Magic Kingdom's First Aid relocated during refurbishment

Jan 09, 2018 in "Magic Kingdom"

Posted: Tuesday January 9, 2018 8:53am EDT by WDWMAGIC Staff

The Magic Kingdom's First Aid can now be found in Tomorrowland as a month long refurbishment of the Main Street U.S.A. location gets underway.

The Main Street U.S.A. location will be closed January 9 through to February 15, with a planned reopening to guests on February 16 2018.

The Tomorrowland First Aid location can be found next to the Space Mountain entrance.

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    Monorail_Red_77Feb 22, 2018

    Yep, That's why I was referencing the Car Barn. ;) I love that they still have all of these things since opening day. For all the cuts, its good to see they are cutting everything.

    JoeCamelFeb 20, 2018

    Don't forget the horsie

    Monorail_Red_77Feb 20, 2018

    There has always been a bypass on this side (West) of Mainstreet as well. However, I'm not sure if it will be themed to the level of the East Bypass. I have taken both East and West bypass several times, back when they both had no guest theme. The west side is where they store all of the omnibus, Mainstreet Vehicles, etc. Im not sure how the logisitics will work on the West side since there is more action, like on-stage vehicles, parade floats, car barn, etc. as compared to the east bypass that was basically just a parking lot that needed to be shortened. It would be nice though if they could reconfigure things to have a fully themed bypass just like on east side. My guess is the cost of relocating things outweighs the benefit of guests getting a themed bypass here.

    Biff215Feb 17, 2018

    With the theater likely being cancelled, do we still anticipate a bypass on this side of MSUSA?

    JoeCamelJan 12, 2018

    I think you will see a widening of the walkway along with the gate which necessitates the remodeling of the first aid. There is some service equipment behind the current gate that needs to go so it will get done to open the bypass to more guest flow. Not going to build an elaborate walkway like they did on the east side. The will keep the east side open during the theater construction and use it as necessary though same as the this west bypass.

    Goofnut1980Jan 11, 2018

    I hate it when fountains get taken away!

    COProgressFanJan 11, 2018

    MK Baby center does badly need an update, but in a weird way I do feel the 1970's retro vibe is charming in a way. Same with the Epcot location, 1980's Epcot. My kids are too big for them now, but in all honesty they are a fantastic resource for guests with babies and toddlers. We used them a lot a few years back.

    Monorail_Red_77Jan 10, 2018

    Don't forget EPCOT Babycare Center. It still has the original 1980's wallpaper. You can even see it in fine print on the wallpaper.

    Tim LohrJan 09, 2018

    If they do open up that west side backstage area, they should re-theme the first aid center to be the Main Street County Hospital or something

    BlindChowJan 09, 2018

    Is this going to be the rumored "plussing" of the backstage area along the west-side traffic flow walkway to make it more presentable to guests? (Assuming the east-side walkway will be off-limits during the theater construction...)

    deeevoJan 09, 2018

    Wonder if this has something to do with the fountain. Maybe they removed it to get heavy equipment in there. Just a thought

    DisneyWorld30thJan 09, 2018

    Hopefully they will also update the Baby Care Center as well. That place needs some updating.

    larryzJan 09, 2018

    Thanks for that safety tip!