Magic Kingdom's Wishes Dessert Party brings new offerings along with a higher price

Mar 20, 2015 in "Fireworks Dessert Party"

Posted: Friday March 20, 2015 2:43pm EST by WDWMAGIC Staff

The Magic Kingdom's nightly Wishes Dessert Party has undergone some tweeks, bringing some more upscale food and drink offerings and a much higher price point.

Previously priced at $29, the new Wishes Dessert Party jumps to $49 for adults, and $29 for ages 3-9. Along with the price increase comes an update to the food and drink offerings, along with a more upscale experience with table cloths and place settings.

Sparkling cider, hot drinking chocolate and signature lemonades join the beverage line-up in addition to the soft drinks.

Desserts include chocolate-dipped strawberries, chocolate mousse, ice cream, seasonal fruit and cheese, and Disney character-themed cupcakes.

Reservations can be made beginning today by visiting, or calling 407-WDW-DINE. The event begins on July 5 2015. Until then, the existing Tomorrowland Terrace dessert party continues to be available.

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    MinthorneMar 28, 2015

    Sorry if you felt I was defensive - I was just honestly replying to your question which directly implied a lack of experience at Disney higher end dessert events and or a wallet issue ;)

    note2001Mar 28, 2015

    I was simply asking as many people are going to go that route when they see the prices. No need to get defensive and flash the wallet. As I said, I've never been to this, so wouldn't know the quality. By the way, I've known people in the Culinary CP at Disney. They do make the desserts themselves. Shame they're not better.

    MinthorneMar 28, 2015

    I don't think it is sour grapes - if you are imply it is something I can't have and there just decide it isn't good (that's sour grapes right?) I've attended NYE at the California Grill ($525 a person) and Harambe Nights ($125 a person) and felt the same about the desserts there. I don't think I'm dissing the dessert because they are, as the fable goes, out of my reach. I dissing them because the are more akin to the Emporer's New Clothes.

    yedliWMar 28, 2015

    It's not just Disney buffet deserts.. it's buffet buffets in general.. Whether it is Golden Corral, a casino, Hometown Buffet or any Chinese buffet, deserts are almost an after thought.. generally limited selection of stuff that is taken out of the freezer after a trip to Costco (or delivered in the back of a Sysco truck), plated up and put out on display.. Not many pastry chefs work at buffets..

    ToTBellHopMar 28, 2015

    I've never found the desserts to be anything to write home about at the current dessert party. But, the desserts were ok and the covered view away from the masses was the real appeal at $30. The new price is too much for me. I'll just watch the show from Town Square where I can usually show up 10 min before the show without issue. I hope those who are willing to pay have a great time. We will be saving up for the pirate firework cruise for when the boys are closer to 5.

    note2001Mar 28, 2015

    I've never been to one of these events, but from the pictures they seem to have ample options, far more than any buffet I've seen on site. You sure that's not just sour grapes talking? (or in this case, chalky chocolate)

    MinthorneMar 28, 2015

    Really let's face it Disney buffet desserts are very poor quality. These parties tend to just be more of the mass produced stuff that tastes more of chalk than chocolate. I never found the dessert parties to be a draw.

    yedliWMar 28, 2015

    We had this on the agenda for our trip this fall, but not now. We'll find other ways to spend our money. It would have been fun tho..

    BethGMar 26, 2015

    For post 7/4, there is a separate selection for the party. 'Tomorrowland Terrace Fireworks Dessert Party' up to 7/4 and 'Wishes Fireworks Dessert Party' after. I have reservations for the beginning of September. New Party:

    michael.fumcMar 25, 2015

    Has anyone been able to reserve this after July 4th? It still has shown as unavailable to reserve on MY Disney

    BethGMar 25, 2015

    I was bummed about the price increase. I had it on the to-do this year for the first time (my kids have always hated fireworks in the past). So, yep, I booked it anyway. I want to do it at least once. (It will also be on my anniversary). When it comes to people who have never been to WDW, they probably won't balk at the price. They'll just think that is what a dessert party costs. Those who know it went up 50% from 7/4 to 7/5 will be the ones gasping.

    themarchhareMar 24, 2015


    GrammieBeeMar 24, 2015

    So much of what passes for "dicussion" on these threads is just an excuse for griping about almost anything that is new or different. The threads are a good place for many to vent frustration with things they cannot control. That, however is not exactly a dicussion. Is the dessert party now worth $49.00? Probably only if you want to pay it and go for the experience. Was the old dessert party worth $29.00? Almost certainly, as the array of desserts was outstanding and there was a less crowded terrific view of "Wishes" and the fireworks. Unless they cut down on the variety of desserts offered, this dessert party should still be better than the one at EPCOT. There may not be any alcohol served, but there were more dessert offerings and you can SIT DOWN. If they do cut back on the variety of desserts offered while jumping the peice $20.00 a person----- you pay your money and hope for the best.

    ToTBellHopMar 23, 2015

    Then what purpose does a discussion forum serve? Might as well do away with these forums and just post news on the main site.

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