Is there an example of a perfect ride? This may come close. There is absolutely nothing about this ride that isn't a themed part of the story or hokey looking. From the intricate yet derelict grand lobby to the library stuffed with TLZ trinkets, to the basement ride and giftshop its all perfect. In ... [Read more] the lobby the tale starts immediately as you see that the elevators have suffered some accident, closed off and dented. you can also see objects from the last day of operation for the "Hollywood Tower Hotel" check in books with the 1939 date, rancid looking coffee/stains, unfinished games, cobwebs all over, mysteriously turned on lights as if to welcome you, as well as period lobby music. The music is full of jazz and happy songs that put an ironic eeriness in the room. They are complimented by their age and poor quality creating an abandoned feel even when the queue is full. It's designed to look like a crowded lobby with one huge upsettingly missing ingredient: people. Its all set up for them but they seem to have left in a hurry. Next is the library where you see props from the TLZ show. The intense scary feeling continues as your morbid hosts welcome you inside. A bolt of lightning flashes and an old tv flips on with the intro to the show. You see an episode introduction by Rod Serling and a dubbed over voice (its a scene from an episode edited to have the elevator in the back instead of a US map. Everything up until "This as you may notice is a....." is from the episode flawlessly integrated. notice the sudden scene change and how he doesnt appear again for a while). You are informed you will star in your very own TLZ episode and the background about the mysterious vanishing of two elevator shafts on the front of the building and the surrounding rooms. after they disappear withe the passengers, an elevator drops empty freefalling in open air. After the preshow its down to the basement where the only operating elevators still stand, the service elevators. Everything down here looks evil/industrial, with furnaces like angry faces ala roger rabbit ride. You move deeper and see the doors to the shafts, the elevator motors and the dial showing only 12 floors (obvi there are more by one look at the tower but there was a superstitious omission of floor 13 in many buildings of the time) as the cars before you go up you see the dial go up and the engine zap and sparkle until finally down it goes with a thud. the doors magically open to an empty car giving the appearance that its the same car and the people have vanished to the other dimension. The ride itself begins by surprising you, the door in front of you is only part of the shaft, instead you see it all moving before you. First stop a haunted hallway where through the magic of fiber optics and peppered ghost (maybe) you get quite a show. The ghosts of the passangers appear before you doing what they did as they got zapped. Suddenly they are zapped and fade like in the intro. The zapping of their out of place dimension begins to noticably effect the hall as the lightning zips up and down the doorways. you see the entire hallway vanish into the 5th dimension just as the towers did, all except the window which twirls in a vast star field until morphing into the one from the show intro and crashing to pieces falling into oblivion. silence, then your doors close on the vacant obviously-not-a-plasma-screen scene. (its 3d and you can look around because it really is there!) you shoot up the shaft as Serling comes back to announce your entry to the twilight zone. You reach the top and see that it was not just that floor effected but the whole tower's gone whack! Everything is from the intro of the show as you float out of your shaft EMV style across this bizarre landscape. You hear the little girl from the elevator as an eyeball flashes an image of your car and everything becomes stars that swirl and fade into a line that becomes too lines opening like elevator doors. You are informed you are entering an area "beyond the fifth dimension" and the "deepest darkest corner of your imagination in the tower of terror" which is the first and only name drop of the ride. Darkness as you stop waiting for what seems an eternity. then a bolt of lightning and down you go into the new randomly selected series of drops. Some of them sit in front of the old shaft doors (presumably you moved to near those invisible towers) opening to the air space created by their absence. This goes on faster than gravity (it moves with mechanics not freefall) till you hit bottom see the other seasons intro from the show and those who have made it are welcomed back and cautioned not to mess with what you don't understand. Even the exit of the ride and the shop is themed, creating a hollywood tower hotel giftshop with some neat hotel souvenirs too. All in all this is exactly what a disney ride should be. No hint of the outside world. No exposed backstage or ceilings unfinished. just fully natural, and real enough to be scary. Its got thrills, illusions, trackless systems, and a story. A must for any visit to WDW to see when thrills and imagineering are mixed right [Read less]
Simply the best ride in the world from the attention to detail, photo opportunities, imagination and the ride itself. Even the walk up Hollywood Boulevard and seeing it in front of me gets me in a little spin and acting like a 10 year old boy! It's just so unlike anything I have ever been on, and ... [Read more] it will always be a classic for me. Rode it for the first time 15 years ago, and I will never get bored of it. [Read less]
this ride is one of the best rides in disney!!! growing up i was always scared of rides but one year my father dragged me on it and i had the best time! for as long as i remember the drops are never the same so you can ride it 3-4 times in a row and it will always be different. the ride is great ... [Read more] from the minute you get on line to the minute you walk out the door. this ride needs to stay in Hollywood Studios forever. [Read less]
The tower of terror is a great ride that supplies thrills throughout the whole ride expierience but small children might not react well to sudden drops. if you want to make sure your kids could handle drops I would try Splash Mountain or Expedition Everest first.
The theming in the queue is incredible and the ride is fun fun fun!
My family and I love this ride! well except for my brother in law who is ridiculously scared of heights (yes, i do have hilarious pictures). although he is so scared, my mom and 2 year old have both rode the ride. we LOVE it!
This ride is a super ride!Its has a cool queue. It is an antique feel with tons of dirt and dust and cobwebs. Its computer generated,and every time there is a different drop sequence,so every time you go on its a different feeling. I ADORE this attraction.
The first time you do this, you will be amazed. Smaller kids may be scared during the drops though, it's not necessarily for the young ones. The view of the park at the top is stunning.
This ride based off The Twilight Zone series is the best of its kind. The drops are extremely smooth. The backstory is fantastic, setting up an eerie feel to this attraction. Ride this if you are a thrill seeker. But the overall theme and ride itself might be scary to some. If you do not like the ... [Read more] feeling of free falling for a couple seconds, don't ride! I truly love this ride, even though it sometimes creeps me out! Wonderful attraction!!! [Read less]
NO matter what your age you will love it
An exceptional attraction. One of the two best attractions on property (with Haunted Mansion). Great atmosphere and thrills.
The Best Attraction!
Definitely the best attraction in the park and in the top 3 in WDW.
If you want a thrill this is for you
This is my favourite attraction by far! That feeling of coming out of your seat never grows old! That is all I have to say!!
What do special effects, The Twilight Zone, a free-falling elevator, ghosts and a creepy atmosphere have in common? Absolutely nothing but they are all, however, in the Twilight zone Tower Of Terror. This is simply put one of the most top notch thrill rides in a Disney park. Possibly even the best. ... [Read more] The ride and theming are so well done you will have to go three or four times just to see anything you might have missed. The attraaction is a load of fun and will have you screaming extremely hard as you plummet thirteen stories and shoot back up. 9.6/10 stars [Read less]
this will always give you a great thrill. i am olanning on riding it 7 times this october when i go. so much fun!!!!!!!
OMG!!!!!!! What a thrill blasting down at however many kph! It is soooooo fast I love the sensation you receive when you plummet down that fast. I can't wait to ride it again. Soooo creepy and fun at the same time!
By far the scariest ride I was on, and SO MUCH FUN. Would have riden twice if the lines were shorter. A must do.
As soon as you enter the line you hear the music and see all of the plants and in the background you hear the screams of people on the ride, you know you're in for a fun ride. Once you get into the lobby the themeing is the best I have seen anywhere. It really sets the mood for the ride. The pre- ... [Read more] show is the best at WDW. It really looks and sounds like an episote of the Twilight Zone. Soon enough you're in the boiler room waiting to ride. (again, great themeing in here!) Once you get on the ride you go up a few stories and see a pretty cool illusion. Then you ascend to the top. (13 stories of course!) As you slowly move forward, you anticipate the drop (or launch!) ahead and are in for a fun unpredictable ride. Be sure to take a look at your picture on the way out :D. Afterwards you'll probably want to get right back in line and ride again! Easily one of the best rides anywhere. Must do! [Read less]
I loved this! The themeing is great. It was my first time, and rolling down the hallway really threw me off!
As expected, fantastic theming throuhgout this excellent ride. A must do for any thrill ride seeker.
Great theme and awesome ride. You can't miss this what ever you do.
I was too scared to go on this when i was 8. But when i was 10, i was lucky to be able to come back to Orlando to try the stuff out that i was too scared to do. Loved every minute of this ride, and since then ive been here 3 more times. Never get bored of Disney. Or Tower of Terror. Best ride anywhere!
Well i have ridden it sooooooo much. I am obsessed with the Tower Of terror! I have memorized the whole thing Rod Sterling says. teheheheheheh!!!!! lol XD!
this ride has an amazing attention to detail that makes you feel your in an abanden hotel in the thirties
This is a not to be missed attraction: make sure you get a souvinear photo of you on the ride :)
For all the times I skipped out on this one in the past, I wish I didn't! The que is gorgeous and the attention to detail in the entire thing is just absolutely stunning. Words can not describe how wonderful and well done this ride is. Go check it out for yourself!
this ride is one of my all time fav's at wdw, i love the concept and everything else, i can't wait to ride it again
This ride is top notch, and one of the best rides anywhere. The story and theming of this ride are too amazing for words. You can't believe the monumental amount of theming in the ride. And the ride is an amazing feeling. The drops are an amazing feeling. Overall, this extraroidinary ride is the ... [Read more] best at Disney World, and a definate must see for everyone! [Read less]
I thought I would HATE this ride. I usually don't care for the "free fall" feeling. When I got on, I yelled at my BF for making me do it. By the time we were done...I was dragging him by the hand to go on again. It is the most awesome feeling known to man. The "pre-show" is pretty cool too!!! =)
This ride is awesome and thrilling!! It is also ONE of the best rides in Disney World, Expedition Everest is first. The way Disney designed it was amazing, it has great scenary and a great storyline. I LOVE this ride!!!!!
It has it all, the intricate theming, the storyline, and the thrill. The best ride in all of Walt Disney World, hands down.
Tower of Terror combines the amusement park rides where the guests are lifted to a great hight and dropped and a Disney ride complete with preshow, haunted hotel, gift shop, and of course the thrill of the final drop which is better than those other parks anyway. Domination, TOT rules!
This ride speaks for itself. One of the best in Disney. Great story line. I just can't get enough of it.
Oh this ride is so AWESOME! I first rode it 3 years ago (when i was 10) and it was a BLAST! I ride it at LEAST 3 times everytime i go to disney (which is about 2 or 3 times a year). My mom is cemcgee, a premium member on this website. I LOVE THIS RIDE!!!!
I tell you MGM is so underated at a Disney Park, we may have had one of the best days there all week even with a little rain. But this ride had a long line for us even with fastpass in the morning. But the ride itself was fabulous a definate must do from now on for us!! A 10 in my book!
I went to Disney for my first time this march and I went on this ride about 6-7 times. It is great, all you have to do is go on it once and you will get over your fear of it. The random drops that they do now really make it cooler
This is the best thrill ride at WDW so far. TOT is so popular that they're building it at DisneySea and Disney Studios in Paris.
Queuing Time-Average-It all depends on when you visit and other variables. If it's raining, at night or during the off-season you can get on quick. During the day during peak seasons it can be a long, long, long wait. Audio/Music-Excellent-From the authentic bgm played in the queue to the twilight ... [Read more] zone theme during the ride itself. The music is perfect on this ride. The sound effects are also very good. PreShow/Queuing Area-Excellent-The queue area starts in the delapidated hotel gardens and eventually the lobby. Cobwebs and other nice touches add to the feeling of charm and creepiness at the same time. The preshow in the library is also awesome. The preboarding area boiler room is perfect to get you into the mood and make your hair on your back stand up. Storyline-Excellent-The story is written to include the ride and you as part of the story. It's a very cool twilight zone story. Theming-Excellent-Lots of little details. The outside sign with it's burn marks from lightening and the blinking neon marquee are just the beginning. When you are inside the lobby it really feels like a hotel inside! The library also has many cool set pieces from the show. PostShow/Merchandise-Excellent-A full range of TOT items are available after your ascents/descents. Thrills-Excellent-Just waiting in line for this ride is thrilling. Words can't describe the feeling of excitement and terror when the drops start. Amazing. Duration-Good-If you include the preshow, it's perfect. But I always thought the ride should explore a floor or two more of the hotel tower. Kid friendly-Average-If your kid is afraid of the dark, scary noises and music, loud sounds, any kind of drops or the actual Twilight Zone show; I would not recommend it at all. However, if your kid is a thrill-seeker they will love TOT! Overall-Excellent-This is one of WDW's best rides ever. If you have never been on TOT it is worth even a 2 hour wait-it's that good! Disney did a perfect job in bringing you thrills and a good story to envelope you. DON'T MISS IT!!! Destined to become a classic at WDW. [Read less]
The line all depends on different aspects- time of year, time of day, weather, and such. Overall, its not that bad. The music in the queue is amazing- authentic 1920-30's elevator music! The storyline is excellent, with an actual plot, and a problem. I love when you go into the library and watch ... [Read more] the movie. I always scare the other people by going (DUM DUM DUUUUMMM) when the lights turn off. I like the touch of the lightning, too. I enjoy the shop, after, too. Who HASN'T bought a ToT pic? When WDI randomized the drops, the ride improved ten fold. It adds an element of surprise. At 13 (I am thirteen, yes!), I still close my eyes when we go into the "twilight zone: it freaks me out! The only drawback is that it may scare little children. It scares my 11 year old brother, and I torment him about it all the time... [Read less]
One of the best thrill rides at any theme park. The drops are thrilling even if you're in the dark most of the time and can't see the view. The vehicle itself is memorable for being able to move forward horizontally instead of just vertically. The theming is excellent throughout the hotel and the ... [Read more] effects are pretty good. As a Twilight Zone story, there's not much of a point to it, at least not in spirit of the old TV show with it's moralistic overtones, but it's cohesive enough. Definitely merits numerous repeat visits. [Read less]
Being a fan of the Twilight Zone and Disney-MGM Studios just makes this ride even better.
I only wish this attraction were longer! Anyway, I am so glad it's random now because last time we went we were caught off guard by the changes and it just made the drops more fun!! I definitely think it can intimidate some kids but they can seriously end up loving it. My little cousin was freaking ... [Read more] out until we were dropping again and again. She came out of the ride with a big smile on her face, as opposed to going in with a frown lol. We cannot get enough of this ride! [Read less]
Amazing ride from start to finish. One of the best WDI has ever created!
This was a big hit of the family. At first I was not too keen on the drop. I am not a freefall guy. However I knew the ride was more visual effects than the drop. The visuals were really cool. And the drop(s) were very tolerable. The ride is a must see in my book. The Cast Member that escorts you ... [Read more] to the elevator also adds to the experience. [Read less]
Disney totally hit the jackpot with creative ride experiences when they made the Tower of Terror. No other attraction takes a rider in so completely from the time they enter the cue. The world is so impressively immersive -- a garden fallen to decay, and hotel rotting away in the Hollywood hillside ... [Read more] -- it's all so amazing. The reuse of a pre-ride intro room by way of the Haunted Mansion really sets to ton for the actual ride experience. Once aboard the elevators, I am always amazed that there is so much more than a simple up and down. A must for any thrill ride enthusiast! [Read less]
I'll go on any coaster there is, but have always had a slight fear freefall type rides. TOT is a classic and scares the c^&% out of me every time I go to WDW. This is a must ride attraction if you like thrill rides and by far the best freefall ride around.
I went on this ride for the first time this year after being told by family members that I would be fine (which of course I was) I've gone to disney for the past 12 years seeing as i'm only 12 but I've never gotten up the guts to ride this ride! Finally I did and it was amazing! You just wish they' ... [Read more] d drop you more! However I'm in for a surprise when i don't get dropped very far because both times i've been on it we dropped 13 stories twice! [Read less]
From your first step into the Queue until you exit the gift shop, you are IN the Twilight Zone. Absolutely incredible theming and the ride itself is SUPERB.....
This is one of the best rides ever. I can't get enough of it. I especially love the detail, everyhting from the queue area to the end of the ride has somany things that you could ride it forever and never see everything. It can be scary for little kids but if they can handle a thrill it is great ... [Read more] and a must see. I have been there when the lines are really long and that can be annoying. I say if you have never been on it then you should wait, it is that good. [Read less]
Here is the perfect example of why I choose disney over other theme parks. The attention to detail is amazing, and everything is though of. The outside que line is ok by me, they have plenty of overhanging trees to cover the paths, as well as some mist that gives both a spooky effect and relief ... [Read more] from the hot days in florida. I love listening to the jazzy/big bandy songs playing from somewhere in the thick of the overgrown gardens (yes, I know they come from rocks, but the illusion is still cool). Even once inside, you are thrown back into the glitz and glam, but upon closer look, you are reminded that you are in the current year, looking back. Using the old twilight zone guy (his name escapes me) is great, and you do feel like you are in the twilight zone. I have been on this ride from the time when there was only one 13 story drop, and even then it was pretty darn amazing. I like that they switch it up every few years. I do love the gift shop at the end (and the photo shop area too), there are some merchs to add to any home collection. I plan on getting one of the wrap around bath towels on my next visit. As long as disney is putting in thrill rides that please the eyes and ears as well, I will never be disapointed. [Read less]
If only the line moved a little quicker, and the fastpass had it's own car. I went twice in October, and both times the ride broke-down, the cue was over an hour for fastpass return, and my ride was so short that I couldn't believe the changes were supposed to be IMPROVEMENTS. All in all, this is ... [Read more] the best ride at WDW, but with a little tweaking, it could be the best in Florida. [Read less]
Tower of Terror is one of the best rides I have ever been on!! I love it, you can go on it again and again and have fun every time =)
First, this is not a ride I'd take a kid on. That said, if you like thrill rides, Tower of Terror is not to be missed. Because the falls are now random, each ride is different and you never know when your elevator is going to suddenly plunge several stories, then rise, then plunge again. It's a ... [Read more] scream, no pun intended. Also, when the elevator doors open near the top, you get a great, albeit brief, view of the MGM theme park. So keep your eyes open...if you can! The theming will keep you entertained during what can sometimes be a long wait for the elevator. [Read less]
My life would not be complete without the Tower of Terror! I absolutely love the ride and it should be around forever!
I like the Disney attention to detail but it's just another elvator ride! Wait time can be a hassle.
This is the best ride I have ever ridden! I love the way you go into pitch black and you don't know when you are going to drop! It is themed very well and I suggest that you try it!
This ride is one of the greats @ WDW. It's an example of Disney outdoing themselves - I mean it's a hotel they made for this! And the lobby and courtyard are beautiful and so detailed...every bit of this attraction will have you feeling proud to love Disney! Even the elevator ride itself will make ... [Read more] you giggle - the bellhops are funny and usually the passengers are as well. Ride this if you can stand moderate drops! [Read less]
This is an excellent WDW attraction, and, with the new drops added recently, it becomes even better! It's very fun, with the best theme of any thrill ride that I know of! It's unmissable! It used to be my least favorite attraction. Funny how things work out, ain't it? I would reccomend it to people ... [Read more] seven years of age and older. [Read less]
Since adding the random frop sequence, it has truley entered into a league of it's own curently being the only ride in the world where the expereince is can be different each time.
The best eva! great theming,great thrills-what else could you ask for? doodododo doodododo you have now entered...THE TWILIGHT ZONE *lights flicker off*
Queuing Time: It can get a long line, but you'll have no problem with fastpass! Audio: Great, if you like Twilight Zone music! PreShow: Very well themed!! Nice preshow, too! Storyline: Excellent story. Not as much "substance," but good story. Theming: Yup, detailed! I was convinced I was in a hotel ... [Read more] (kinda...hehe) Post/Show: Nothing too special, really Thrill Rating: EXCELLENT for thrill fans; I'm not a thrill fan, but I was into it for the special effects - that's what intrigued me. Duration: Don't you just want it longer? It's a nice length, though. Kid Friendly: Again, not family-friendly, but at least it didn't replace a family-friendly attraction. So I'm happy about that! Overall Rating: Good! It's a stop I'll have to make every trip. That is, with Fastpass! [Read less]
Yo!!! That's my fav. ride at Disney-MGM Studios!!! Don't forget the seatbelt or you're having too many stories. Don't eat before you ride because it's my fav. ride!!!
In my opinion, the best ride at WDW. Can't miss it.
This ride is one of the best in WDW. The story-line is good and creative idea [sense Disney made it up. It wasn't an actual Twilight Zone show]. The overall ride is excellent. After the change of the drop profile, it's better and more thrilling.
Is it the best? I don't really know, to hard to decide... Like a lot have said, SEAT BELT SEAT!!! You have to take the seat belt seat(s)!!!
This attraction is an excellent addition to the Studios! This unique and well-planned ride system flows perfectly with a very fitting story.
This is Disney's best thrill attraction. The detail is great and the special effects are out of this world. Nothing compares to this attraction. From the presence of it from the exterior, to the details in line, to the pre-show, to the ride itself - it is Flawless!
The Tower of Terror is a ride that makes any other drop ride look tame,The firs time I rode Tower of terror was in 1994, it had only one drop, 2 years later they added more drops to make the ride more terrifying, When I whent to disney world 2 years ago I rode TOT there was 7 drops total, Also they ... [Read more] added a new fear element A SEAT BELT in the back seat of the elevator car, I tried it WHAT A RUSH!!! you come off the seat by inches but the seat belt keeps you from floating out of the car when it drops. [Read less]
I think this is the finest WDW attraction so far. The special effects are amazing, the storyline very TZ-like, and the thrills very well done. I really like the changing-drop aspect of the ride. Truly a classic!
Can't top this one!!! Will always be my favorite ride in DisneyWorld!!! I just love the theming, the pre-show, and the ride itself. To me, there will never be another one like it. I don't see how it could ever be topped.
Hands-down, the finest theme park attraction I've ever been on. Nothing more need be said.
By far, the best queue and themeing of any WDW ride. The standard to judge all others. Great b/c they can change the drop sequence from time to time. Best ride around.
It is hands-down the best thmemed most thrilling attraction Disney has yet to complete. Twilight Zone Tower of Terror is a star in it's own right.
The ToT is my #2 attraction at WDW, after Haunted Mansion. The theming on ToT is the best in WDW, from your 1st step onto The Hollywood Tower Hotel grounds until the last step before Sunset Blvd, the ToT totally captures you. At night it's eerie. The best drop ride in the world, the ToT is not to be missed.
Must Ride, This is a wonderful attraction, I only ridden it once, but got the Seat Belt seat, And Loved it, I Recomend Ridding The Dear Devel Seat Belt Seat, This is the best ride experiance i ever had, The theming, then the unexpected Drops and More Drops, This is one of my best attractions of all time.
Fantastic attraction. One of, if not the best thrill ride at WDW.
I welcome the twilight zone, these people stepped into this ordinary elevator and it fell 13 stories. Now we have another elevator from the exact hotel....its the service elevator waiting for you. This ride has a wonderful theme and queue line, the pre-show is great too. The drop is a ... [Read more] great view of all of mgm, and it'll scare the pants off of you! Thrill seekers beware, your in for a ride! [Read less]
The Twilight Zone has always been a mysterious place. When you enter the Tower of Terror you are sucked into the atmosphere of the Twilight Zone, forgetting about the hustle and bustle of the theme park outside. The theming is absolutely fantastic and credit has to go to the CM's who make your stay ... [Read more] as 'pleasant' as possible. The drop sequence is great: not recommended for the faint at heart but enjoyable. Don't miss this trip into the terrifying world of the unknown and remember there is always room for a new guest of the Twilight Zone. [Read less]
This is an attraction to savor from the queue area through to the end. Nothing is out of place, and EVERY detail is perfect. This attraction alone is worth the entry fee into Disney/MGM Studios. Best. Attraction. Ever.
Greater then any Coaster/Thrill ride ever. Also has the best theming in all of Disney World. A must ride for ever visit to MGM.
This attraction raised the bar for other Theme Parks! A great ride with great theming!
ToT is the best!!! Do not, I repeat NOT, miss this ride!!! Make sure and ask for the seatbelt seat!
by far the best ride in wdw! i love the twilight zone...
The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror is one of the top 3 greatest attractions of Walt Disney World. This attraction is the best themed attraction from the outside queue to the foreboding hotel facade and the creepy lobby. The ride itself is thrilling and the thrills begin once you board those old ... [Read more] service elevator cars and continue until you disembark. The Cast Members for this attraction are great as well, at least the ones who act in character as bell boys and elevator operators. You get a great view of the park at one point and drop not once but several times. Be sure and ride in the middle seat of the top row. The rider there gets to use a seatbelt instead of the lapbar the other rows use. The thrill is even better there. This is truly a one-of-a-kind, instant Disney classic attraction not to be missed. [Read less]
One of my favorite rides. I always ride it when i go to wdw. Anyone who never has ridden it before definatly needs to!
This attraction is possibly my favorite ride in all of Walt Disney World. The theming of not only the ride but queue, post-show and surounding areas are wonderful and the ride is truly thrilling. Definatly one of Disney's best.
I will admit, on all my other trips to WDW, I sat this one out. But due to some over-powering currage, I have recently given it a try, and it was WELL WORTH IT!! The queuing are and the lobby of the hotel are absolutely fantastic. I love a ride where there is always something new to look for, and ... [Read more] this has so much to see, it will keep you busy during your wait. Then, once on the ride...well HOLD ON!! But have a blast!! (I did!!) [Read less]
I LOVE this ride... no visit to WDW is complete without riding it at least a half-dozen times. This is a prime example of what Disney is capable of when they open up the pursestrings and aren't afraid to splurge. Top-notch attraction all the way!
This is by far the best-themed attraction at Disney World! From the moment you reach the end of Sunset Boulevard to the moment you re-enter Sunset after riding, the theming does not falter at all. Furthermore, this ride has an incredible story, great special effects, and a climax that is one of the ... [Read more] most thrilling at Disney World. GREAT ride. And it keeps getting better! Never the Same Fear Twice! [Read less]
Not for the faint of heart, but an amazing ride! The theming before the actual ride is scarier, I think, than the actual ride. Don't ride this after any meal. For the best "thrill" ride it at night. Not to be missed!
The will always be the best.
See what happens when a hotel's haunted by 5 guests...err ghosts. :) Love every part of it...from queue to exit. Disney themeing at its best.
Fantastic attraction...well themed...a falling elevator pushes all the right thrill buttons.
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