Disney World's trash cans are closed once again

May 14, 2021 in "EPCOT"

Trash can lids restored at EPCOT
Posted: Friday May 14, 2021 12:28pm ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

A quick follow up from our report earlier this week about trash cans at Walt Disney World. As you can see from these pictures, the trash cans at the parks are now mostly restored with their lids in a closed position.

When Walt Disney World began its phased reopening from the COVID shutdown in May 2020, all of the trash cans had their lids locked in the up-swing position to reduce guest's physical contact with surfaces.

As pandemic related restrictions are being eased, a team is now in the process of going throughout Walt Disney World restoring the lids.

Disney World is about to move into a significant new phase of reopening with Disney CEO Bob Chapek saying that he expects to see some mask requirements eliminated this summer. 

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    DCBakerMay 15, 2021

    Here's that thread - https://forums.wdwmagic.com/threads/typhoon-returning.973104/#post-9798585

    ColeTrain04May 15, 2021

    Any rumors on Typhoon Lagoon reopening in the near future?

    John park hopperMay 13, 2021

    Let's hope they empty the newly open trash cans before they are overflowing

    CastAStoneMay 12, 2021

    Require airtight Space Suits! It is time!

    larryzMay 12, 2021

    The birds lose twice. No more trash can french fries, and no more bugs hanging around the open trash cans.

    SpoiledBlueMilkMay 12, 2021

    Nature is healing.

    ToTBellHopMay 11, 2021

    Tuppence a bag.

    dreday3May 11, 2021

    Will no one think of the birds? :(

    Penny’s DadMay 11, 2021

    We saw several birds flying into the trash cans at the Poly looking for food and coming back out with french fries. This should solve that problem.

    Captain Culpepper ClineMay 11, 2021

    Any other news about trash cans in their normal state? Asking for a friend.

    MisterPenguinMay 11, 2021

    This will certainly make trash-top dining a more lovely affair!

    raymusiccityMay 11, 2021

    Little by little, logic and reason will prevail. Just like the CDC acknowledging that outdoors transmission chances of Covid is actually 1%, not 10% Maybe the mask mandate can be lifted before the heat of summer sets in.

    HauntedPirateMay 11, 2021

    I kind of like them how they were but your example is perfectly logical and reasonable as well.