It's a shame what has become of the backlot tour. Ever since LMA has gone in a great bulk of the tour was ripped out, let alone no more live filming being conducted. However, it still is a nice respite after lunch to take in. The pearl harbor scene is always fun to watch the guests participate and ... [Read more] see their reactions. The warehouse with all the old movie props is also great. Tram tour is ok, CC is still a blast. If you have some extra time hit up the old tram. [Read less]
The overall tour was excellent. The opening exhibits were neat to look at, but the video I'm petty sure was right off the Pearl Harbour DVD lol. The demonstration with the water was neat, sure would have liked to be in it though. The prop warehouse was cool but everyone was moving so fast didint ... [Read more] really get a chance to see too much. The ride itself was alright, mostly Catastrophe Canyon was the highlight. I guess because Ive done the Universal California backlot tour twice now that Im a bit spoiled. Other than that we saw a few fighter jets and rode through the Wardrobe tunnel, nothing special. We also saw the Lights Motors Action set but nothing was happening as I'd missed the last show (Actually I made it but it was sold out). The hosts spiehl about it made me want to see it, but alas; [Read less]
This attraction could really stand some updating. Now that the the actual "backlot" streets are gone, there really is very little left to see. The pre-show is fun, but could stand some updating as well. It's a nice ride if Its a hot day and you've been on your feet all day long.
The Backlot Tour is a classic ride, walk through tour of the movies. Not too much has changed over the years except the movies focussed on. It's a classic and definately worth seeing at least once. It can get old after a while though especially if the lines are long. Castatrophe Canyon is indeed ... [Read more] the highlight. That truck sure has been set on fire quite a few times! 8.5 [Read less]
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