Okay, pardon the cheesy Mass Effect joke in the headline, I couldn't resist. This IS my favourite ride in the world. Not just Disney World, I think the world... I can't think of another ride I'd rather go on. If someone said to me "you can only go on one more ride ever" I would choose Haunted ... [Read more] Mansion. Why, you ask? I mean, it's not as technically impressive as something like the Tower of Terror or the Rock'n'Roller Coaster... but I would argue that super fast, super scary and thrilling rides are not necessarily the "best" rides, and even moreso it's not really what Disney is all about. Disney - to me - is about theming... it's about immersion and experience. If I'm already boring you, Haunted Mansion is probably not going to be your favourite ride, as it is mine. However you should still give it a try! It's a lot of spooky fun. It's also the only place on property where the cast members don't smile, and will tell you to "have a dreadful time". It's very family-friendly goth in that Addams Family way. It's all the kitsch and most of the fun of a dirty, rundown, sketchy circus sideshow without the actual dirt and spilt beer and stale popcorn... or risk of being stabbed. Plus ghosts! It has great music, and is a great place to put your arm around your sweetheart and just enjoy being pulled outside of your everyday reality into something else. To my mind, Haunted Mansion is Disney at its best. The line is usually not long and even when it is, there is so much to look at and explore in the graveyard, the time passes quickly and at its best it just adds to the ambiance and anticipation. It also has one of the only gift shops - Memento Mori - which you actually have to go out of your way to get to and I actually consider a worthwhile destination in and of itself! If you're at all into spooky things, kitschy things, or just good old school Disney immersion and atmosphere, Haunted Mansion is not to be missed. [Read less]
This is overall the best ride in Disney in my mind. The attention to detail and overall complexity of the ride is outstanding, plus on busy days it isn't that long of a line and it is really relaxing :) (my favorite ride)
Details, details, details! You won't believe it. They thought of everything on this ride, and it's spectacular. The special effects are amazing. Interesting and alluring from start to finish. Can't say enough good things about this ride.
The Haunted Mansion has almost everything a great attraction should. It is accessible -- and appealing -- to all ages. It has intense attention to detail and immersive theming. It has super-high capacity, keeping its wait times down, and also gives an experience on the longer side; perhaps the best ... [Read more] reward-for-wait attraction out there. It even features catchy music. The only thing you could ask for is more thrill, but if the result is no height restriction, it's hard to complain with everything else it has to offer. [Read less]
The new upgrades really add to an already awesome ride. I can't wait to ride it again.
i took my baby cousin on it and i think she loved it. i know i did! by far better than all of the rides in wdw, dl, dl paris, and tokyo wdw. i have two ghost hitchhikers already i just need Ezra to be able to brag about it.
What can you say? This ride is a classic!! I love it so much that I actually have a little model Haunted Mansion in my room. Don't forget to check out the Pet Cemetery when you exit the ride. They even have a little gravestone to Mr. Toad!
What more can be said about the Haunted Mansion? It's fun and a little spooky at the same time, creates a fantastic atmosphere and has incredible detail. You can ride it over and over and discover something new every time. An absolutely can't-miss ride.
one of the best parts of the entire world... always my wife and I's first and last attraction to visit.
This attraction is especially enjoyable, for me, because it has that classic Disneyland, old Imagineer touch to it. Most little ones will not be scared, even though the exterior is somewhat creepy. Just remember, it's "999 happy haunts". This ride through is a great way to sit down for a few ... [Read more] minutes, even though the outside lines can be long! Experience this, it is a cherished classic! [Read less]
When I was little, I hated this ride with a passion. My parents forced me to ride it everytime we went to Magic Kingdom. But I'm happy they did that because now I love this ride!! It just took me awhile to realize I was being a chicken :p It really is loads of fun and can be enjoyed by the little ... [Read more] ones and the bigger crowds. It's a good, classic ride that's a must do! [Read less]
i thought when they added the stair case that would make it 1000 happy haunts.
haunted mansion is by far the BEST ride in disney. I love the creepiness of the ride!! its sooooo sweet!!!
I experienced the HM over 30 years ago with my kids and recently with my grandkids and it is still amazing! We loved it -- went 3 times!
scarier than i thought it would be for a disney ride. I absolutely love it. The part at the beginning with the lights off & walls moving was the scariest though. The ride through was just great seeing all the ghosts & stuff you think how did they do that. Probably the best part is when u ... [Read more] get a little hitchhiker ;) [Read less]
This ride was always great, but the rehab made it amazing. Classic Disney at its best!
A must-ride! Very fun! The refurb. really adds to the ride and it looks very nice.
this ride is even more magical with the inhansments
I think it's safe to say that this is mine and DW's collective favorite ride. And our DD seemed to love it too...she wasn't scared at all when we rode it in the daytime, and mildly scared during MNSSHP. Our favorite part is the hitchiking ghosts at the end!
This ride is one of the best and most classic rides in the MK. While there are "wall-to-wall spooks," it is not too scary for young children. The new bride has made it a bit scarier because the way she looks and eerieness of her voice. But it is still all good Disney fun. This ride is a definite ... [Read more] must-see on your nest Disney trip. [Read less]
Im scared everytime i go on, except it is lighhearted fun and spooks. it is quite fun though, once you pat threw the scary parts. Parents, my little cousin got scared out of her mind and had to go on its a small world, tea cups, and basically every ride in fantasy land except snow white to calm her ... [Read more] down. so be careful [Read less]
When I was a kid, this ride used to frighten me. The details like the cobwebs, the smell, the stretch room (with the "dead center of the room"). As an adult, I have fond memories ... and the Haunted Mansion is a definite highlight. Although it may not "scare" people like a person jumping out ... ... [Read more] the music, effects and atmosphere are terrific ... and funny. Like the best Disney rides, you can get right back on and see different details the next time around. Check out the "Grim Grinning Ghosts". Perhaps not as technologically advanced, but an old favourite which still holds its own. /\/\/\/\ the Shamus /\/\/\/\ [Read less]
The refurb of the Haunted Mansion was long overdue, and WDI came thru with flying colors. The multi-positional audio in both the stretching room and the Doombuggies is awesome, and very much appreciated after years of crackling audio or even no audio. The new scenes, especially the attic scene, are ... [Read more] what many expect out of WDI - top notch. You'll want to ride several times just to take in all the changes. I know I did! This is once again a can't-miss E-ticket attraction at the Magic Kingdom. [Read less]
This is one of the best rides in Mk. A thin storyline about a bride, funny tombstones, and some hitchhiking ghosts make this ride a must see classic
I think the Haunted Mansion is a Disney classic that is well-presented and the spooky sets are beautifully macabre. However, it is overrated by most Disney-o-philes. I'm not saying that there is anything overwhelmingly bad about it, but there are many attractions that are superior to it... by far.
Haunted Mansion is a must see classic ride. It uses so many old effects and lights that there is really nothing quite like it. It's more whimsical than scary but you won't have a better time in a doom buggy than here! The hitchiking ghosts are awesome as well.
Welcome foolish Mortals I'm you Ghost host. I love HM its one of the best products of WDI ever.
I love this ride and I can not wait to ride the new version Nov.11 when I go back to Disney. I am sooo excited to see the new changes. I love this ride!
I've been going to the HM since the 70's. A trip to the MK is not complete without at least one ride on a "Doombuggy". From entering the streching room, to the ride though out all the "floors" and then finally the hitchhiking ghosts. This is Disney at its most complete theming. I'm a huge HM fan ... [Read more] and since they've opened up the Castle for overnight guest, I'm now waiting for my turn to spend the night in the HM! [Read less]
This is by far our favorite Disney ride. From being greated at the doors by the CM, to the end, this ride keeps on giving. Our kids 7, 9, 10 were a a little spooked the first time, but after that they wanted everything the ride would offer. We love the music and story which is apparent throughout ... [Read more] the entire ride. GREAT!! [Read less]
Whilst this ride is hyper-detailed and fascinating, you might only be disappointed if you are expecting it to be scary. It's not. You wont jump, although you will marvel. Enjoy...although I know you would rather be just a little scared wouldn't you?
This attraction is great in just about every aspect, the theming, design, storytelling, animatronics, effects, atmosphere. There are details everywhere and each time there's something new you didn't notice before. The preshow is probably the most famous of all Disney attractions, and there's even a ... [Read more] nice post show touch ("hurry baaa-aaack..."). The ghost effects are still effective even by today's standards. This is a classic. [Read less]
A must-see at Magic Kingdom, Haunted Mansion is truly a classic! It's pretty much 4 decades old, and it continues to live on as a favorite among the millions of families that visit WDW every year. Can be kind of scary for little kids, so proceed with caution and don't force the kids in if they don' ... [Read more] t want to ride. If they're good about it, it can easily become a favorite attraction for the kids as well as the parents and grandparents! [Read less]
My all time faivorite Diz attraction has got to be the Haunted Mansion. Its hard to believe an attraction that is so old is still worthy today - a timeless masterpiece.
its a great ride...... Classic.... shouldn't be missed. I love the theming and the buggys and the whole aspect of the ride. Everything symbolizes disney magic
Do NOT miss this! One of the very best attractions in the world, hands down.
My 24 year old friend still freaks out about going on this ride. she shakes and jumps at the scary parts, and doesn't like it when the ghosts sit on her lap. seriously. the haunted mansion has been another childhood favorite,and I cant get enough of it. every time I go in, I see something different ... [Read more] and amazing, and I love seeing and hearing the reactions of other guests. I love that there is a story line behind the whole ride that isnt spoon fed to you, you ahve to talk to cast members and go looking on the web to find it. it is a timeless classic that I hope is around for my kids and grandkids and etc to see. and feel. and be creeped out by. [Read less]
What can you say about a ride this good. I have the Disney Theme Parks soundtrack in my car, and this one's in my top three favorites. The best time to go is on an E-ride night, especially near Halloween. I don't know why, but it's spookier then somehow. "Grim Grinning Ghosts Come Out to Socialize..."
The Haunted Mansion is a visual work of art. Macabre humor, excellent effects, and an altogether engrossing attraction. Impressive AND entertaining - a real winner.
The Haunted Mansion is Disney at its best! I love everything about this attraction! The huge gothic mansion, the tombstones in the yard, the pre-show in the elevator, the CMs patter and costumes, the Doombuggies (!), the leisurely ride through a haunted house filled with 999 ghosts (with room for 1 ... [Read more] more) and the ghostly hitchhiker at the end. One particular favorite of mine is the haunted ballroom with all the twirling couples. That said, of course, HM is not very scary, and only likely to frighten the smallest children. It's just an amusing, relaxing ride. [Read less]
Everyone knows this ride is a classic; from the beginning until the end, the ride keeps a wonderfully spooky vibe! Generally there isn't a very long line for this ride, but sometimes at various points during the day, it's packed! I wish they would change the graveyard stuff up a little bit, I feel ... [Read more] like they've over used the black light/pop up skull bits. Other than that, a great classic ride! [Read less]
This has got to be my favorite ride at WDW. A MUST SEE! When I was there in May, I mentioned something about the hitchhiking ghosts to my 6 year old nephew. He said he didn't want to go on the ride after that. (Oops) We talked him into it. He absolutely loved it! I happened to be riding in the ... [Read more] doombuggy with him when we rode it. When we got to the hitchhiking ghosts joining us in the doombuggy, he started waving his hand. I thought he was just waving to us in the mirror, but he later admitted he was trying to shoo the ghost away. Classic! I have it on video and laugh whenever I see it. [Read less]
This Haunted Mansion achieves everything. It has funny parts, frightening parts, interesting characters, silly ghosts, tormented souls. It keeps the suffering of death and the happiness of the afterlife inside a single Mansion. It has something for kids and adults alike. Its special effects are ... [Read more] superior to any haunted house of any park around the world. Its story development is great. The Ghost Host is one of the greatest characters in WDW Theme Parks, is a tormented soul, a man who commited suicide. He hates afterlife as he likes it... Seeing him hanging over me was a frightening vision. Definetively a ride to have fun and to think and be scared by the sole idea of living after dying. [Read less]
Excellent! You have to ride this! I go on it everytime i'm at Disney World, plus, my mother used to work there when she was a teen so it has special meaning to me. You always see different things and if you are younger you will get a good scare. :) Must Ride attraction, although the line is very boring and hot....
Could never replace this ride. We thorougly enjoy this ride. My son, who wouldn't step foot into this since he was a baby, has since become obsessed with it and knows everthing about if from top to bottom. It's a classic and don't ever take this one out!!!
The Haunted Mansion is my favorite attraction. It has effects that are still not out dated today. The only thing that hurts HM is that it has a stigma that it is scary because it is a "Haunted" Mansion. It think sometimes it keeps small children from riding it. Other then that it is just wonderful ... [Read more] and a true calssic! [Read less]
This is a Disney classic. It was lightyears ahead of its time with the special effects. Great fun for adults and kids.
I've been to theme and amusement parks all over and The Haunted Mansion is still my favorite theme park attraction. It has everything a Disney attraction should have. The best Disney rides aren't rides at all. They are experiences that no one else can duplicate. Most Disney rides are very good, ... [Read more] some are great, and for a select few, the term "theme park attraction" does'nt do them justice. HM is one of those select few. From Paul Frees narration, to the stretching room, to the ballroom scene, HM is a disney classic. [Read less]
Another one of my personal favorites is the Haunted Mansion. It is truly a Disney Classic. Beware of Hitchhiking Ghosts!!!
The Haunted Mansion is a Disney classic. Fun, exciting, and thrilling. Should not be missed by anybody. Shows the true magic of what Disney is about.
WDW's Haunted Mansion is one of the must-see attractions not only of the Magic Kingdom, but of all of WDW itself. The Disney imagineers have created a creepy, spooky, ominous attraction that's still full of great Disney fun. It sports some fantastic theming, from the outside queue with the ... [Read more] tombstones and howling wolf sounds, to the end of the ride when you find yourself sitting next to a ghost. It's appropriately creepy but not over the top. Real small kids may be frightened, but it's nothing they can't handle. Definitely one of the best rides in the park and in the World. [Read less]
This attraction has some of the greatest visual and audio effects of any ride anywhere. The ballroom scene is spectacular. Each time you ride, you'll see new things.
The haunted mansion is definetly a classic at the magic kingdom. The beginning of the ride starts you off in a room that appears to be stretching....or is it?Then you move on to little rovers which bring you around the mansion that has 999 happy haunts, but room for a thousand. Along the ride you ... [Read more] will see illusions of ghosts and it is very cool to watch. At the end your vehicle picks up a hitchhicker who will stay with you until your next visit. When i get off the ride they said to ask about staying there, but the cast members keep telling me im not allowed! Dont miss the haunted mansion at the magic kingdom!!! [Read less]
This is probably my favorite ride at the MK. I HAVE to ride it every time I go to MK or DL. The richness and quality of all the little (and big) details make this ride enjoyable again and again!
The Haunted Mansion is one of Disney's legendary attractions. Theming is impecable, music intresting and catchy, and effects amazing. The only thing that is probably keeping this from being one of my absolute favorite Disney rides is the themes of horror and the macabe involved in it which I have ... [Read more] never been incredably fond of (ghost stories and horror flicks were never my style). Nevertheless, this is an amazing attraction and worthy of multiple trips into the spooky old house. [Read less]
This is another Disney original, created by Walt Disney and his Imagineers in the 60s. Hosted by our Ghost Host (Paul Frees), we are taken through a Haunted Mansion and are invited to join 999 Happy Haunts. Taken through a ballroom, ghostly hallways, and falling backwards into the Graveyard, we are ... [Read more] presented with frightful, and some funny, haunts. It has quite the Disney flavour! And don't forget...if you ride this attraction, a ghost will follow you home! [Read less]
This Haunted Mansion is a wonderful ride! The details are wonderful, from the wallpaper to all of the junk in the attic. It's not too scary but it's scary enough to be enjoyable, it would NOT be a good ride if it was like It's a Small World. The audio-animatronics are some of the best in all of ... [Read more] Walt Disney World. This ride would probably be not a good idea if you have very small children or if you get scared easily because things pop out at you unexpectedly and other stuff like that. But if you don't get scared easily, I highly recommend this ride! It's great! [Read less]
The Haunted Mansion is classic Disney fun. It has so many elements: humor, illusion, spookyness, and family fun. This is a Disney attraction with an edge. Every time you ride it wheather it's your second time or your hundred and second time you will notice something you hadn't before. It "isn't it' ... [Read more] s a small world", it's dark and spooky, parents should use their discretion with young children. [Read less]
As stated above, a true classic! Not only is this one of the most completely themed attractions at WDW it is aslo the most charming and entertaining.
One of my all time favorites in the entire resort!
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