PHOTOS - City Hall on Main Street U.S.A. behind scrims for refurbishment

Feb 04, 2020 in "Main Street, U.S.A."

Main Street U.S.A. City Hall refurbishment February 2020
Posted: Tuesday February 4, 2020 11:28am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

City Hall on Main Street U.S.A. in the Magic Kingdom is undergoing a major refurbishment on the exterior.

The entire facade is now behind construction scrims, although City Hall continues to operate as normal for guest relations.

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    peter11435Feb 12, 2020

    Yep. The printed scrim always goes up after the scaffolding is finalized and brown scrim completed

    MovieloverFeb 12, 2020


    trainplane3Feb 11, 2020

    Panic can be over now, painted scrims are partially up:

    Animaniac93-98Feb 07, 2020

    "I'll take one City Hall to go, please."

    N2druFeb 07, 2020

    Speaking of Main Street any word if the theater will ever get approved/built? The MK needs a large theater for live shows. I just didn't like the placement of the proposed theater. Then again I can't think of another place in the park for it. Any thoughts?

    ImperfectPixieFeb 06, 2020

    Once you get into the high volume printing that Disney needs, the cost gets very low per square foot (or per item, depending on the kind of printing you're talking about). Fortunately, there's no real road traffic to worry about, so they're lucky in that respect, but they still get dirty from rain, wind blown dirt, and rubbing against outdoor surfaces, and it's very likely more cost effective to print new scrims as opposed to trying to clean, store, and re-use them.

    WDWTankFeb 06, 2020

    With the scrims on it looks like a Cog building lol . It also looks like a soundstage :)

    ᗩLᘿᑕ ֊ᗩζᗩᗰFeb 06, 2020

    Disney would save a lot of money if they just used a pre-dyed Go-Away Green scrim instead of photo realistic printed wrappings. It'd be an immersion killer... I'm actually shocked the bean counters haven't considered it. Or have they? SHUT UP MAGICART87. THEY'LL HEAR YOU!

    CreathirFeb 05, 2020

    I’m sure they are. After digging into this and thinking more on it, I’d bet these are done uniquely each time they renovate a building with updated artwork representing it. It looks like the scrims have a lifespan of around 9 months, so they almost certainly are not reused.

    ImperfectPixieFeb 05, 2020

    I would hope that these are PRINTED scrims and not painted ones (when they have images on them)'s far, far less expensive to scan a small piece of art and print...

    MaryJanePFeb 05, 2020

    Wouldn't a saved scrim be out of date with any cosmetic changes that necessitated it in the first place?

    MagicHappens1971Feb 05, 2020

    while it would probably be cost effective to keep the printed scrims around, they would probably take up way Too much space to save them for all of Main Street so I’d assume it’s a new one every time

    CrazydisneyfanlukeFeb 05, 2020

    I've been wondering this as well. It wouldn't make sense to keep them for any other part of the park besides Main Street.

    larryzFeb 05, 2020

    They should rename it "City Bag."