Toy Story Land's Slinky Dog Dash wagging tails temporarily removed

Jan 03, 2019 in "Slinky Dog Dash"

Posted: Thursday January 3, 2019 5:53pm ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

The wagging tails on the new Slinky Dog Dash coaster in Toy Story Land have temporarily been removed for adjustments.

Guests visiting the park today noticed that the coaster trains were missing the tails.

According to Disney, they have proactively removed the tail feature of the Slinky Dog trains while some adjustments are made to this feature. Disney told us that they hope to have the tail wagging again shortly.

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    briangawJan 09, 2019

    Really slow news day!

    Tom MorrowJan 09, 2019

    You know they're going to put them back on for the simple fact that without them, it um, kind of looks like... a butth*le.

    WDWFannaticJan 09, 2019

    BoarderPhreakJan 09, 2019

    Cutting the tail off to spite the butt?

    larryzJan 09, 2019

    HR was told to quit calling layoffs "head count reduction," so they went the other direction...

    MisterPenguinJan 09, 2019

    A destruction of my childhood from when I used to go to Walt Disney World and would spend hours watching Slinky Dog's tail wag back and forth. How could Iger be so cruel?!

    wdisney9000Jan 09, 2019

    And throw in a "blame Meg" just for good measure.

    JoeCamelJan 09, 2019

    Otherwise a budget cut?

    Capsin4Jan 09, 2019

    It’s only temporary if they get put back on.

    EagleScout610Jan 09, 2019

    Pretty You forgot one. D:> Call the effect (or therefore lack of) "Unmagical" and whine about how little Princess' vacation was ruined

    EagleScout610Jan 09, 2019

    " "SlinkyDogDash1 has broken down"

    monothingieJan 08, 2019

    I need to hit refresh next time before posting.

    monothingieJan 08, 2019

    You forgot the obligatory reference to designer cupcakes.

    MisterPenguinJan 08, 2019

    Tails returned only for the Toy Story Cupcake Party.