International Air Transport Association developing digital health pass to reopen international air travel without quarantine

Nov 25, 2020 in "The Walt Disney Company"

Posted: Wednesday November 25, 2020 8:19am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has announced that it is in the final development phase of the IATA Travel Pass, a digital health pass that it says will support the safe reopening of borders without the need for quarantine.

Disney has been hit hard by the restrictions on air travel, with heavy spending international guests locked out of Walt Disney World since March 2020. Combined with upcoming COVID-19 vaccinations, the IATA Travel Pass could reopen borders and see a return of international tourism to Florida.

The IATA initiative comes at a time when the White House is reportedly considering lifting the travel restrictions from the European Union and the United Kingdom.

“Today borders are double locked. Testing is the first key to enable international travel without quarantine measures. The second key is the global information infrastructure needed to securely manage, share and verify test data matched with traveler identities in compliance with border control requirements. That’s the job of IATA Travel Pass. We are bringing this to market in the coming months to also meet the needs of the various travel bubbles and public health corridors that are starting operation,” said Alexandre de Juniac, IATA’s Director General and CEO.

IATA Travel Pass will manage and verify the secure flow of necessary testing or vaccine information among governments, airlines, laboratories and travelers. A contactless Travel App will enable passengers to create a ‘digital passport’, receive test and vaccination certificates and verify that they are sufficient for their itinerary, and share testing or vaccination certificates with airlines and authorities to facilitate travel. 

The first cross-border IATA Travel Pass pilot is scheduled for later this year and the launch slated for quarter one 2021.

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    SirwalterraleighNov 25, 2020

    Stateside it’s all on the vaccines and how well the NEW Administration can get them out. We are looking at no earlier than April for real travel to resume from most of the US to Orlando. It’s just simple logistics. All schools/business are starting to shutdown again and the worst is yet to come. We screwed up...period. Not surprising at all but disappointing. As far as the Europe goes...I think summer is probably your best case scenario...too many variables. Your governments have been generally speaking more competent - but too many moving parts in an over complicated “engine” I had a cruise out of Southampton booked for next August as part of a larger trip...well that is now gonna be cancelled as it exceeds the maximum number of nights just imposed. Plus...if no testing/vax/clearance system is in place....I wouldn’t let a filthy American like me into heathrow...

    marni1971Nov 25, 2020

    Truth is I don’t see the European market (at least) returning before next summer. Looser border restrictions, vaccinations and the IATA vaccine passport seem to be the agreed way forward over here to reopening travel.

    SirwalterraleighNov 25, 2020

    In reality, the quarantines are what’s limiting domestic I imagine the same will be for Europe. can come (with your go pro as you climb the Mexican pyramid in Epcot 👍🏻 )...but most wont. Disney is about numbers...and your home restrictions will still limit that. Same thing here...and even Disney knows it. This played in the prime commercial slots this last week: Now it’s a pretty good angle...I like it. But when they concentrate on PLANNING trips...not actually being there? That’s tells you the thought process. Recession playbook.

    marni1971Nov 25, 2020

    Mainly Washington. Up to two weeks ago I could’ve come over if I’d be happy to isolate on my return (like we did after Paris) Although to be honest your numbers (particularly today’s news) don’t inspire confidence in visiting at the moment: What a mess that link turned out to be!

    dreamscometrueNov 25, 2020

    Wonderful. I live in Atlantic Canada on the east coast, and although I could fly to Orlando now (Canada US border closed for driving), upon return to my province, I'd have to self isolate for 14 days. That's obviously impractical, but I am optimistic that things will be much better in a year. We cancelled our Jan. 2021 vacation and plan to rebook for Dec. 2021, so fingers crossed.

    SirwalterraleighNov 25, 2020

    The situation on the ground is no one really cares what’s being “said” at this point. But to this one thing: who’s really stopping the international travel to the US? Washington or host country restrictions?

    wdwmagicNov 25, 2020

    White House considering lifting European travel restrictions, CNN source says

    marni1971Nov 25, 2020

    Marvellous. Something that was predicted, will be no doubt needed, and seems to be well advanced already.