PHOTOS - House of Magic store-front returns to Main Street U.S.A.

Nov 03, 2017 in "Emporium"

House of Magic storefront on Main Street U.S.A.
Posted: Friday November 3, 2017 1:04pm EDT by WDWMAGIC Staff

A little piece of Magic Kingdom history has returned with the unveiling of the House of Magic store-front on Main Street U.S.A.

This part of the Emporium has been behind scrims for a few months for a refurbishment.

Although the store itself has not returned, inside you will find a House of Magic t-shirt.

The window display also includes a few magic related artifacts.

Check out this video for a look at the original House of Magic.

You can find the new store-front just across from the Main Street Bakery

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    Ellen RipleyNov 09, 2017

    Randotti Shelf by Ellen Ripley posted Nov 9, 2017 at 12:57 PM

    mergatroidNov 09, 2017

    Used to sell some great rubber masks in there too. (And no, not that kind)

    MichRX7Nov 09, 2017

    My brother has an original HM puzzle box from that store, and I'm still jealous I didn't buy one...

    durangojimNov 09, 2017

    I finally remembered to take a pic of the skull!

    SundownNov 08, 2017

    I thought only the limited release House of Magic MagicBand glowed in the dark...but I just noticed that the House of Magic T-shirts glow in the dark too..AWESOME. Because they were limited release, they're no longer on But I wonder...are they still available at the Magic Kingdom in the newly redone House of Magic / Emporium? Hopefully they are, as it wouldn't make sense for them to only have them available for such a short period of time.

    MichRX7Nov 06, 2017

    This was the first stop every visit for my older brother and I followed by some time in the Penny Arcade. It used to drive our Dad up a wall that he'd give us spending money for a souvenir and we'd buy magic tricks that said nothing about Disney on them every time. If they'd bring back the real shop and the Penny Arcade, my return to childhood might be complete.

    JoeamcNov 05, 2017

    So Funny, I got one of those skulls there also. I loved that thing, It was so cool as a kid! I must have gotten it some time around 1987-1989.

    Gabe1Nov 05, 2017

    We had a Disneyland type Main St now a big box store, the Emporium. I don’t see Iger fixing anything for the guests just look what happened to Future World under Iger vs the growth of all of Disney World under Eisner. Iger is the type of guy that will put up cabanas in Tomorrowland for revenue or buy Minnie Vans to rent over adding more buses or fixing the monorail

    ohioguyNov 05, 2017

    Looks like Disney is leaving their options open. This could be the beginning of a return to a more "Disneyland"-style Main Street for the Magic Kingdom. Iger is undoing some of the damage done by Eisner and Co. A re-imagining of other points around the Magic Kingdom will be most welcome, especially before the 50th. I'm in the camp that wants Stitch returned to an updated Mission To Mars, and for Mr. Toad to come back by way of Storybook Circus (since they are more than willing to utilize land beyond the railroad now)

    PixieishNov 05, 2017

    The old shops with all the unique offerings in them were what made Main Street wonderful...we don't shop much anymore because now it seems like all the same stuff. :(

    Gabe1Nov 05, 2017

    This is a step in the right direction. Something's were better back then like that little shop. Uni has many quaint shops like Main St of yesteryear.

    MrPromeyNov 04, 2017

    Agreed! Crowds today may not make it practical to have a counter with guys willing to demo tricks and such but yeah, they could have some cool unique merchandise in that section and a place to check out that would keep the "one giant store" approach going but more like a department store with... well, departments. It would be nice with the announced expansion, if Main Street could go back to being an actual themed land with more in the way of attractions other than the train station and live entertainment that may or may not be happening at the moment you're there. It really felt like the Penny Arcade and Magic Shop were part of that, even if they did turn some kind of a profit. Heck, they could bring back the main street theater and actually show nothing but those movie previews they keep doing elsewhere on property and this would actually be an appropriate place for it!* *Not that I want to see them eliminate that Art of Disney location but it being in the place it is makes absolutely no sense. They should move it somewhere else and have it set up like it was previously where it felt right as its own place and not something shoe-horned into a facade that doesn't fit.

    jmmcNov 04, 2017

    While I know we won't see the real magic shop again, it would be nice to introduce some magic-themed items in that section of the larger store. That one room having that theme, at least.

    JIMINYCRNov 04, 2017

    Well its a start. I like the looks of the t-shirt, thats going on my " to buy " list. Maybe they will slowly reintroduce more magical merchandise as time goes on. I'd drop more money there.