Disney begins surveying guests about future plans and factors influencing decisions amid COVID-19

May 08, 2020 in "The Walt Disney Company"

Posted: Friday May 8, 2020 3:00pm ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Walt Disney World has sent out surveys to guests with upcoming reservations asking to hear about their future plans and decision factors that may impact trips to the resort post COVID-19 shutdown.

Questions include factors that may convince guests to keep a reservation in June.

What factors may convince guests to cancel a June trip.

What rides are deemed as "must be available."

And what activities and experiences would be considered.

Thanks to WDW_Emily for the screen grabs.

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    AugieMoroscoMay 14, 2020

    That brings up curious point that I haven't seen addressed yet. We are all very focused on day one opening, but the conditions and offerings on day one might be different two weeks later, or a month later, or two months later. We are booked July 6-16. If the parks open in limited capacity in mid-June, it will still be hard to make a determination on going because that experience might not be what we'd be getting a few weeks later.

    jpedenMay 14, 2020

    I'm not - I'm just saying if those things were closed we probably wouldn't go.

    Gearbm95May 14, 2020

    Why are we assuming bars won’t be open? If bars are open currently in FL, what would give Disney pause on reopening theirs?

    Prototype82May 14, 2020

    I'll wear a hazmat suit if it means I can go to AK's Nomad Lounge.

    jpedenMay 14, 2020

    My wife and I talked about this today. If there aren’t fireworks, bars aren’t open, and you have to wear a mask we won’t be going. Let me clarify, if Disney wants to start with these procedures I totally understand and respect that. But I have no desire to visit under those restrictions. I’m sure others feel differently.

    AugieMoroscoMay 14, 2020

    I was very satisfied to have my opinion included as part of the data that will be used.

    Prototype82May 13, 2020

    I would really love to take this if I received it.

    Marianne75May 13, 2020

    I also received the survey and have a trip booked for July 31 to August 9th. We are planning on canceling for many reasons, I just haven't actually cancelled yet. As far as the survey not specifically covering masks, I wrote it in under 'other' as a deal breaker in summer months which is when we usually go. There's no way we could tolerate masks outside in Florida summer heat for hours at a time. I have no problem with masks in general, I've worn them for over 20 years in my job so I'm used to them, but they get hot. I'm roasting in one after grocery shopping for an hour and a half in a temperature controlled environment. Temps of 95 and sun in a mask? I'd pass out. I chose 'relaxed social distancing rules' as the number one must have for returning. To me that was an all encompassing choice for many things. I'm not paying full price for no pools, parades, fireworks, characters, socially distanced rides, etc. No thanks. We'll just keep saving up for a longer trip and a better hotel when things are more back to normal.

    GhostHost1000May 12, 2020

    Assuming the cases and deaths continue decreasing and even more so if drugs are proven to help cure (if infected) soon... I suspect what will happen is once Disney opens, some locals and those with the "I have to visit Disney again regardless of what is open/closed or what they make us wear" mindset will go... however I think there will be a larger number of people who won't go until Disney is normalized and everything open and active again. once the first demand of crowds decreases... if the parks are still not operating normally and with masks required, I think many won't go yet and then Disney has to figure out where to go from there.

    ChanceHMay 10, 2020

    I won’t visit if they make us wear masks and are at a reduced operating point. We had a trip planned late April and I’m itching to reschedule but everything has to go back to as close to normal as possible first. It’s crazy to me because where I live in Texas you can’t even tell this is going on with All the people out everywhere. People wearing masks to not is about 50/50.

    Tavernacle12May 10, 2020

    If Disney doesn't enforce a mask policy, I'm not visiting until there's a vaccine. Enforced mask policy and it's safe to travel again (in other words, infections are significantly declining)? I'm all in. Honestly, that matters to me more than what's open insofar as me wanting to visit again.

    CommunicoraMay 10, 2020

    I'm sure Disney knows people are not thrilled about masks, but they also know that they would make the park experience safer for cast and guests. People may not like them, but they are working in other countries. Sure would be nice if we could catch up to some of these other places in terms of reducing infections and deaths. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/05/masks-covid-19-infections-would-plummet-new-study-says

    Just4PicsMay 09, 2020

    I completely agree with half of that. I won't go if mandated to wear a mask. It would be very hot and sweaty and completely ruin the fun. Regarding the "medical security theater", I'm fine with that. If they have an instant test by then and want to test everyone or just check to see if they have a fever, that's fine with me. That's annoying only once whereas the mask would be annoying all day.

    SirwalterraleighMay 09, 2020

    I think Disney knows masks aren’t a legitimate option...and are trying to steer the narrative in a different direction

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