Peter Pan's Flight Closing for Updates at Walt Disney World This Summer

2 days ago in "Peter Pan's Flight"

Posted: Thursday June 27, 2024 9:32am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

According to the official Walt Disney World operating hours calendar, Peter Pan's Flight at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom will be closed for more than a month this summer.

The closure begins July 8 and continues through August 20, reopening to guests on August 21, 2024.

Walt Disney Imagineering recently filed a permit for Peter Pan's Flight, carrying the description of "Install set elements." The permit suggests that we will see some changes when the ride reopens in August, although Disney has not announced the details of any updates.

Peter Pan's Flight has been the subject of scrutiny and criticism for containing scenes that some consider culturally insensitive. The primary concern revolves around the portrayal of Native Americans in the attraction, which reflects outdated and stereotypical representations. In particular, the depiction of the "Indian Village" and the characterization of the Native American characters can be seen as perpetuating harmful stereotypes.

Disney has been gradually addressing such issues in its parks and media properties, revising attractions and content to be more culturally sensitive and inclusive. For instance, the Jungle Cruise and Splash Mountain rides were recently updated to remove racially insensitive portrayals.

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EPICOT50 minutes ago

You're claiming the movie is problematic, and I'm trying to understand your reasoning. I'm sorry that you are unable to engage in even the most basic discussion of your claim.

MisterPenguin54 minutes ago

You're very talented at recontextualization. Don't sell yourself short! Good day.

EPICOT55 minutes ago

Where is Disney making Bert speak for all the poor of the world? Where is Disney saying these conditions are acceptable? The fact that there are dangerous work conditions, health hazards, unfair social structures, etc is exactly my point. Humans can be and have been happy despite these things. That doesn't justify those things at all or make them right. That doesn't mean we should try to correct those things. But this is one of the basic human stories and lessons: the strength of human character in the face of hardship. Must all poor people be depicted as sad, depressed, and helpless? Also, I only made one response to your post, so I could not have "moved the goal posts."

MisterPenguin1 hour ago

Goal posts moved: ignoring Bert speaking for all sweeps and the poor of the world who may not be so happy with black lung ignoring the mention of dangerous work conditions and health hazards making your question about those in the past who might have poorer conditions than us in the future (thanks to technology and science) rather than comparing the poor of the times to the elite of those same times

Dranth3 hours ago

I am pretty sure I remember some ancient texts mentioning that specifically as one of the signs of the apocalypse.

andysol4 hours ago

Totally agree. I love Braveheart. A beautiful film through and through. Won best picture. Laughably inaccurate historically- and I think it has hurt it’s legacy somewhat. Having accurate representations WHILE being entertaining and delivering great storytelling only benefits the movie. The former being less necessary but still beneficial while the latter obviously being the critical component, as you mentioned. So maybe necessary isn’t the right word but “beneficial” might be.

TrainsOfDisney4 hours ago

Disney movies should be entertaining and tell a great story. I feel like all 3 of those are good examples.

andysol4 hours ago

I mean… everything is debatable. Even golf games for presidents. I suppose I meant that having movies that more accurately represent cultures like Coco and Encanto vs Mulan or taking into account certain inclusions like special needs beyond just ADA compliance isn’t a bad thing whatsoever. And in a culture as uniquely diverse as the US, I would say necessary. Whereas making Ariel black vs making a unique new movie with black characters or saying dreamers of all ages vs boys and girls is clearly a much more debated and contested topic. Which we don’t need to give our opinions on as it’s Saturday and Mom needs to rest.

TrainsOfDisney4 hours ago

Necessary is debatable. So far we have pirates selling chickens, weasels who can’t kidnap a woman, Snow White with no scary trees and skeletons, and a large salt mound.

Ayla6 hours ago


andysol7 hours ago

Of course it will never end. Disney has an entire (necessary) department called “Content, Product & Inclusive Strategies” that made a panel specifically to address areas they perceived as problematic in the parks. Do you ever think that panel will say “we fixed it all, you can fire us now” 😂 My kids absolutely loved that song. Maybe because I’d randomly break into it during the day at the parks.

bwr8277 hours ago

What’s gross — the phrase “eating people”?

TrainsOfDisney16 hours ago

A highly questionable outing indeed!!!

Epcot82Guy16 hours ago

Yeah. But he visited the center of World Celebration Gardens and... well, that's another story. This is actually why Poppins got cancelled in Epcot.