New FAA Filing Suggests Construction on Reflections Resort Project at Disney World May Be Imminent

9 hours ago in "Reflections - A Lakeside Disney Lodge"

Nature-Inspired Resort concept art
Posted: Thursday September 26, 2024 9:25am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

A recent filing with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) appears to confirm that the Reflections—A Disney Lakeside Lodge project, once thought to be canceled, may soon resume construction at Walt Disney World.

The FAA case details the use of large mobile cranes for the construction of a 10-story hotel, with the cranes reaching a maximum height of 240 feet above ground level (AGL) when fully extended. During non-working hours, the crane height will be reduced to 150 feet AGL. This description closely aligns with previous plans for the Reflections resort, adding further weight to the speculation that the project is back on track.

The proposed cranes are significant because they will be used for the construction of what is expected to be a towering structure—indicative of the scale of a large resort hotel. The height and location specified in the filing suggest that Disney may indeed be moving forward with the delayed Reflections resort.

The FAA filing indicates that the crane would be onsite from October 14, 2024, through August 14, 2025.

Background on Reflections—A Disney Lakeside Lodge

Originally unveiled by Disney in 2018, Reflections—A Disney Lakeside Lodge was planned as a deluxe nature-themed resort situated on the shores of Bay Lake, between Disney’s Wilderness Lodge and Disney’s Fort Wilderness Resort. The resort was to include over 900 hotel rooms and Disney Vacation Club (DVC) villas spread across a variety of unique accommodation types.

However, in 2020, amid the financial strain brought on by the pandemic, Disney quietly shelved the project, and much of the pre-construction work was undone. Since then, the land had been returned to its original state, leading many to believe the project was abandoned indefinitely.

Recent Developments Indicate a Resurgence

This new FAA filing is not the only sign of life for the Reflections project. A recent filing by the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District (CFTOD) hinted at potential construction on a new resort, further fueling speculation. The CFTOD filing discussed plans for a Master Services Agreement with Chen Moore and Associates, a firm tasked with installing new electrical transformers to service what is referred to as “Project S”—a project widely believed to be Reflections.

Disney has yet to make any formal announcements regarding the revival of Reflections—A Disney Lakeside Lodge. However, with both the FAA and CFTOD filings pointing to imminent construction, it’s becoming increasingly likely that Disney plans to revive the resort in some form.

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castlecake2.030 minutes ago

What one is going to look worse

peter114351 hour ago

The poly tower and reflections were not structurally, architecturally, or thematically the same. The poly tower was actively being designed before Reflections was put on hold. Had Covid not happened both would already be open.

jme3 hours ago

I wonder if anyone who worked on the 2011 proposal for a DVC resort on this site is still around working on this one

Minthorne3 hours ago

That’s 14 stories. 😉

Disstevefan14 hours ago

THAT would be creative, therefore we wont be getting that. To see what we will be getting, just go anywhere in the US and find a Marriott.

JoeCamel4 hours ago


Disstevefan14 hours ago

Bocabear4 hours ago

so now that they built the Polyday Inn on the same basic design model as the original Reflections concept, will we have two of the same towers with the exception of some vaguely country themed details on the outside the way they did Polyday? or will this be a new design? the All Star resorts....same building, added theme elements depending on location?

Indy_UK4 hours ago

I’m happy with my Animal Kingdom Lodge resale contracts

Disstevefan14 hours ago

Oh, good point, but whatever generic tower they put up will be DVC I imagine. THAT is where the MONEY is.

Indy_UK5 hours ago

Oh they are just going back to that then? I thought this was an updated/ changed version of it

Disstevefan15 hours ago

Reflections – A Disney Lakeside Lodge was a planned Disney Vacation Club resort at the Walt Disney World Resort

Indy_UK5 hours ago

Has it been said that it’s going to be DVC only or is that an assumption? They already have enough reports on sale at once although it seems they are happy to wait out the long game for them to sell out as apposed to what they used to? Maybe it’s because they know if 18 years there’s a bunch of resorts coming to the end of contract?

Disstevefan15 hours ago

We already know this is going to be a very generic tower with very little theme.