone else to do for them.

    sndralOct 30, 2019

    Also prosecutors trying vehicular crimes prefer to use the terms collision or crash. Criminal defense attorneys, on the other hand, love calling them accidents.

    RustySporkOct 29, 2019

    Well, it could be argued that there'd be less manure on the streets than there is today. :joyfull:

    flynnibusOct 29, 2019

    There's an app for that ;) http://pooperapp.com/ And carriage horses wear poop bags... but I just wanted to use the joke :D

    HeppenheimerOct 29, 2019

    Especially if you like manure-filled streets.

    9acesOct 29, 2019

    I just passed under it and it’s stopped. Maybe temporary?

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