VIDEO - Final part of 'The Rohdes, Less Traveled' explores the use of light and lights at Disney's Animal Kingdom

Sep 04, 2020 in "Disney's Animal Kingdom"

Posted: Friday September 4, 2020 9:00am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Walt Disney Imagineering legend Joe Rohde talks about the importance of light in the design of Disney's Animal Kingdom in the final installment of 'The Rohdes, Less Traveled.'

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    Walt dSep 08, 2020

    I hope that you , Imaginaires have more time to continue the series. Three more parks to go.. we all enjoy. Learning more about the entire world.. thanks joe and cast.👍

    GoofyernmostSep 04, 2020

    I can't wait to watch him trip over his earlobe.:D

    MrPromeySep 04, 2020

    Joe needs his own Disney+ show. ... or maybe a few. I would watch Joe Talk about Parks. I would watch Joe do intros to anthology stories. I would watch Joe make a souffle.

    wdwmagicSep 04, 2020

    VIDEO - Final part of 'The Rohdes, Less Traveled' explores the use of light and lights at Disney's Animal Kingdom,-less-traveled-explores-the-use-of-light-and-lights-at-disneys-animal-kingdom.htm

    Kevin_WAug 30, 2020

    I just watched all 4 of these last night. Very enjoyable!

    Walt dAug 28, 2020

    Keep up the great work joe. Im enjoying you videos it is fun to find out, what your thinking of, as you do your imagineering. In a park to make it what you want to look like.!

    Walt dAug 21, 2020

    Once again its all there in Front of us at the parks but yet somehow we missed it. All the art and ideas at the parks. We need to slow down, and take all your hard work in. Thanks again Imaginaires. You make us think..

    JohnDAug 21, 2020

    I thought about that. But decided not to. But you're right, the correction is better.

    MrPromeyAug 21, 2020

    Fixed that, for you! ;)

    MrPromeyAug 21, 2020

    His left ear has its own cast member name tag. Instead of listing the town it's from under "Left", it just says "Joe's Mom".

    JohnDAug 21, 2020

    Actually, it's a web series. So you CAN watch it.

    Minnesota disney fanAug 21, 2020

    Sorry if this question is dumb, but can you see this series without Disney plus??? I have Netflix and Amazon Prime, but no disney yet. thanks:)

    JohnDAug 21, 2020

    Waiting on. "Part 5: From Disco Yeti to Repaired Yeti. Not Yet"