First Look at Tropical Americas Model Featuring Encanto and Indiana Jones Attractions at Disney's Animal Kingdom

Aug 11, 2024 in "Disney's Animal Kingdom"

Tropical Americas Pueblo Esperanza Concept Art
Posted: Sunday August 11, 2024 12:18pm ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

The model for the new Tropical Americas addition to Disney's Animal Kingdom is now on display at the Walt Disney Imagineering exhibit at D23.

Here is a first look at the model, which includes the Indiana Jones and Encanto attractions.

Opening in 2027, this area will include attractions inspired by Indiana Jones and Encanto, allowing guests to explore the magical world of the Madrigal family and the adventures of the iconic archeologist.

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    WaltWiz190130 minutes ago

    popular ≠ world-class. and I'm saying this with all due respect to the author and knowing that determining what's the best dark ride(s) is a highly subjective endeavor, but any list that calls Little Mermaid the Magic Kingdom's best non-PotC dark ride is not credible enough proof of your assertion Or hell, Mr Toad? Remember how mad everyone got when that went away? That didn't have many AAs. none of the standard Fantasyland dark rides use actual AAs - mainly just limited-motion or static figures and plywood cutouts - yet not only do you have the long-time WDWers lamenting their Toad's eviction to this day, but Peter Pan draws in high demand and long wait times no matter where it is. hardly world-class by any means, yet that doesn't matter when the execution is just that good enough to win over guests of all generations

    flynnibus2 hours ago

    You get the crown of demonstrating why people shouldn't cite or rely purely on anecdotal evidence.

    ChewbaccaYourMum2 hours ago

    You mean just like the Indy ride in Disneyland that is highly beloved? .... lol .... From my knowledge off my head there is an Indy AA in the beginning flailing his arms and one at the end. And one on a rope hanging that just shakes. And then one big snake AA That's literally what you just described, minus the shaking AA on a rope. And that ride seems to be the top of the list of many theme park fans. (If there are more AA's and I am having a brain fart, someone please correct me!)

    ChewbaccaYourMum2 hours ago

    Reminiscent of the World outside the Disney World we live in right now, people just live and thrive off trolling and lying. Over and over until they get to the point that they start believing their delusional trolls and lies they keep spewing to others. I will donate to you (whoever you are) $1,000 if Indiana Jones taking over Dinosaur does not happen.

    UNCgolf3 hours ago

    Frozen is worse than Maelstrom, though (and I was never a gigantic fan of Maelstrom).

    ToTBellHop4 hours ago

    Just unlucky. It currently has a 15-minute wait, as an example.

    TheCoasterNerd4 hours ago

    Never been during Christmas week. Only times I've been to parks that have the ride were the third week of June 2023 (DCA) and the third week of July 2024 (DHS). Both times we've decided not to do it because of the wait time. In 2024 at DHS it was stretching out of the built queue into an outdoor extended queue.

    rle4lunch4 hours ago

    I went to Epcot the first year it opened when I was 6. I went every other year for 8 years. I'm an Epcot purist, but do appreciate some of the things they've added. I've come understand that true edutainment is dead, which is unfortunate, but I don't get hung up on it. I went to Disney for 20 some years after that, I didn't find maelstrom until I was in my late 20's. When I realized there we're rides put into world showcase I was excited, then immediately let down after riding them. When frozen got overlaid I was sorta excited for the change, and was amazed with what they did to it over such a crap ride. If they enhance frozen with newer AAs and fill in some of the blanks of the ride, it'd be pretty good. But as it sits now, it's pretty meh

    HauntedPirate5 hours ago

    You've never seen less than a 2 hour wait for TSM? You need to not go Christmas week, then, because I've never personally seen more than a 90 minute wait for TSM and that's over visits during most months of the year. I've also never seen a posted wait time in the app that high unless maybe there were 4 other rides in the park down at the same time, or the aforementioned Christmas week. Not saying that it hasn't happened, but 2 hours for TSM would seem to be an exception, not a rule.

    Disgruntled Walt5 hours ago

    Yeah, I don't tolerate their BS about Avatar being the fulfillment. Give me my freakin' Dragon Tower and Quest for the Unicorn.

    Jambo Dad5 hours ago

    Well -,they consider the Avatar area to be a fulfillment of Beastly Kingdom - its mythical creatures. As much as we like Pandora though- we all wanted something with dragons .

    TheCoasterNerd17 hours ago

    Between Disneyland and Disney World I've never seen less than a two hour wait for it (during the middle of the day to be fair) so idk I'd say its pretty popular. Also, second result on google for best dark rides- But fine, what about Test Track? Or Cosmic Rewind? Or hell, Mr Toad? Remember how mad everyone got when that went away? That didn't have many AAs.

    flynnibus17 hours ago

    No - this interpretation was garbage.

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