Love Big Thunder Mountain Railroad it's always fun to ride this coaster. I wish Disney World would build another Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. The New expansion would help Disney maintain the original ride help reduce waiting times also. While enhancing Frontierland's Experience even further. ... [Read more] Disney should also do the same with Splash Mountain,& Adventureland. Walt Disney always wanted His Parks to continue to Expand & Grow with Endless Imagination. As the old saying goes Build it & they will come. [Read less]
I love this ride so much! We have been going for years and this is always a must! It is a very rare thing for us to not ride this more then three times! I love how the coaster is more tame which makes it a different type of thrill from things like Space Mountain. I love riding and seeing the ... [Read more] mountain and the other stuff. The other reason I love this ride is because of the detail that was put into this ride. I swear Universal does not have a coaster detailed like this! The only thing I hate is that they have taken away the special effects from the ride. I mean I understand the safety concerns, but to me there are better ways to protect guest without removing the effects! But we still love it, and we will always love it! [Read less]
My girlfriend loves roller coasters. She had never been to WDW and wasn't sure how much she would like it compared to coaster parks, although she was intrigued. Well, despite my best attempts to prepare her, she was absolutely amazed by every single detail about every single park, land, ride, ... [Read more] attraction, shop, restaurant, resort, etc. and she is now a full blown WDW fanatic! Getting back to my original statement; Big Thunder Mountain is now her favorite coaster in the world. She says she has more fun on it than any other coaster type ride she has been on, and we ride it at least a half dozen times on every trip. [Read less]
What looks like a kiddie ride
A great coaster for the whole family
Sure the ride gives you a taste of thrill, but much of the effects I remember from this ride don't work anymore. (especially the last incline.) But it's a really fun ride, and if you don't remember the old one then you'll find it to be perfect. Be warned cause this here's the wildest ride in the wilderness!
Short. Fun. Awesome. "The Wildest Ride in the Wilderness!" This ride looks alot more fun than just looking at it from the path/queue line. Tho the chain life is very loud in the cave part, and a few effects are missing, causing my rating to go down a little bit.
Even though it's a slower roller coaster ride, my wife and I have a blast on it. The ride never seems to end. You feel like you're on it for 10 minutes.
Like most Disney rides a lot of the thrill is from the visual effects. There use to be a lot more of them. Boulders above the train would shake and start to fall towards the train. Things like this no longer happen. When I ask a cast member about it they claimed it was for safety reasons. Now I'm ... [Read more] all for safety, but it seems to me that if a ride has been there for almost 30 years and they haven't had any problems then maybe we are being a little over cautious. [Read less]
I love this ride. I went on it for the first time during our trip this past August, thinking I wouldn't like it. Well, I went on and ended up loving it. I think we went on it at least three times in a row! It's just so much fun and everyone was laughing the whole time. It's really not as crazy as ... [Read more] they make it seem. It's a great starter coaster. It's in my top 5 favorite rides now :) [Read less]
This is a old time ride and the wait times in the summer for this have been 10 to 15 min. We do not even use Fastpass for this anymore. It is just a old time ride for us older folks.
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad is always a good time, although compared to other roller coasters it is rather tame. I have a sentimental weakness for it, as it was my first "big kid" ride at Disney when I was younger. That said, the theming is top notch; it is always a must do with my family multiple times.
This is always my favorite ride at Magic Kingdom. Not so thrilling that I'm too afraid to just relax and ENJOY THE RIDE!
I know it's just me - that once I experienced The Hulk at Universal and Rock n' Roller Coaster at Hollywood Studios, this ride seems tame in comparison. The waiting area is blazing hot in the summer (and since it's Florida, it's hot through the Spring and Fall too), and it takes forever to load. ... [Read more] The ride is like a tame roller coaster, fun but nothing really exciting. The best part used to be when we did a sharp turn and could see the "burning settler's cabin" across the river. But now the cabin doesn't burn anymore, which is very disappointing. Anyway, kids will love this. This is a good "introduction" coaster, to be ridden after Goofy's Barnstormer and before Space Mountain. It's dark and scary at the beginning, so don't take your kids on it if they are afraid of the dark. [Read less]
This attraction is great. Every time I go to the Magic Kingdom, I ride this at least twice(During the day w/ a Fastpass and at night towards the end of the fireworks show,Wishes--I do attractions during that because I've seen it a bunch;if a first timer to the World, watch fireworks--) Along with ... [Read more] the other two Mountains, Space and Splash, these attractions are definitely MUST-DOs! Not scary at all, just plain out FUN for kids and parents! [Read less]
This ride is alot of fun for everybody in the family! It's not too fast for the little ones but it has a lot of drops which make for a good thrill in the older crowd. The scenery is really good for this ride as well. The rocks look real and there's just so much to see! Oh, another thing. This ride ... [Read more] is really fun to ride at night! You can see the lights on the Castle and the whole park is lit up! [Read less]
soooo its fun and all but kinda boring unless you go at night and theres not a long wait. No real drops and its really loud in the begining with the cheesy bats its a must do though. Favorite parts is the loading voice "WILDESTTT RIIIIDE IN THE WILDERRRNESSSSS!" and the goat on top of the mountain ... [Read more] and of course the toppling rocks. [Read less]
great ride!!!
This is a true Disney classic. It was the first roller coaster that I ever went on when I finally reached the height requirement. I was nervous and excited - then when I went on the ride it was SO MUCH FUN! There are a lot of sharp turns and dips! Make sure that you sit next to someone you love ... [Read more] because you will slide onto them more than a few times! This is a really great coaster! Its scary enough for me - not too scary :)! [Read less]
When I first went on this back on my 1st trip to WDW in '07, I thought it was a decent ride & I had to go on it b/c it's a classic. I thought it could've been faster however, that's my only complaint I have about the ride. When we went back in '08, I thought that it was alittle faster in speed ... [Read more] but not by much. Still though, a true classic for the MK & WDW in general. [Read less]
it seems like this coaster is always in a turn. i like that its tame and easy to deal with, yet its still exciting enough to where its not boring. it could be a bit longer but i still think this is a great one to check out.
My favorite ride at Walt Disney World! Just a fun, classic, Disney ride! "Hang on to them hats and glasses, cause this here is the wildest ride in the wilderness!"
My favourite ride at the Magic Kingdom, maybe even the whole resort (though I admit there are some I missed). Not a kiddie ride all, moves at a good speed with some nice twists and turns. I read that the nighttime is the best time to ride it because you can't anticipate the turns, and that's when I ... [Read more] rode it. HIGHLY recommended. [Read less]
I'm not super fond of thrill rides, so this not-so-wild coaster is great for me. As seems to be the concensus on here, the theme is really cool, and I see something new everytime I ride.
This was DD's first roller coaster ride. We all loved it!!! Can't wait to do it again!
Great ride with great theming. If you want a real thrill try not holding on to the lap bar and lifting your feet off the floor (trust me you won't fly out) it will throw you around quite well. Thank goodness for the padding on the insides of the car. I have to agree with other reviews the back is ... [Read more] where it's at. You can request it, you may have to wait for the next train but it is worth it. My favorite of all the mountain rides and maybe overall. [Read less]
Although I prefer Disneyland's version of this ride, the Magic Kingdom's Big Thunder Mountain Railroad is, bar none, the finest themed rollercoaster I have ever been on. Yes, even better, but perhaps not as grand, as Expedition Everest. Imaginative, impressive, and imperial aren't even good ... [Read more] adjectives for Thunder Mountain. If you leave Disney without riding, you're doing yourself a great big disservice. And if you've been on it before (like I'm sure everyone on this site has), then you'll simply experience a fantastic blast from the past (the kind that life is just too short of). The exterior appearance of the mountain itself is strikingly lifelike; you would never guess that those mountains aren't real. Standing in line for the attraction is nearly as fun as the ride itself. From the time you're out of the gate, you careen into a dark cavern and are greeted by a hoard of bats. Underground caverns, waterfalls, hidden tunnels, a rockfall, and even a bleating billygoat are just a few sights to see on your journey; rerides are needed to pick up all the details. The coaster is faster than Space Mountain but overall is still a "mild thrill" great for coaster enthusiasts in training. Favorite Portion of ride: The lift inside the collapsing cavern (the train rocks from side to side as it ascends the hill - very cool), the bats, and of course, the mountain. [Read less]
A must do if you even remotely like roller coasters. The line can get long during the afternoon so i suggest hitting this ride early in the morning or during parades/fireworks. The theming on this coaster is next to none. Oh and you might want to sit next to someone you know cause you'll be ... [Read more] bouncing into your ride partner quite a few times. If you have the chance ride it at night time, you won't regret it. [Read less]
This ride is definitely a must-do. It is fun for all ages and is wild and tame at the same time. The scenes are great and the track is fun. You will not want to miss it on your next Disney trip.
Long wait even with FastPass but the ride itself is much longer than most roller coasters. Lots of cool visual effects and a decent ride to boot. The line-up area was at least interesting to see.
Kind of a let down after the long wait to ride, but fun on a nice day!
Although my 4 year old daughter was a little frightened by the speed and loud noises, we all thought it was a fun ride. Visually, it is just beautiful-a notch or two under Spalsh Mountain's theming, but still very good. Even people who don't enjoy thrill rides would like this one!
I think this is a really great ride. It is good for the whole family. It is not too fast and wild, but not too slow and boring. It is one of my family's favorites!
FUN ride , very tame compared to others, i especially like the mini figures
To much turning around and curses but still great I like how big the truck cars are.
This is a great classic from Disney. It is a fairly tame rollercoaster, just enough thrills to make it very fun. The effects in this ride are top notch, and you will want to keep your eyes open to see all the sights in this ride. It is a must-see for everyone of all ages.
It's a little dissapointing riding in the front, when finish the lift hills, the train isn't "free" until you're almost at the bottom of the drops. Props and decorations are great. IMO the seats and restraints are more comfortable than Space Mountain's for people over 6' tall. Lines can get ... [Read more] very long and it gets very hot while waiting in the upper portion of the maze. [Read less]
I am in no way a rollercoaster fan... last week during my trip, this was actually my first coaster and was a little nervous but when all was said and done I was actually disappointed a little. I think it needs a big drop to top it off... Splash Mountain was scarier.
Its a ride for the whole family it speed is about 30 MPH and I just love the turns that are short.
Whoa! What a great ride! Big Thunder could be one of the best coasters in all of Florida! Because of Big Thunder milder thrills it's sure to amuse guests of all ages. Big Thunder is a MUST DO!
Board a runaway minetrain in some haunted hills for a great adventure through the mountains and caves. It is a blast no matter who you are and has a moderate thrill factor. The "wildest ride in the wilderness" is a MUST ride!
This is my all-time favourite! A must see for anyone!
ok not a thrill ride but a must do, just to see the donkey.
I remember the first time I rode Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. We rode it 4 times in a row, it was at night and during Country Magic. I have rode this coaster at elast a hundred times, its fun everytime! It is not a something that will scare you silly, but it is thrilling at some parts and just ... [Read more] plain fun in all. You will laugh almost the whole time. If you want a good fun coaster make sure you ride this. If your a little nervous, dont be, you will have fun. If coaster scare you ride towards the front. It is much slower. The back seat is the best!!! If you dont believe me ride the back first, then do the front. Early Morning, slight rain, or late at night are the slow times. During slow times of the year you will see 10 to 30 minute waits, during peak times, well why are you even trying hahaha, just kidding, 45 to 90 minutes. Have fun!!! [Read less]
This attraction is a wonderful Disney classic, and though it may seem like a high-speed coaster, this "mountain" is actually the most tame of the "Triple Mountain Trifecta" Though the queue is not very elaborate (wooden floors, wooden ceilings, and wooden railings), the ride more than makes up for ... [Read more] it. The lines are generally long from mid morning until the park closes, and particularly at night (as most outdoor attractions are). But if both tracks are operating, then your wait shouldn't be more than 20 minutes. The ride is aboard a "runaway train", and you go past falling rocks, old mining towns, and waterfalls. Once on board, you realize that this "high speed coaster" is actually no more terrifying than...oh...say...The Great Movie Ride at Disney Studios. In that, there are no big drops, no loops, and no extended periods of time in darkness. This is a great coaster for people who do not like roller coasters, and a classic ride that everyone must experience. [Read less]
This may not be the most thrilling of rollercoasters but it certainly packs a punch...very detailed, great theming and certainly great fun. Get a fast pass though...the line can stretch and stretch! Look out for some of the furry animals en route! Check out a longer and faster Thunder Mountain in Disneyland Paris.
This ride is perfect for the whole family to ride! It's not too scary and a good way to get small kids used to roller coasters. The queue can get over 2 hours as it is one of the more popular rides. Don't miss this ride when going to MK.
Long waits are common in early morning,afternoon. The theming is awesome on this ride and demands admiration and awe. Every little detail, from the various wildlife to the hot springs and flooded mine town; it\\\'s all done with amazing detail! The music waiting in line fits the ride perfectly. ... [Read more] That saloon old-west piano music is great. Also, the out-of-control whistling and chugging noise the train makes as it tears through the tracks is great! The mountain is breathtaking to look at and makes one want to go exploring inside its tunnels. The WDW version has a much better layout than Disneyland\'s mountain, in that it is situated on a hill and is quite a distance away from the queue area and located along the banks of the Rivers of America. The thrills are there, but not so intense or high that it scares away the timid. It\\\'s a good coaster and the elements of the surrounding environment add to the thrills! The train whips around corners and feels like it is going to collide with buttes or smash into the beautiful red rocks of the mountain. The ride is perfect in length. It\\\'s not too short or too long. Most kids will love this ride. It\\\'s not too scary and there\\\'s a lot to see, too. Overall, Big Thunder is one of Disney\\\'s greatest ride\\\'s ever built! The western theme gives it a very chaotic feel and the sheer scope of detail and size of the entire area is amazing. Be sure to ride it when you visit!!!! If you ride at night it gives the ride a whole different experience. Is a can\\\'t miss ride at WDW! Also, \\\"be sure to hang on now, n\\\'specially to dem hats n\\\' glasses! \\\'Cause this here\\\'s the wildest ride in the wilderness!!!\\\" [Read less]
A well-themed coaster infused with bits of Disney humor here and there (guy in bathtub, flooded town, etc). It's probably the least thrilling of the 3 "mountains" at the Magic Kingdom, but the detail can be elaborate and communicates an environment of thrilling possibilities that makes up for any ... [Read more] perceived lack of thrills produced by the track layout itself. [Read less]
This is one of the few rollercoasters that is fun for ALL ages. It is exciting enough to give you that rush of a roller coaster but isn't so intense that kids cant ride.
Not my favorite of the 3 mountains, but always a fun ride. I hate the loud noise in the beginning when we're ascending the mountain, but otherwise everything is good about it. We usually ride this while waiting for our Splash FP's to come around.
This is not to be missed. When I first went onto this ride back in the mid 80s I loved it as a 5 year old. And now 15 years later I am going on it again this June as the second ride we go on. It is just great!
I just love this ride! It's always a thrill to get on, hear, "Hold on to your hats!" and then feel your train go tearing down the tracks, through the mineshafts, past the dino bones and the digging equipment, taking hairpin turns at breakneck speed and cruising down inclines. Is it the scariest ... [Read more] coaster? Not at all. But it's a heckuva lotta fun and worth standing in line for! [Read less]
I love going on this ol' ride over and over, I never get tired of it. cause this her's the wildst ride in the wil-der-nes! It is fun going on it at night, the view of the park is very cool, and it is fun not seeing the track in front of you. at night, you can more easily see some of the effects on ... [Read more] the ride, since they light them up. during the day teh lines get long and hot, and with the addition of fast pass, the lines seemingly have gotten even longer. but still a must do! [Read less]
My whole family enjoyed what my kids call the "fast train". You have to ride it a couple of times to catch all of the scenery ... you zip past it pretty quickly. When you do see it, you'll appreciate the details - the mountain itself, the mining equipment, etc. Great ride!
I only gave BTM a "GOOD" for thrill only because I just got back from Paris and can tell you the BTM in paris has more thrills then ours. But still BTM is a great ride and I always look foward to getting on.......a must!
I think Big Thunder Mountain is one of those rides that marked the history of amusement parks forever. Is not the greatest ride in magic Kingdom, but, if broken, is a huge pity. Onece I went to MK and the ride was closed, I almost cry. Is a must have for the park and a must-ride. Together with ... [Read more] Space Mountain is the best example of a wonderfully themed roller coaster... And that makes a LOT of difference [Read less]
Not a bad ride... just not all that exciting... maybe more speed or even sharper turns. It was ok but after you have been on others like space mountain this just seems kind of boring. Good for kids that are just starting to get into more thrilling rides.
This was the last ride that my family and I rode when we visited the MK. I bought us all glow sticks of different colors and we rode BTMR after dusk so they glowed nicely. We rode it three times in a row, once with FP then twice without.
This is a great ride for MK! Kids love it and adults can have fun on it too. The theming is really great, even though you don't really notice it when you are on the ride. My only complaint it that I don't like the line, it's really hot kinda boring, especially at the begining when you can't even ... [Read more] watch the cars go by. But great ride! [Read less]
One of the best rides in all of walt disney world resort.
This was the first coaster I ever went on (age 8). It took me until I was 26 to realize that this is best experienced not as a thrill machine but as a fast-paced tour of finely-detailed Disney theming. Next time, ignore the fact that you're on a coaster and you're supposed to let go of the bar and ... [Read more] scream...hold on and look around like you're on the MGM Tram tour. Even if you've been on it 20 times you'll probably see something new. Maybe y'all already knew this and I'm just the last to catch on. [Read less]
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad is a very fun ride... although to fully enjoy the drops of the coaster, sit in the very last seat. Trust me, you will enjoy it more than if you sat in the front.
Need a thrill? then jump on big thunder mountain railroad to speed up your adrenaline. The aim of the ride is to depict a run away train, around a mountain. The ride can have long lines, but if its short make sure to take advantage and ride it. The trains move pretty fast and the little kids love ... [Read more] it!Its one of my personal favorites at the Magic Kingdom so make sure to ride it! [Read less]
Big Thunder Mountain is a great ride. The best time to ride it is at night. It is really fun cause you can't see what is ahead of you so you are constantly supprised. Try to go there during the fireworks, there is practically no line.
This ride is even better after dark!
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad isn't the fastest, wildest, or most thrilling coaster of its kind, but it's still quite entertaining. As with all of its attractions, Disney's attention to detail in the design and makeup of the ride is fantastic. You really feel like you're in the Old West riding in a ... [Read more] runaway train and along the way you get to encounter funny scenes and desert animals. The train could move a bit faster, but it's still a decent ride. [Read less]
Second only to Space Mountain for fun, the BTM Railroad is truly a 'wild' ride...a runaway mine train with tight turns and quick drops, the BTM RR is themed nicely with it's mountain rising high into the Disney sky as you swifty pass thru a miner's town, a goat with sticks of dynamite in it's mouth ... [Read more] and even an earthquake deep inside the mountain...and a whole lot more. ..this ride seems like it's over quickly...I don't think the ride is as short as Space Mountain but not as long as Splash Mountain...definitely use a fastpass unless you're there early in the morning...also, we found the lines to be super short in the evening, especially if they have both sides of the loading area operating. The view is nice from the top of the mountain and it's especially nice if the electrical parade is in progress while you ride. Put this attraction on the "definitely must see" side of your plans [Read less]
Not only is this my favorite roller coaster in Walt Disney World, but it's my favorite of anywhere else for that matter. The mix of thrills combined with the show scenes and themings make this a paragon of Disney's combonation of thrills and storytelling. A thrilling ride in the day, but also incredable at night.
This is one of my all time favorite attractions at the Magic Kingdom. Its well themed and fun to ride at night. Kid friendly and lots of theming.. Very excellent ride!
A nice thrill and story in Frontierland. Situated in the old west, climb aboard a mine train - - set loose! Crowds are high, but be sure to put this in your Disney trip plans if you're looking for a nice thrill with a story.
Big Thunder Mountain really is the wildest ride in the wilderness! If you ever wondered what it was like to be a passanger in a run-away mine train, then Big Thunder is for you. It's great fun and a wonderful classic attraction. Big Thunder Mountain is good during the day, but it's great at night! ... [Read more] It's a must do attraction, a true e ticket. I just wish it was a little longer. [Read less]
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