Closest date to Christmas is now sold out for Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party

Nov 30, 2016 in "Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party"

Posted: Wednesday November 30, 2016 9:30am EST by WDWMAGIC Staff

Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party at the Magic Kingdom is now sold out for the final party of the 2016 season.

Tickets are no longer available for the December 22 party, although all other remaining dates continue to be available.

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    wdwmagicDec 16, 2016

    All remaining Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party dates sold out

    wdwmagicDec 01, 2016

    Another date sold out for Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party

    DisneyDeliriousDec 01, 2016

    We will be there Sunday. I love the Christmas season anyway but when so come back from MVMCP I'm even more jolly than normal.

    chrisirmoNov 30, 2016

    We got in line for him around 4:45 on Sunday. He did not come out until exactly 7.

    HerdmanNov 29, 2016

    We were there on 11/18, and it was just incredible! In our opinion as first time Christmas season attendees, very well worth the extra money. I would highly recommend.

    21stampsNov 29, 2016

    I saw a line for it as we were leaving Sunday. Around 5:30. Wasn't open yet. Going tonight and that it our first stop.. I'll let you know

    ronmeri28Nov 28, 2016

    Does anyone know if Jack Skellington started to meet guests at 5pm this year?

    Goofnut1980Nov 28, 2016

    A little off topic but will we ever get the Mickey Wreath on the Contemporary again? I know it was destroyed by accident the year after it was put up.. But it was cool!

    jensenrickNov 24, 2016

    OMG, I can't wait for this in particular.

    21stampsNov 23, 2016

    Thank you!

    Greg HNov 22, 2016

    we found this helpful:

    21stampsNov 22, 2016

    Do you have any tips or tricks?

    21stampsNov 22, 2016

    How do we know where all of the characters will be?

    EUmickeyNov 22, 2016