It's a shame what has become of the backlot tour. Ever since LMA has gone in a great bulk of the tour was ripped out, let alone no more live filming being conducted. However, it still is a nice respite after lunch to take in. The pearl harbor scene is always fun to watch the guests participate and ... [Read more] see their reactions. The warehouse with all the old movie props is also great. Tram tour is ok, CC is still a blast. If you have some extra time hit up the old tram. [Read less]
The overall tour was excellent. The opening exhibits were neat to look at, but the video I'm petty sure was right off the Pearl Harbour DVD lol. The demonstration with the water was neat, sure would have liked to be in it though. The prop warehouse was cool but everyone was moving so fast didint ... [Read more] really get a chance to see too much. The ride itself was alright, mostly Catastrophe Canyon was the highlight. I guess because Ive done the Universal California backlot tour twice now that Im a bit spoiled. Other than that we saw a few fighter jets and rode through the Wardrobe tunnel, nothing special. We also saw the Lights Motors Action set but nothing was happening as I'd missed the last show (Actually I made it but it was sold out). The hosts spiehl about it made me want to see it, but alas; [Read less]
This attraction could really stand some updating. Now that the the actual "backlot" streets are gone, there really is very little left to see. The pre-show is fun, but could stand some updating as well. It's a nice ride if Its a hot day and you've been on your feet all day long.
The Backlot Tour is a classic ride, walk through tour of the movies. Not too much has changed over the years except the movies focussed on. It's a classic and definately worth seeing at least once. It can get old after a while though especially if the lines are long. Castatrophe Canyon is indeed ... [Read more] the highlight. That truck sure has been set on fire quite a few times! 8.5 [Read less]
Backlot Tour is one of the greatest attractions, though over the years it has been downsized, the theme is still there: Revealing Movie Magic. It's an experience worth the time.
This is a classic for me as a kid. Catastrophe Canyon was something I looked forward to when visiting MGM. If you are one of the select few who gets picked out of the crowd to participate in the special effects preshow, you will have a blast. But be sure to have a member of your party stay behind ... [Read more] and video your stunning performace. You will not want to lose that moment. This is an older MGM ride that could use a bit of a spruce here or there but for the most part it is an interesting ride in the fact that you are actually looking at live action studios and props that were used in many famous movies. I wouldnt rate this ride as anything other than a simple informative tour. Some would rathar rate it based on its thrill or excitement level which is irrelevant in this case. Catastrophe Canyon is just a bonus. Some will apreciate and some wont. [Read less]
In a park that currently has only 5 rides, you think they'd keep them in good shape. After recently experiencing the Backlot Tour for the first time in several years, I have found that it's in terrible shape. The beginning special effects portion is fun, but they should update it as it gets ... [Read more] tiring after you see it the first couple times. Prop room remains kinda neat, but they should be playing more current movie previews. Santa Claus 3 was out last Christmas, Disney. The tour itself - very stale. Little to look at aside from a few neat movie props like the skeleton cages from Pirates II. The costuming and props departments are kind of neat, as is Catastrophe Canyon (best part of the short tour), but otherwise it's kind of dull. They seem to center it on the Lights Motors Action show next door, which took up pretty much the other interesting part of the tour. In its current state, the Backlot Tour is very dull and uneventful... it needs a great deal of plussing plus new stuff to look at. Otherwise, it's just a pointless trolley ride. [Read less]
This attraction quickly loses its appeal after you have experienced it once. Desperately needs to be revamped...
I love's just different from what's on offer and as well as an excellent pre-show area (you may get wet) feeling informed throughout, you also experience the wonderful Catastrophe Canyon...and then the behind-the-scenes construction. It's interesting, educational and thrilling all at the same time.
It's enjoyable once, but compared to Universal's tram, this tour is just a little too short for me. They really dropped the ball on this one in comparison to the Universal tour. Because the Studio built hardly any sound stages for actual filming, they just could never attract production companies ... [Read more] to film there, and they rarely got any new sets or props to put on display when the filming was over. Consequently, there's not much to see here, and every several years the tour gets shorter. This year I hear that w/ the new automobile stunt show, they shortened the backstage tram even more. At least w/ Universal's tram, they periodically build new animatronic presentations like King Kong into the tour. Disney hasn't added anything like this ever. When the highlight of the tram is seeing the small plane Walt Disney used to scout locations for WDW, then you know something is missing. [Read less]
An excellent middle of the day attraction when your feet are tired an you need a little break. An afternoon break is really all this attraction can be, seeing as every time another attraction invades the Backlot Tours space, the tram ride gets re-routed and made worse in some way. The latest ... [Read more] version appears to be pieced together in such a haphazard way that it no longer flows smoothly as it once did. This is sadening because contrary to popular belief that this attraction is actually a copy of the Universal Studios Tour, the Disney/MGM Backlot Tour was the first ride ever planned for the Theme Park. In fact, this ride was concieved before the Studios were even going to be a theme park. This is back when the original plans were to make it only a Disney Studios Tour as opposed to an entire Park. So if you're looking for a break in the middle of the day (after lunch or so), then check out the Studio Backlot Tour. [Read less]
but this could use some punching up. The tour starts off with a demonstration of special effects using members of the audience who are placed about a boat set and deluged with water while they try to act out a scene. The the audience boards a tram and rides through the backlot area where there are ... [Read more] a number of old props, and something called residential street. Residential street is being torn down and replaced, so that part of the tour has probably been cut. Then it's on to the best part of the tour: Catastrophe Canyon! That scene is quite a bit of fun. This is an entertaining diversion. [Read less]
This is a really nice tour, with Catastrophe Canyon being the "thrill" in the ride. It is also very fun to see the props used in various familiar movies/TV shows. Don't miss it if you've never been before!
Nothing special here. The update to the water effects tank using Pearl Harbor footage is kind of half baked. Residential Street lets you see some houses from TV shows and movies. Tram Ride past the bone yard is okay and the earthquake/fier/water effects are good but not great.
This tour is a good mixture of active and passive elements. The tour begins with an excellent special effects demonstration and includes an exciting trip through Catastrophe Canyon (active). You also see recognizable movie props and costumes (passive). Prepare your young children for the opening ... [Read more] demonstration and for Catastrophe Canyon. During the tour, I had to remind my kids that it was just pretend. [Read less]
a TON TON TON of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The backstage tour is a great way to relax, and see the props of many movies. You also get to see wardrobe from recent and old movies. Then you move on to a movie backlot where disney is supposedly filming a scene. When the rain starts everything goes crazy, you'll have to find the rest out for ... [Read more] yourself. The tour gets you into the backstage, and insider parts of mgm, so take a look at everything and take the tour! [Read less]
Very interesting tour and quite fun. Although gets a tad boring after you see it a few times.
One of few attractions left that gives guests a behind the scenes look at movie and television production, this takes guests on a tram tour of the Disney-MGM Backlot. There are special effects demenstrations including Catastrophe Canyon and one based on Pearl Harbor, a tour of the boneyard, costume ... [Read more] departyment, resedental street, and more. Worth the time to see it. [Read less]
This attraction needs updating.
The Disney/MGM Studios Backlot tour, an obvious take on the classic Universal Studios Hollywood tram tour is an instant classic. This ride takes you through the backlot of the MGM Studios, through residential street (showing various famous TV houses, such as the Golden Girls), Catastrophe Canyon ( ... [Read more] where something goes wrong), and Creative Costuming (where costumes are fabricated and maintained). This is fun for everyone, though small children may be a bit scared during Catastrophe Canyon [Read less]
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