Magic Kingdom's 'Mickey's Once Upon a Christmastime Parade' joins Disney Genie+ Lighting Lane

Dec 22, 2021 in "Mickey's Once Upon a Christmastime Parade"

Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmastime Parade 2021
Posted: Wednesday December 22, 2021 8:35am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

'Mickey's Once Upon a Christmastime Parade' begins today during regular Magic Kingdom hours and is included in Disney Genie+.

Reserved viewing for the parade is available as a Lighting Lane selection included within Genie+. The viewing area is in the east side of Cinderella Castle courtyard.

The parade will take place at 12pm and 3:45pm from December 22 to December 29, and then at 12pm and 3:30pm on December 30 and 31 2021.

'Mickey's Once Upon A Christmastime Parade' made its return in November as part of 'Disney Very Merriest After Hours,' the new ticketed event at Magic Kingdom. Learn more about 'Disney Very Merriest After Hours.'

Although the parade is back, with the familiar music and floats, it is a significantly cut-down version of the classic holiday parade.

The vast majority of the dancers that fill in the spaces between the floats are missing, giving the parade more of a cavalcade feel than an entire Magic Kingdom parade spectacular.

Watch the video below for a look at the 2021 edition of 'Mickey's Once Upon A Christmastime Parade.' (4K YouTube)

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    Disney AnalystJan 13, 2022

    Actually super cool! Never knew.

    gerararJan 13, 2022

    Disney Parks posted some BTS on what happens with the Grand Floridian gingerbread house after the holidays... The bees eat it!! Already trending with 2.5m views^

    YodaManJan 08, 2022

    Sunset Season Greetings? That ended on Monday the 3rd with the rest of the holiday offerings.

    disneygeek90Jan 07, 2022

    Oh yikes I guess I meant the Holiday projection on ToT and how long into January that runs. I am blanking on the name 😅

    wdwmagicJan 07, 2022

    18 months from Oct 1, unless it gets extended.

    YodaManJan 07, 2022

    Do you mean what time at night? Or what date it ends? I assume it runs all the way through the rest of the 50th Celebration.

    disneygeek90Jan 07, 2022

    Does anyone know when Beacon of Magic stops at HS? I tried to google but I couldn’t find any confirmed dates.

    mm52200Dec 29, 2021

    They were recently allowed to start wearing them. Omnicron is ripping through cast members.

    TikibirdLandDec 28, 2021

    My DS plays French Horn. They had a mask with a velcro opening for the mouthpiece. So, it's possible to do that. But, he was very happy to have that requirement stopped at that beginning of this month.

    MisterPenguinDec 28, 2021

    I don't recall anyone masked for Candlelight the first week of December except for a few instrumentalists... obviously not the wind instruments, tho.

    PuertoRekinSamDec 28, 2021

    We went to Epcot yesterday and saw the early candlelight show and my wife noticed that some of the performers were wearing mask while singing. Not just the golden choir but some voices as well. They looked like a solid color and not the blue pixie ones the average Cast wear. Has this been happening all season? Or was this new? I watched a you tube video of it earlier this year and don’t remember them being there.

    mf1972Dec 25, 2021

    myself remembering i have to work today….

    TraumaDec 25, 2021

    Merry Christmas everyone !!

    CrazydisneyfanlukeDec 25, 2021

    I believe they recorded it 2-3 weeks ago at DL.