Show cancellation likely puts an end to potential Rock 'n' Roller Coaster Muppets Mayhem retheme plans

Nov 21, 2023 in "Rock 'n' Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith"

Rock 'n' Roller Coaster overview
Posted: Tuesday November 21, 2023 3:25pm ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Variety reports that The Muppets Mayhem has been canceled after only one season on the Disney+ streaming platform.

The Muppets Mayhem debuted on Disney+ in May 2023, and Jeff Yorkes, co-creator, added weight to speculation that a Muppets Mayhem makeover may be coming to Rock 'n' Roller Coaster at Disney's Hollywood Studios.

Posting on Twitter in response to a June 2023 article discussing the rumor, Yorkes said, "Not gonna lie-- this was absolutely part of our original pitch and is another piece of this dream. Fingers-crossed that it happens."

With the show's reported cancellation, it would now seem very unlikely that the Muppets Mayhem would have been part of any retheme of the hugely popular coaster.

Speculation has surrounded Aeromsith's involvement with Rock 'n' Roller Coaster for years, and recent accusations against frontman Steve Tyler have intensified rumors of a replacement for the band.

The rollercoaster is one of Walt Disney World's most popular thrill rides and has recently reopened from a lengthy refurbishment. Work took place on the ride system and improvements to lighting, but the show remained unchanged, staying with the Aerosmith concert storyline.

Disney has yet to make any comment on any planned changes to Rock 'n' Roller Coaster.

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    IncomudroDec 02, 2024

    Only the last, fast part of Bohemian Rhapsody works with this coaster.

    GuseyDec 02, 2024

    Bohemian Rhapsody seems like a good shout as there is a Muppet cover and there was the Queen rumours going about. Also, just seen footage of the Muppets show that was in Animation Courtyard before Little Mermaid, and they do a decent cover of "Shout"

    OptimusPrimeDec 02, 2024

    And the on-ride soundtrack too. I don't doubt there will be Can You Picture That, but I think it'll be varied with the artists.

    Starship824Dec 01, 2024

    We need an Electric Mayhem cover of this song on the ride!

    KeithVHDec 01, 2024

    Kirby86Nov 30, 2024

    My best guess when you're walking throught the studio you'll see pictures of singers and other musicians with The Muppets.

    Starship824Nov 27, 2024

    I hate when people constantly suggest Modern Pop starts for ROCK 'n' Rollercoaster. It's called that for a reason. It's not "generic popular music rollercoaster" it's Rock! Ok rant over.

    PurduevianNov 27, 2024

    You sure she isn't there? "The Muppets will be taking over Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster, teaming up with some of music’s biggest stars for a rockin’ music festival!" - Disney parks blog

    donaldtooNov 25, 2024

    They’re old (Steven Tyler is 76), but they were still good. But, after Tyler injured his vocal cords and fractured his larynx, during the middle of their Peace Out farewell tour on Sept. 10th of this year, the band has retired from touring. He spent several weeks trying to recover, but the damage was too extensive, unfortunately. I grew up with them blasting on my home stereo and car radio. They could still produce albums using AI, if they wanted to, I guess, but their touring days are over. Tyler’s injury, and the bands subsequent retirement from touring, provided the perfect opportunity for Disney to replace them in the attraction. Hmmm… I wonder if we get hit in the face with a virtual 3D cream pie during that very quick first inversion, or if that’s the finale…?!!!!! 🤔:hilarious:;)

    MagicHappens1971Nov 25, 2024

    I am genuinely surprised, although I wouldn’t be surprised if there is eventual a Taylor Swift attraction of some sort at DHS.

    HauntedMansionFLANov 25, 2024

    Surprised no Taylor Swift 😂😂😂

    celluloidNov 24, 2024

    Best we can hope for is a short film feel for preshow content with Beretta and a better Kermit voice than recent as a part of it. It is sad becuase I don't think we are going to get any or much physical representation of The Muppets. Just on screen. Muppet Vision and Great Moments in Muppet History has had many of them physically present.

    RobbiemNov 24, 2024

    With the recent Disney plus collaborations its a pity they never did a deal with the Beatle. A psychedelic yellow submarine retheme would have been great

    Eric GrahamNov 23, 2024

    Maybe we'll all be living on the edge when the new ride opens 🙃

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