Mickey's Pantry to close to make-way for expansion of Spice and Tea Exchange

Nov 11, 2019 in "Mickey's Pantry"

Posted: Monday November 11, 2019 9:21am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Mickey's Pantry in the Marketplace at Disney Springs will close at the end of November 15 2019 to make-way for an expansion of the Spice & Tea Exchange.

Spice & Tea Exchange opened as a shop-within-a-shop at Mickey's Pantry back in 2010, and offers over 40 freshly made blends of tea, and a variety of spices, salts, rice and sugars.

The newly expanded Spice & Tea Exchange will open on November 19 2019.

The Disney products previously sold in Mickey's Pantry will continue to be available at World of Disney and the Marketplace Co-Op.

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    JenniferSNov 12, 2019

    I have two of these: One for fruit (and Hallowe’en candy apparently) and one for mail. Two of these: They are both a few years old, are used constantly, and have never rusted. Two of these: Also used constantly. And one set of these: Used only on the rare occasion that I am actually baking or cooking something that requires precisely measured amounts. I have more than a dozen PUSH salt and pepper shakers, but only use one. The rest are displayed. I also have 3 sets of the Mickey cutlery - one set in use, and two still in the box. This is the only product I find to be of mediocre quality. Everything else is very good quality and used daily. The nice thing was, you could see merchandise here and there throughout the park but hold off purchasing (and lugging it through the parks) because most of it could be purchased at one central location at Mickey’s Pantry. I never had to wonder, “now where was that blah blah blah again?”

    Dizknee_PhreekNov 12, 2019

    My mom bought the entire set of spoons, knives and forks years ago (like probably 15 years ago). We used them regularly while I was growing up and she still uses them. They're still in excellent shape. I'm sure like with other Disney parks merch, though, the quality has likely slipped over the years.

    ThatMouseNov 12, 2019

    I think most people buy it and don't consider how impractical some of the stuff is. I have a few items, but I actually can't think of anything Disney we use that often. The stainless Mickey hot pad really isn't used and I may try to hang it for decoration. Someone told us there's rusted and I'd like to know how they managed that. I keep passing on buying the flatware set, it's too thin (bendy). I have 4.. ok 5 Disney coffee mugs, the Starbucks ones. That's all. I threw out all my other mugs. No more. Disney now has the resort mugs, but they are technically DVC mugs, so thankfully I'm less tempted to buy them. I don't need 50 mugs.

    SeaCastleNov 11, 2019

    Has anyone else had less than ideal experiences with Disney kitchenware? I've received some stuff as gifts over the years and have found that they do not hold up particularly well.

    raymusiccityNov 11, 2019

    Sad to see it go, but Disney is looking forward to a nice bump in that pricey leased location!

    Dizknee_PhreekNov 11, 2019

    This makes me sad. I love Mickey's Pantry and it was always one of the few stores I had to stop in every visit to the Springs. Yes, I could find those items elsewhere, but I liked the atmosphere of the store and being able to find all of those items in one place. The Spice and Tea Exchange is nice, but it is not unique to Disney.

    SamPR810Nov 11, 2019

    This sounds awesome, a nice surprise!

    Clamman73Nov 11, 2019

    Getting some spice and tea packets for gifts is my go-to.

    ThatMouseNov 11, 2019

    I don't think there was anything unique in Pantry that you couldn't get at the other stores or online. We're constantly looking to Disney up our kitchen but I always see the same things year after year.